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Personal Narrative: A Career In Social Work

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My career goals are to have a decent-paying job and to be happy working at that job. I’m currently going into college as Undeclared so I can keep my options open. However, I’m seriously considering majoring in Social Work. If I do decide to major in Social Work, then I intend to get my Masters’ degree and have a job that has something to do with either the foster care system, adoption, or domestic abuse prevention.

I should receive this scholarship because I have beaten the odds. When I was born, I weighed only one pound and nine ounces. I was so tiny that I could fit into doll clothes and people could hold me in the palm of their hand. I was born three months early. My lungs were underdeveloped and I had a weakened immune system. I stayed in the NICU for two months. I use to be considered disabled because I was delayed in my speech. …show more content…
I had a specialist come over to my house. I was able to catch up on my speech by the time that I went to kindergarten. During elementary school, I also had the same specialist help me awhile with some other stuff. Also during elementary school, I also had to take breathing treatments every winter and I didn’t go outside for recess that often because of my lungs. I got sick pretty often; I still do get sicker easier than the average person, but not as bad as it was in elementary school. The doctors didn't believe that I was going to live, and that if I did, then I would have learning disabilities and that I’d always be behind my peers in

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