...group of people with certain common traditions and celebrations PREJUDICE= Peoples judgment or opinions of a certain race or group of people DISCRIMINATION= Negative actions against groups of people or individuals SOCIAL INEQUALITY= Unfair treatment of certain social groups by limiting things they may obtain TOTAL DISCRIMINATION= bringing past and current discrimination together as on to discriminate against certain groups of people or individuals 2. Functionalist approach= To describe certain situations that are happening in society today, in order for everyday function. So essentially, discrimination, prejudice and everything included is a function of society. 3. Conflict perspective= In the conflict perspective, we say that every where we turn in society, there is conflict. Education, employment, military, ethnicities and race. There will always be conflict where there is ignorance. 3A. Race and ethnicity have affected the status and opportunities of people for many years; take for example, the Native American tribes of history. From the time the Europeans arrived in America. Lands were taken, they were over powered and lied to about their lands and rights, the US government weakened tribes by establishing certain acts that moved them far from their native lands and tried to get them to adopt a white society. To this day local and tribes all over America are fighting to get some of their lands and heritage back. Another group...
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...children and families, domestic violence, and many other issues. All these issues are multi- faceted and can be very difficult to help with.( R. Woodside & T. McClam,2011) Assisting with client's problems requires gaining the trust of the client. This is important for gathering information so the helper can give the best and most effective help they can.(R. Woodside & T. McClam, 2011) to do this, a human service professional uses helping skills to assist their clients. Basic skills are verbal and non-verbal communication, and listening and responding. Correctly using these skills they can help form an easy flow of helpful information and an effective helping relationship with the client. These are the foundations to the human service professional and client relationship. Problems No one person has just one problem, and there are plenty of clients to go around ( Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). Clients enter the human service delivery system as individuals with many different perspectives such as financial, educational, vocational, biological, cultural and spiritual elements. These elements include life experiences such as family, friends, health, school, work legal status, residence, safety, security, well-being, and personal accomplishments. These perspectives are assimilated into...
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...African American women are in a great advantage because they are able to see the struggle between classes for dominance therefore, they can offer critical insights on the racial and social structures on the road to career the road to career advancement and leadership positions. From a feminist standpoint, if you look at the social world from a Marxist perspective, it has been found that African American women’s subordination is attributed to how their situation served the interests of the owners of production. Knowledge is socially situated in a way that causing African American women to be exploited, which includes getting paid less, being marginalized into low-paying occupations, and being employed less than men. African American women are being used as a cheap source of labor because they do not control the economic conditions in American institutions which makes them more aware of racial and social structures than it is for those who own the means of...
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...Natalie Ruiz February 22, 2013 Eng 300 The Real Value of a College Education In today’s society, nearly every senior high school student is expected to continue their education by going to college. Campuses are admitting the highest number of freshmen than ever before while at the same time cutting down on the amount of class offered. Therefore, it is no surprise that the value of a college education has declined in the last couple years in respect to gaining academia knowledge; however, I believe it still holds great value in other aspects. A college education is not just beneficial for landing that great paying job; I believe it is also beneficial for personal growth, character, social interactions, and networking. Going to college and receiving a degree is empowering, but in order to increase the value of a college education, the problem within the system must first be addressed. In “Academically Adrift,” written by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, the two authors discuss the reasons for a decline in higher learning. One of the first reasons mentioned is the lack of effort and desire students have to go to college or stay enrolled in college. They state that many high school students and young adults are practically “expected” to go to college regardless of their effort put in high school or their grade point average. This has an alarming affect on the students’ academic performance their first year in college. Arum and Roksa write, “Although growing proportions of high...
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...Mentoring Kaplan University CM 107 College Compositions 11/18/11 Sarah Coleman wants to take this opportunity to introduce herself and extend her knowledge and professional expertise to assist you. Our principal asked her to be your mentor for the next couple of months. It is her understanding that you were administratively placed at this elementary school due to some professional issues at your previous school. She knows that you have only been teaching for two months and thus she would like to help you in any areas that need to be strengthened. Teaching is a challenging career. When a person begins teaching, they feel as though all they need to do is to stand up in the classroom and teach. The teacher educational classes unfortunately did not prepare her for the realities of teaching that often consist of dealing with problem students, aggressive and non-supportive parents, difficult administrative staff, back stabbing coworkers, as well as the constant planning and organization as an elementary school teacher. After being in the profession for almost twenty years as an elementary school educator with an undergraduate degree in English and a graduate degree in Education, she is still learning but knows that she have years of experience to share with others to improve their skills. When she first started teaching, she did feel completely lost in her teaching abilities. However, a mentor teacher took her under her wings and enabled her to fly and she became successful...
