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Proto Renaissance Art

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From the depictions of horses and other animals inside the Chauvet Caves, which date back more than 28,000 years ago, to the millions of artists of all mediums, art is an essential part of being human. It was created before written language in 3,400 BCE, and before agriculture in about 8,000 BCE, showing just how natural the desire to create art is for humanity (“Human History Timeline - Combined Timeline”). While it has evolved many times throughout history, the style, purpose, and subjects change though its existence remains the same. These differences allow an insight into a time period and a place in history. One can examine it on a small scale, analyzing what the piece meant to an artist or what the purpose was in creating it. Likewise, …show more content…
It was preceded by the Middle Ages, which occurred between approximately 400 and 1200 and followed by the Italian Renaissance from about 1400 to 1700 (Encyclopedia of Art History). Art from the Proto-Renaissance begins to shift towards a more realistic interpretation, with more depth in the figures as well as realistic proportions. This doesn’t mean that these periods had nothing in common. All three of these periods had a heavy focus on religious, namely Christian, subjects. When it comes to the Proto-Renaissance there are a few historical reasons for this. First, was the fact that Churches received much money through donations. This allowed them to commission artists, like Giotto, to create religious art. Second, the Black Death occurred during 1346-1356 and killed around 1/3rd of the population in Europe (“Black Death.”). Due to the lack of medical progress and security, many people turned to religion to help ease their fears. These two factors led towards the commonality of religion in artwork and helped allow artists to thrive. The shift towards humanism is what inspired the artists like Giotto to pursue a more realistic style. Humanism is the emphasis on the beauty of humanity and led to a desire to emulate the realistic art of Greeks and Romans. This proved to be an easy task for Italian artists who could see the remnants of the society in their own backyard. …show more content…
He uses lifelike poses and manipulates colors to create implode depth in his subjects. His earlier works seem to draw some inspiration from Cimabue, especially with his frescos alongside his master’s at the Church in Assisi. That is not to say that Giotto did not still have a distinct style and techniques. He preferred to create more natural looking human figures, with proper anatomy, moving away from the stylistic approach of the Middle Ages. This was a very unique choice during this period, and Giotto was known to put a large focus on how authentic and real the art looked. He was very mindful and observant of the human form. Which allowed him to create this dynamic and natural poses that helped emphasize the lifelike qualities in his art. His color palette also stood out, choosing to move away from the flat colors commonly used in the Middle Ages in order to add more shades and tones to create depths and shadows and light. This also extended to the background where he moved away from the unrealistic heavenly gold that were favored in the Middle Ages to a blue when coloring the sky. These are the traits that would become associated with his artwork and would inspire the artists of the

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