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Free Will In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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“Free will is … a necessary illusion”(Agard, The Humanities for Our Times) which we need to keep a degree of order in our lives. Both free will and fate are large themes in Sophocles’s play Oedipus Rex, a story about a king who learns the dreadful crimes of his past. Free will is a necessary illusion because we as humans need to believe in free will, we need to believe we have control over our own lives. If we lose the illusion then we lose our sense of control, and chaos could ensue. Life is a jumbled mess of great events, in which we are rarely involved. We try desperately for our lives to not be involved in this mess, for us to have a part of the world where tranquility exist for a person.
The need for control also stems from pre-historic

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