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Future Trends


Submitted By mattinglym
Words 1549
Pages 7
Technology is an amazing thing and at this time the growth of the industry is unprecedented thanks to the innovation of forward thinkers. Through the use of the cloud, smart phones, and telemedicine the public is going to be able to have a real time active part in their health. With the innovations now and on the horizon patients will be able to benefit in ways that they have never before. Through the course of this paper the benefits from the technological advances will be discussed in reference to the cloud, smart phones and telemedicine.
Welcome the cloud A slowly emerging trend in health care today is the use of "the cloud". According to Goodwill Community Foundation International (n.d.) the most basic definition for "the cloud", which is when "your computer communicates with a network of servers. Some of the servers are specialized for storage, while others use their computing power to run applications". Technology companies are using the cloud to provide large banks of secure data storage, develop applications for health care, and provide secure transmission of data. This growth has caught the attention of health care providers and now those providers are starting to be the biggest customers. Health care providers are starting to look at the cloud as a source for secure e-mail communications, data storage, and telemedicine. The advantages of the cloud are numerous, but there are a couple of main reasons the cloud is going to be a staple in health care facilities in the United States. The first big advantage to using the cloud is in direct correlation to the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA states that the business associate will be responsible for securing the data that is stored, if the data is compromised than the business associate is responsible for the fees and penalties (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). Miliard (2013) quotes Dr. John Houghton as saying "We see this as a positive development as it helps improve stakeholder trust in the cloud as a mechanism for clean, portable data." The cloud provides the health care facility with the reassurance that their patient data will be secured. Miliard (2013) goes on to say that business associates are now being held to higher standard and it is time for them to take responsibility for that higher standard. Miliard quotes Dr. Houghton again as saying "the ability to share data while keeping protected health information (PHI) private is not a 'nice-to-have' – it is a business imperative". Another huge advantage to the cloud is the amount of storage space that can be provided. Health care data banks are overflowing due to the amount of storage needed for MRI, CT and PET scans alone. Throw in e-mail usage, EHR and telemedicine and that equals a very large amount of needed data storage. A Wyoming hospital has recently dropped an in-house e-mail server for Google and the facility is enjoying 25GB of storage per user instead of their previous 200MB (Manos, 2012). Manos (2012) goes on to say that it would take hundreds of thousands of servers at the facility to provide that much data storage per user. Data will no longer be kept on site, where it is expensive to house and maintain. The management team is pleased that Google has taken the responsibility off of their shoulders for the PHI and it is stored safely and securely in Google's cloud (Manos, 2012). With the quick emergence of the cloud and the ACA rules regarding safeguarding PHI the cloud is set to be a huge success within the next five years. This is not only a vehicle for data storage at health care facilities, this will be a great opportunity for EHR sharing among different facilities. Also, the individual patient will be able to access their PHI through the cloud and have the security that HIPAA is designed to provide. With the cloud health care providers can share patients medical history with any facility in the world in the matter of moments. Continuity of care will help with positive patient outcomes and satisfied customers.
The Smart Phone In 2011, Manos (2011) quoted Paul Jacobs as saying that there are currently 5.6 million smart phone users and four million more are expected to purchase a smart phone by 2014. This is where perhaps the future of health care is taking the United States, to the smart phone user. Manos (2011) goes on to say "Jacobs predicted mobile devices will play a significant role in managing chronic diseases, helping people to remain well longer. By 2020, he said, 160 million Americans will be treated remotely. Clinical data supports the effectiveness of wireless health solutions, some of which may be located inside the human body in the not so distant future". With the smart phone patients are able to send and receive instant data through the Internet. Miliard (2013) states that as simple as sending an e-mail to a patient can help lower costs and improve patient satisfaction. Miliard (2013) goes on stating that patient satisfaction is affected by a simple e-mail because it provides them with the feeling that their physician cares about their well being. Not only is the patients satisfaction increased through email, but a patient can transmit their vitals signs through the smart phone. Companies are developing applications that can monitor vital signs and send the results to the patients physician. Given the evidence from Miliards (2013) report, the smart phone is going to be a vital tool within the next five years. Patients with chronic conditions are going to benefit greatly as their precious vital signs are automatically taken and transmitted via the Internet to their physician. The days of 24/7 health care without leaving the comfort of the patients home is within reach.
Telemedicine is defined by the American Telemedicine Association (2012, ATA) as "the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status. Telemedicine includes a growing variety of applications and services using two-way video, email, smart phones, wireless tools and other forms of telecommunications technology". Telemedicine will be very beneficial to areas where health care choices are not abundant. While it is expensive at this time, Wicklund (2013) states in his article that Cisco is developing the technology to make telemedicine cost effective and reach areas where it is desperately needed. In a test study performed by the ATA, a medical facility used text messaging and emails in an area of Massachusetts that has a high at risk pregnancy population. The facility sent friendly reminders and helpful health updates and select intervals of the pregnancy. As a result of the program 9% more females sought prenatal care than before the study (American Telemedicine Association, 2013). In five short years telemedicine will help patients be seen from areas where medical services are not available and Wicklund's (2013) predicts that telemedicine will be used to diagnose and provide treatment for patients without leaving their home. As the case study showed at risk populations can benefit from the different forms of telemedicine. The tools for telemedicine are not always readily available, but as this paper discussed earlier that the advancement of the smart phone will only help boost telemedicine.

Conclusion In just a very short amount of time technology has taken the civilization from huge computer processors of the 1960's to today's smart phone technology in the palm of the hand. With technological advances such as the cloud, smart phone, and telemedicine, safe and rapid transfer of PHI via the Internet will help the individual stay healthier longer and increase patient satisfaction. In a matter of years quality medicine options will be available in the remotest parts of this country, and eventually the world. While technology has its advantages such as instant access to data and rapid transmission of data, the human touch will always be needed in medicine.

American Telemedicine Association. (2013). mHealth Program Provides Improved Prenatal Care for At-Risk Pregnant Women . Retrieved from page/mhealth-program-provides-improved-prenatal-care-for-at-risk-pregnant- women

American Telemedicine Association. (2012). What is Telemedicine?. Retrieved from
Goodwill Community Foundation International. (n.d.). What is the Cloud?. Retrieved from
Manos, D. (2011). Mobile phones to play key role in healthcare. Retrieved from
Manos, D. (2012). Wyoming hospital takes leap to the cloud for email. Retrieved from -cloud-email-0
Miliard, M. (2013). Docs who email are still a rare breed. Retrieved from
Miliard, M. (2013). Has the cloud found its moment?. Retrieved from http://
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2013). Breach Notification Rule. Retrieved from /breachnotificationrule/index.html
Wicklund, E. (2013). Telemedicine for all. Retrieved from http://www.

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