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...us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. Education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different and it makes us capable of interpreting things right. Nowadays, every students need to finish their education so they will get a better future but unfortunately some students has no capability to enrol in a good university or institution. Other students try to finance their money by having a part time work to pay for college. Non-working students defined as a person who takes more than 12 credit hours, or the equivalent, at a post-secondary institution in a school term. We can consider that full time student is students who focus in his academics and don’t have a part time work. Working student defined as an individual who is studying but working part time at the same time. Working students have to work harder to compensate their working time with their studies. It has been established by academics in a variety of disciplines that the proportion of college students who work while school is in session has been steadily increasing since the 1960s (Henke, Lyons and Krachenberg, 1993; Stern and Nakata, 1991). So it merely implies that until now there are a lot of College student who work just to finance their college education. According to Riggert et al. (2006) "Student employment is no longer an isolated phenomenon; it is an educational fact...
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...observe how skills and ideas are applied in the real world. Doing an internship significantly increases student’s networking opportunities by connecting them with professionals in their chosen field. Networking also allows to develop references that can attest to student’s abilities. Preparing academically for your career shows your intelligence and ability to learn, but internships give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the real world and develop their qualifications. These days, going to college and getting that coveted degree may not be enough for a dream career. Internships are a proven way to gain relevant knowledge, skills, and experience while establishing important connections in any field. In addition to gaining great experience to complete classroom learning, college internships allow students to...
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...Many questions came to mind about how college was going to be. Would it be better than high school, or would it be just as bad? Coming into college I discovered something totally opposite from my prediction about it. It was probably one of the happiest days of my life coming into college and realizing that technology could be used in classes! I have been doing research for the past 2-3 weeks to figure out if laptops help improve students learning in their educational career in order to find a partially accurate answer. However, problems with this are that teachers say that students tend to go on laptops and forget about class. This is sometimes true but David Silvernail, in his book T.H.E Journal, Volume 35, Issue 7 says that “more than 80 percent of teachers say the laptops have made them better able to diversify and individualize their curriculum and instruction, and an equal percentage report that the laptops have helped them explore topics in greater depth with their students,” (23) explaining how the teacher perspective about laptops is wrong and if they know how to use the laptop...
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...Ethics Awareness Inventory Although every individual views ethics from a different perspective, most people agree there is right and wrong, although they may vary on how to make moral and ethical decisions. This author's ethical perspective is based on character, and she believes being ethical is more important than simply performing ethical deeds. To determine the ethical nature of people, she looks into their character rather than judging them by the quality of their actions. Herein, the author describes her perspective as suggested by the Ethics Awareness Inventory (The Williams Institute of Ethics and Management, 2011). Personal Ethics, Principles, and the Code of Conduct Personal ethics must be deliberately developed over the lifespan. In a psychological profession and when working with people, professionals must continually implement ethical judgment and moral decision-making and persist in developing and evolving one's understanding of morality. This development does not cease once a goal is attained, it is an ongoing process that becomes more deeply engrained as the individual evolves. Personal ethics are an essential part of any professional discipline, and to conduct oneself ethically, one must be ethical. Although designed with good intentions, developing a list of appropriate behavior, such as the code of conduct designed by the American Psychological Association, cannot aid in the development of personal moral and ethical judgment, only rule-following...
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...1. What is sport and exercise psychology, and what are its two general objectives? → Is the scientific study of people and their behaviors in sport and exercise contexts as well as the practical application of that knowledge. Objectives: A. Understand the effects of psychological factors on physical or motor performance. B. Understand the effects of physical activity participation on psychological development, health, and well-being 2. Described the major accomplishments of the six periods in the history of sport and exercise psychology. What contributions did Coleman Griffith and Franklin Henry make to sport and exercise psychology? Period 1: The psychology of play starts to be discussed. Studies of football and Basketball players are studied in the University of Illinois. Norman Triplett conducts the 1st social psychology and sport psychology Period 2: @5 articles are published about sports psychology. Coleman Griffith conducts psychological profiles on players. in the Chicago Cubs. Period 3: Franklin Henry undertakes the position in the Department of physical Education at the University of California Berkeley and develops the 1st graduate program in psychology of physical activity. Period 4: The first NASPSPA conference is held and proceedings in NASPSPA are first time published. Period 5: The U.S Olympic committee hires first full time sport Psychologist as well as an advisory board is developed. Period 6: Europe publishes he journal Psychology...
