...COMMUNICATION IN MANAGEMENT Need And Importance Of Communication In Management Communication is as essential to business as blood is to the human body. It assumes added importance with growth of complexities of business operations and competition from outside world. ‘Without effective communication, organization cannot perform Well, management cannot discharge its functions smoothly and the whole business is reduced to a standstill. For business, communication matters a lot as is evident from the following points :- 1. Efficient working of the business Communication is essential for successful and smooth running of an enterprise. It is through communication that healthy and conducive environment is created, organizational goals and policies are conveyed to the employees. 2 Communication failures : Costly The communication failures often prove costly for an organization, They directly result into stoppage of production and loss of time and indirectly create ill-will and low morale among the employees and affect productivity and production. 3 Basis of managerial functions Communication is helpful to the management in discharging various functions, which are as follows :- (a) Anticipation :The most important function of the management is to anticipate the future of their products and prospects in the light of social, economic and political environment of various countries and regions. b) Innovations : In the era of rapid advancements in technology...
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...Functions of Nuance Communications, Inc. Janice A. Morris Bus 3040 Fundamental of Human Resource Management 3349 Rivercrest Drive Melbourne, FL 32935 321 241-4062 Aleathearose@hotmail.com Dr. Chris Rose Training Methods Training in an organization is essential to the achievements of a business. “Before beginning a training program it is important to know what training the organization needs.” (Carnegie), one way to develop the correct training with a training-needs analysis this helps to determine what areas needs to be addressed and identifies the employees who needs training. According to SHRM, “A needs analysis involves collecting information to determine if training need exists and, if so, what kind of training is required to meet this need.” The analysis also should address why the need exists. “If the problem identified is not attributable to worker performance, training may not be the best solution; for instance, a company might discover that its employee have received appropriate training to perform their jobs but are not motivated to do so.” “In that situation, it would be more appropriate for the company to reconsider its system of compensation and awards.”(SHARM). There are many methods of training available, but an organization must be careful that they place the correct candidate with the correct training method. Some of these methods are Classroom instruction, Audiovisual, Computer-Based-Training, On-The-Job, “Computer based training is an example...
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...Functions of Nuance Communications, Inc. Janice A. Morris Bus 3040 Fundamental of Human Resource Management 3349 Rivercrest Drive Melbourne, FL 32935 321 241-4062 Aleathearose@hotmail.com Dr. Chris Rose Training Methods Training in an organization is essential to the achievements of a business. “Before beginning a training program it is important to know what training the organization needs.” (Carnegie), one way to develop the correct training with a training-needs analysis this helps to determine what areas needs to be addressed and identifies the employees who needs training. According to SHRM, “A needs analysis involves collecting information to determine if training need exists and, if so, what kind of training is required to meet this need.” The analysis also should address why the need exists. “If the problem identified is not attributable to worker performance, training may not be the best solution; for instance, a company might discover that its employee have received appropriate training to perform their jobs but are not motivated to do so.” “In that situation, it would be more appropriate for the company to reconsider its system of compensation and awards.”(SHARM). There are many methods of training available, but an organization must be careful that they place the correct candidate with the correct training method. Some of these methods are Classroom instruction, Audiovisual, Computer-Based-Training, On-The-Job, “Computer based training is an example...
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...Mass communication is when an organization spreads a message, with the help of machines, to a large audience that includes people from different genders, ethnicities, religions, etc. Understanding how mass communication works is all about analyzing how the audience uses and interacts with the media; the example used in the book (Answers from college students to the question “Why do you use Facebook?”) shows that individuals from the group “students” use Facebook, for different purposes. Mass communication has always been the base of any society, as stated in the book, even a tribal society has sentinels for defense, councils to make decisions and entertainers, and all of them have a role in mass communication, since a society is hard to handle by just a couple of individuals. That is how it becomes mass communication, which is opposed to communication between individuals, called interpersonal communication. One of the functions of mass communication is surveillance, also known as news or information. The numbers cited on the book clearly show the impact of surveillance on the American society, for instance, about 60 millions Americans are exposed to mass media during any day of the week. There are however different types of surveillance: Beware surveillance, that tends to interrupt programs (Breaking news) since it gives information about an emergency state, and the range of emergencies is wide, it can go from terrorism to natural catastrophes. As opposed to the previous...
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...Unit 4, Question 1: How does the primary function of upward-flowing communication differ from that of downward-flowing communication? Every aspect of the modern business world is based on communication for success. Technology, along with changes of the world’s societies, have created new layers and augmented old layers within the formal communication networks of business. Formal communication networks are a flow of information and ideas through the command hierarchy of a business. On the other hand, informal communication networks also exist and ironically have become major sources of business communication. This happened with the advent of social media, increased reliance on technology and the inherent limitations of the formal communication networks. Within these communication networks are the actual flow of the ideas and information. Successful business is based on healthy communication and a large part of that is the flow of info and ideas between the top of the food chain down, then back up. This flow has many directions, with the main flows being upward-flowing and downward-flowing. Upward-flowing communication flows from employees to executives, providing insight into problems, trends, opportunities, grievances, and performance- thus allowing executives to solve problems and make intelligent decisions (pg.8). The upward flow can exist within formal or informal communication networks. In the current business world, a savvy group of executives should be aware...
