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Function for Input Control


Submitted By mariejo7
Words 395
Pages 2
Heuristics Nerissa Jones Professor Mattos
Lithonia Campus CIS 111 Intro to Relation Dbase Mgt System
Feb 28, 2013
Strayer University

We are finally approaching the end of this proposal but before I conclude this research data I

would like to tell you about heuristics and how it is used to access your database information.

This report explains the implementation of an algorithm to optimize a QT with heuristic optimization rules. These rules were taken from [1] chapter 16 and [2] chapter 11. Heuristic optimization rules are based on properties of operations as mathematical operations in the relational algebra. Summaries of these properties can be found both in [1] and [2] also. These properties give the following heuristic rules for query optimization: 1. Perform SELECT operations as far down the tree as possible. This has the effect of reducing the number of tuples in later binary operations which are highly expensive. 2. Perform PROJECT operations as far down the tree as possible. This has the effect of reducing the number of attributes in each tuple and reduces the memory requirements, attempting to cut down on secondary storage usage. 3. Combine successive SELECT operations into one composite SELECT operation and successive PROJECT operations into one composite PROJECT operation. 4. Combine a PRODUCT followed by a SELECT into a JOIN with the selection condition in the SELECT. Also, combine a JOIN followed by a SELECT into a new JOIN which incorporates the selection condition. The remainder of this report describes an implementation of an algorithm which, given a suitable representation of a QT, optimizes according to the above heuristic rules. 2 Implementation The implementation of the heuristic optimization is done here in multiple passes. This modularity between the steps of the algorithm makes it easy to replace one or more of the existing routines with a user-supplied routine, such as might be done in an academic setting. The command line interface to the program is as follows: % Query !input file? !output file base? !input file? is the name of the input file containing the QT ...

Retrieved from Ricardo Catherine, Database Illuminated, and second Edition copyright @ 2012 by Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC. http:/www./ http:/www./ http:/www./

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