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...In College at Risk, Andrew Delbanco claims that today's perspective on American Education is geared toward training brains for functional tasks. He claims that liberal teaching systems allow for students to attain well rounded educations for themselves rather than gaining an education with the purpose of fitting in the economy. The purpose of liberal education is to guide students in their journeys to finding what they are passionate about. Del Blanco applies rhetorical mechanisms to strengthen his points . To appeal to his audience-- which are college students, He concentrates on using credible sources and exemplary rationalities to effectively create plausible arguments. He structures his writing in timeline matter by introducing relative subtopics from history. Comparisons are made between the purpose of education throughout periods of times in American history. To support this Delbanco states that in colonial times liberal education was formed to provide opportunities for Americans to pursue happiness. This is related to medieval Roman education where happiness, or in other...
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...Why I am a great Master’s degree candidate and my plans for my degree I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and joined Paulo Products after a brief stint in the field of metallurgy. I want to arm myself with a Master’s degree in Business Administration from American University and use it to focus on my career by adding a financial and marketing perspective to my engineering background. I see myself teaming up with different professionals to collaborate and guide each other by utilizing our prior work and educational experiences. I also envision absorbing knowledge from the class room, faculty, fellow participants, and the various industry linkages to make diverse study groups successful team ventures. Given my background, I tend to lean towards the manufacturing side of business. In today’s rapidly changing landscape, I will be able to help my classmates understand the metalworking and manufacturing assembly challenges faced by employers, and as a group, endeavor to identify solutions that promote sustainable economic growth in the industrial market. At American University, I hope to be able to find fellow students equally passionate on the topic of development; together we would create a dynamic team. Although I have the technical experience necessary to accomplish my personal goals, I still feel I need to develop the practical business knowledge that a Master’s degree in Business Administration would provide in order to execute my short-term and...
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...Reflective Essay #1 For this assignment write a reflective essay in response to one or more of the questions below. The goal is to express a thoughtful assessment of your educational journey in light of this course. You can choose which question(s) you wish to address. Use them as a starting point. Feel free to synthesize and run with them. But don’t feel so free as to write much more than 3 pages. Well, write all you want, but submit something that has been reviewed and edited to a more concise statement. Also, please submit your type-written essay with the text formatted at 1.5 spacing and 12 point font. By the way, I am not really looking for a critique of the readings or the course. This essay is about you. What, if anything, are you gaining by taking this course? 1. How does taking a “Natural World” course add value to your IAS education? In what ways does exposure to natural science perspectives color your view of how the world works? What is your take on the value of natural science research and its potential impact on your life beyond the class? Is your regard for the process of science and the issues of environmental science shifting? 2. Because you’ve completed Interdisciplinary Inquiry, you’ve read The Banking Concept of Education by Paulo Freire. Thus far, the course has featured a lot of lecturing by the professor that could easily be characterized as banking style education. How is the predominance of this style of classroom interaction...
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...A diverse student body enhances medical education by teaching students cultural competency. Moreover, building cultural competency from the start of medical training is key to preparing medical professionals to successfully serve multicultural communities. Immersing myself in an educational environment rich with diversity at the University of Colorado School of Medicine will be an invaluable experience for my peers and I to learn from our differing perspectives on disease and health. Equally important, growing up in a working class household will allow me to contribute to the diversity of the student body. Coping with financial struggles as I was growing up was difficult, however, working since early adolescence has shaped my career goals and...
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...Casey Kerstetter Education SOC101: Introduction to Sociology (ACK1219E) Instructor: Lynn Ma June 11, 2012 The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. It is most concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.(Wikipedia) The sociology of education also provides all students with a rewarding educational experience; the focus should be on integration of the social, intellectual, and emotional components of learning by linking home and school experiences and incorporating a curriculum that addresses students' diversity and different learning styles. Functions of Education in Society include. Assimilation and transmission of culture/traditions: This needs to be done consciously and selectively because traditions need to be selected for transmission as well as omission depending on their value and desirability in today‘s democratic set-up. We need to teach children self-esteem and self-efficacy. The other Education Society include: The functionalist theory focuses on the ways that universal education serves the needs of society. Functionalists first see education in its manifest role: conveying basic knowledge and skills to the next generation. Durkheim the founder of functionalist theory identified the latent role of education as one of socializing people into society's mainstream. Functionalists...
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