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Galleon Book Report

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When Harry enters his vault at Gringotts in the Sorcerer’s Stone, he’s greeted with a large vault filled with piles upon piles of gold coins, also known as Galleons. Galleons are worth the most in wizarding currency. So as it seems, Harry is pretty well-off. However, one year later, in 1992, when Harry visits Gringotts with the Weasley family, their nearly empty vault is shown to contain barely any money. It seems that with a family consisting of 7 children, 1 galleon is enough to survive on.
Somehow, the Weasleys manage to get school supplies for all their school aged children, including Lockhart’s books, which are noted to be “really expensive”. They buy most of their things used, but it still seems that a Galleon can go pretty far. We can conclude that a Galleon is worth a lot more than it seems at that point. …show more content…
That’s around the 2-4th year timeline, and a significant example of that is in the 4th book, when Ludo Bagman gives Fred and George 5 Galleons for a fake wand. Noting that Harry’s own real wand cost 7 Galleons just a few years beforehand, we can say that Galleons are losing their value. Remember that, just 2 years before, 1 galleons and about 3-4 sickles were enough to pay for at least 3 sets of Lockhart’s books(Fred and George could possibly share, and Ginny got hers from Harry), and general school supplies for 5 school-aged children. So, how has the value of the Galleon plummeted that much? We don’t see that Ludo Bagman is extremely rich, he must have money from his job and his time as a Beater, but 5 Galleons is certainly still a lot for anyone to spend on a fake

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