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...Nijema Brown University of Phoenix Organizational and Societal Relations Public relations deal’s with both organizational and societal relations functions, which has two elements each, media and employee relations (organizational function) and community relations and social responsibility (societal relations) which, describes the make-up of the functions. This paper is an analysis or how the two functions organizational and societal relations can pose as issues in an organization and ways to address the issue to the public. Functions of Public Relations Public relations have two functions, which are organizational and societal. The organizational function deals with what a company is supposed to do as an organization, while societal function is all about what the public expects from an organization and how an organization communicates and build relationships with the public. Two main elements of organizational function are media and employee relations. Two main elements or the societal function are community relations and social responsibility. Organizational Functions Media Relations Media relations are significantly important to public relations because it is the main way organizations communicate with the public. “The public finds most of its information about a company through the media” (Functions of Public Relations). Different media outlets such as the newspaper, newswires, magazines, journalist, television, radio, and the Internet all have the...
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...future mobile communication devices during one-year project. And the project is to explore the enabling HW technologies for future mobile communication device concepts, with the focuses on the flexibility, biominicry, and modularization. This is to be done with soft-mechanics inspired by nature’s designs and electro-mechanics integration as the key technologies. Soft-mechanics could be instrumental for providing soft interaction between machines and humans, while electro-mechanics integration enables a novel approach to create highly functional, tiny terminals. 2 The research drivers Future mobile communication devices will have more functions packed in small size and they are going to be used for communication, information searching and browsing as a natural extension of human capabilities in everyday life. One of the key drivers for future mobile devices is to enable drastic change of the physical appearance of mobile terminals to soft and comfortable human centered devices with totally new product category possibilities. The modularization of main components and flexible connectivity will enable the adaptability to different user group needs and allow the freedom to use and transport the device in most convenient way. 2.1 Background Some researcher said that as mobile phones become more like handheld computers and consumers spend as much as 8 to 10 hours a day talking, text and using the Web on these devices. Future mobile communication devices will...
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...Complete Course https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hcs-325-health-care-management-complete-course/ HCS 325 Week 1 HCS 325 Week 1 Individual Roles and Functions Paper HCS 324 Week 2 HCS 325 Week 2 Individual Effective Communication Paper HCS 325 Week 2 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Audience and Action Plan Part I HCS 325 Week 3 HCS 325 Week 3 Individual Importance of Teams HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Formal Bibliography HCS 325 Week 4 HCS 325 Week 4 Individual Motivational Methods Paper HCS 325 Week 4 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Action Plan, Part II HCS 325 Week 5 HCS 325 Week 5 Team Organizational Structure Presentation HCS 325 (Health Care Management) Complete Course https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hcs-325-health-care-management-complete-course/ HCS 325 Week 1 HCS 325 Week 1 Individual Roles and Functions Paper HCS 324 Week 2 HCS 325 Week 2 Individual Effective Communication Paper HCS 325 Week 2 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Audience and Action Plan Part I HCS 325 Week 3 HCS 325 Week 3 Individual Importance of Teams HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods HCS 325 Week 3 Team Organizational Structure Presentation Formal Bibliography HCS 325 Week 4 HCS 325 Week 4 Individual Motivational...
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...Topic # 3: Random Variables & Processes & Noise T1. B.P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 1998: OR 4th Edition 2010 Chapter 8, 9 & 12 T2. Simon Haykin & Michael Moher: Communication Systems; John Wiely, 4th Edition OR 5th Edition, 2010, 5/e. : Chapter 5 R1.DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Fundamentals and Applications: ERNARD SKLAR and Pabitra Kumar Ray; Pearson Education 2009, 2/e. : ( Section 5.5) August 11- 18, 2014 1 What is Noise ? Desired Signal : The one that is needed. Effect of Noise : Since the noise adds to the signal, it lives with it. Neither amplification nor the filtering can alleviate the effect of noise on the desired signal. Undesired Signal : The one that gets added to the desired signal when the desired signal is passing through the medium, amplifiers, mixers, filters and other parts of the communication channel between the source and the destination. Noise : The undesired signal that adds to the desired signal and reaches the destination. The only way to keep away from the effects of noise is to see that less amount of noise, relative to the desired signal, is present at the destination Interference: Intentional or unintentional un desired signals that interfere with communication process. 2 ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATION INSTRUMENTATION Noise Sources Externally Generated Internally Generated Thermal noise : Random Motion of electrons due to temperature in...
