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Collision: The Role Of Racism In The United States

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In today’s times the African American movement’s success has been limited due to one thing, racism. Racism is the belief that one’s own race is superior to those of other races. Many people in modern times are racist and still discriminate against African Americans. Ironically, even police officers are racist. A police officer is someone that is usually viewed as a person who protects people in their community and abides by the law, but when it comes to African Americans that is not always the case. On the news nowadays people see and hear about a white police officer shooting and sometimes even killing a black man even though they were not at fault. Statistics show that, “young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to …show more content…
With what started in 1789 our first president George Washington set a precedent which lasted until 2008 which was that our nation’s leader had to be white. African Americans throughout the nation were overjoyed that finally one of their own was earned the highest national office prestige. In the book Collision 2012, author Dan Balz states that Obama’s victory, “made a powerful statement about how far the country has come on the issue of race” (55). Our nation has come a long way when it comes to whites and blacks. Dating all the way back to the establishment of the practice of slavery, whites would have never thought that the leader of their nation would be an African American. When we was elected president during his inaugural speech, Obama says, “change has come to America” (Balz 63). At first when he began to campaign most blacks thought that he had no shot in winning but when we won over the state of Iowa people began changing their minds and started to believe in him because Iowa was an all white state. As more and more people started to know who Barack Obama was he became the clear choice of who the next president should be. In another one of his speeches Obama claims that, “there is not a black America, and a white America, and a Latino America, an Asian American, there’s the United States of America” (Balz 71). He is trying to tell the nation that we do not all have to be the same and we don’t have to all look the same. We can all have different backgrounds and still succeed, race doesn’t matter on anything. The African American movement has had many great achievements throughout the years but also some tragic setbacks as well, but all these successes and challenges is what makes African Americans who they are

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