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Freedom Rides Research Papers

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The freedom rides were started by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in 1961. The freedom rides were a major thrust to get movement of civil rights into the deep south. As stated by Derek Catsam in the video, “The idea of the freedom rides is a really radical idea, the idea of going into Mississippi and going into Alabama and channeling segregation so frontally and so aggressively in may ways is something that alarmed not those who apposed civil right but those within the civil rights community”. People in the deep south spoke with such hatred and belief that this way of life was not wrong. While watching the video I was so disgusted and I would cringe whenever the “N” word was said. Growing up in school we never heard of the actual lengths …show more content…
Genevieve Houghton, a freedom rider said, “It was make believe and it did not scare me perhaps because it was make believe and I wasn’t sure I’d really have to use all these techniques, with our nonviolence behavior and our goodwill, I thought we could do anything.” On May 4, 1961 in Washington D.C., the Freedom Rider set off on two buses, one Greyhound and the other Trailways but mind you with no protection though they felt good and happy. They state that the first three days were a piece of cake. I was surprised to learn about a woman, by the name of Irene Morgan, who may state that there would not have been a freedom ride if not for her, she refused to give up her sit on a bus in Virginia in July of 1944, Irene’s case even went all the way to the Supreme Court. The whole refuseding to give up her seat is something we all know Rosa Parks did in the Sixties but what saddens me is that Irene’s tale is not commonly know. Though Irene’s case won, the bus company's hide behind the fact that they could not force the new laws in states where the government refused to

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