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...Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This article introduces the theories of family functions, including two kind of theory. The first is result oriented, defining family functioning by specific features of family. The second is process oriented, describing family function from the tasks families need to complete. The authors review Olson annular mode theory and Beavers system theory as representatives of result oriented family function. Then, the authors introduce McMaster family functioning mode theory and Skinner’s Family process model theory as representatives of process oriented family function. At the end of this paper, the authors analyze some possible research directions in the future. Keywords Family Functioning, Result Oriented Family Function, Process Oriented Family Function, Measure 1. Introduction and Overview Family is not only the basic unit of society, but also an important place for individual physical and mental growth. A family is made up of every member in the family. At the same time, it affects the growth of every member, and plays an important role in the normal operation process of social system. Therefore, family function is restricted by the characteristics of the family itself, and depends on the social demand. The concept of family functioning, which embodies the characteristics of the family as a system, has...
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...HET452/HET718 Wireless Communications Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communications Lecture eight Outline of Lecture • The purpose of this lecture is to describe the main multiple access techniques for wireless – Frequency Division Multiple Access – Time Division Multiple Access – Code Division Multiple Access • (Packet Radio Multiple Access) Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies 10-2 Multiple Access Techniques • Multiple access schemes allow many mobile users to share simultaneously a finite amount of radio spectrum • Frequency Division: – Allocate part of the spectrum to each user • Time Division – Allocate a time slot within the spectrum to each user • Code Division (Spread Spectrum) – Allocate the whole spectrum to each user, but apply a spreading code so that other users’ communication will appear as (low level) noise Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies 10-3 Multiple Access Schemes Frequency Division: FDMA code time frequency Time Division: TDMA code time frequency Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies 10-4 Code Division: CDMA code/power time frequency Duplexing • Enable a user to talk and listen at the same time – Full Duplex communication • Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) – Two distinct bands for each user • Forward band provides traffic from the base station to the user • Reverse band provides traffic from the user to the base station • Time Division...
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...A TERM PAPER ON POLITICAL MARKETING INTRODUCTION Political marketing is a marketing designed to influence consumers about political issues, particular candidates for public office, or public issues. Although political marketing uses many of the same techniques that other forms of marketing do, it is actually used to promote a concept or an idea, rather than a specific product or service, and to motivate people to vote for that idea. The word “Political Marketing” emerge from the key words ‘politics’ and ‘marketing’. Politics simply means an activity which is concerned with governing a society or country. It has to do with the government or public affairs of a community or a state (that is a particular boundary). While, Marketing is a process of planning and executing the conceptions, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services, to create exchange that satisfy the individual and organizational objective. Marketing is often described as “selling of product”, but the fact is that marketing entails more than this. Kotler (2001) offers a definition that presents a comprehensive meaning of marketing as “a process by which individuals and groups, obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others”. The American Marketing Association (1995) also described Marketing as “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to...
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...e A set of communication media with thei:- corresponding communications, such as a filled-in fonn, a phone call, a copy of an order, or a file system query for organizing and processing information. e A gigantic database with users accessing and manipulating data. An automated office information system (0 IS) attempts to perform the functions of the ordinary office by means of a computer system. Automation in the office particl~larly aids the office worker in document preparation, information management and decision making. Such systems may be as modest as a group of independent word processors, or as complex as a distributed set of large, communicating computers. Within in this spectrum is a central computer with several interactive terminals, or a set of small interconnected computers. In either system the office worker would use a work station to perform his work, and that work station would be capable of electronically communicating with other work stations. In this paper we distinguish office information systems from data processing systems both by the autonomy of the system's parts, and by function. A data processing system is used to im A set of activities resulting from requests for service, each with a specific precedence. Each activity requires a supporting file system. e/\ set of people "executing their procedures" ("carrying out tasks"), communicating with and referencing a supporting file system. e A set of communication media with...
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...One of the small group communication theory is the functional theory. In my word, the functional theory, means the consequence of a behavior within a group and different behavior can result in different outcomes. In this semester, I have the small group work on the class Com 320. In the beginning, I set up the Group Me and add all of group members to the contact list. This social communication application used to be the major way of our group communication. My group member – Stephen put the working time in Group Me in order to avoid forgetting the meeting time. Zachary sets up a timetable, it can show our free time after class in the week, therefore we can know that when the best meeting time is. The clearly communication is one of the best...
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...Question 1: Q.1.1 - Interpersonal communication can be defined as a process by which two persons or people exchange messages to create shared understanding/meaning, through both sending and receiving verbal and non-verbal messages. The exchanging of messages makes communication a transactional process as both sender and receive take part in the exchanging episode. One is not usually aware but communication is functional as we all communicate with a reason behind us, and at the end of the communication episode a function is always fulfilled. Our environment, moods and changes in our daily lives, influence our communication behaviour, therefore communication is always reshaping and dynamic. The very motive and backbone of communication is to create shared meaning, which both parties are liable for. Q.1.2 - Communication cannot be a static process. Humans are dynamic, therefore communication is dynamic, meaning it is always in a state of flux. Change is part of our daily lives and every change within ourselves and environment influence our communication behaviour, i.e. different moods influence communication behaviour. Communication is never the same, it changes from...
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