...Daria Sociology B2 Human Capital Theory What is human capital? According Schultz (1993), the term “human capital” has been defined as a key element in improving a firm assets and employees in order to increase productive as well as sustain competitive advantage. To sustain competitiveness in the organization human capital becomes an instrument used to increase productivity. The theory of human capital is rooted from the field of macroeconomic development theory (Schultz, 1993). Becker’s (1993) classic book, Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with special reference to education, illustrates this domain. Becker argues that there are different kinds of capitals that include schooling, a computer training course, expenditures on medical care. And in fact, lectures on the virtues of punctuality and honesty are capital too. In the true sense, they improve health, raise earnings, or add to a person’s appreciation of literature over a lifetime. Consequently, it is fully in keeping with the capital concept as traditionally defined to say that expenditures on education, training, and medical care, etc., are investment in capital. These are not simply costs but investment with valuable returns that can be calculated. Uluslararası Sosyal Arastırmalar Dergisi The Journal of International Social Research Volume 2 / 8 Summer 2009 The Relationship between Human Capital and Firm Performance Human capital is getting wider attention with increasing...
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...capital to the organization. One would think that nowadays in times with so much technology, we would not need people as much in a company, but the truth is that without people a company or organization would not be able to succeed. Human capital is one of the most valuable assets a company could have. Having good employees and investing in them will ensure a company will keep growing and succeeding. The primary reason for the need of people in an organization is that, people are the fuel of an organization to run, maintaining the organization's structure and so forth. Without people, an organization will not exist and will never accomplish their function. Then, numerous grounds can be linked to the importance of human capital. (Becker) I also think that cultural diversity could be an asset to an organization because each person brings unique experiences and perceptions. Each employee in a diverse workplace possesses unique strengths, knowledge and skills derived from their culture, and when managed properly it can influence the strengths and complement the weakness of each worker to make a greater workforce. Chapter 2 Question 2 Some of the forces that influence a firm's strategy are the company's rival, new entrants, substitutes, and supplies. The factors that usually influence a firm's competitive strategy vary, as mentioned above, but most of the time are changes in competition and customer demand. Competition will...
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...General discussion of time allocation and foregone earnings -----Article review of A Theory of the Allocation of Time Yumeng Han 13132283 Introduction Time is the most precious resource during the producing processes and the daily life, it is a vector which cannot be regenerated or repeated. What’s more, from the economic point of view, Klein (2002) indicated that the technology revolution improved the productive forces and efficiency, advancement of medicine also extended the average length of life of people, while the basic unit of time itself would not change at all. Under this situation, economists and other experts are always working on the strategies of the allocation of time for single person, families and organizations. Based on Gary Becker’s work in 1965, this article will talk about several subjects related to the time allocation. Firstly, it will focus on the foregone earnings, which can be regard as the reason of allocating the time. Secondly, this essay will give a short discussion of the theory of the allocation of time. In the last part, it will present some arguments of the limitations about the theory and some other economic models. Foregone Earnings In the reality, during a constant period of time, if people attempt to be able to do something, they always need to give up the chance of doing other things, and the differences between the benefits brought by the two groups of things could be called as the foregone earnings or the opportunity costs. As Investopedia...
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...TURNOVER INTENT DIPLOMA THESIS Department: Strategie- und Unternehmensökonomik University of Zurich Human Resource Management Professor Dr. Bruno Staffelbach Supervising tutor: Dorothea Brunner Subject area: BWL I Subject: Human Resource Management Author: Mylene Perez Schüracherstr. 14a, 8306 Brüttisellen myleneperez82@yahoo.de Student ID Number: 02-728-285 Field of Study: BWL (Business Administration) Number of Semester: 10 Brüttisellen, 18.06.2008 Turnover Intent ABSTRACT Voluntary employee turnovers incur significant cost for an organization. Thus it is important to identify turnover intents as early as possible in order to enable planners to help implement courses of action. Within the scope of this diploma thesis a review of literature on turnover intent is offered. Initially the importance of the phenomenon is established and exact definitions of the subject area are presented. Subsequently the potentially critical impact of turnover behavior on organizational effectiveness is discussed. Several theoretical concepts that explain the occurrence of the turnover intent, and five key models that shaped the research on turnover, are presented and partially critiqued. This study also analyzes the effect of various factors on turnover intent using data from the HR-Barometers 2007. These factors were categorized into psychological, economical and demographic determinants, as well as moderating factors. The results revealed that the psychological...
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...1. Why does Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, say that experiences might bring more satisfaction than durable goods? Do you agree or disagree? Although happiness is not easily defined and it varies tremendously depending on who you ask, but most would agree that it is the degree of happiness with which one judges the overall quality of his or her life as favorable (Goldsmith, p. 7, 2013). So when Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, say that experiences might bring more satisfaction that durable goods, he is simply stating the fact that happiness is dependent the things you do in life and not objects. It is the time that you share with friends and family that makes life meaningful and that creates happiness. All the objects in the world that money can buy is meaningless when you don't have anyone to share it with. 2. Which fields of study have affected the study of management? Select one and explain its relevance to the field of resource management. Psychology is relevant to the field of resource management because it takes management involves a lot of communication and the two fields of psychology that are of particular relevance are social and cognitive psychology. Social psychology is the study of individual behavior within a group. It looks at the attitudes, problem solving skills, social influences, leaders and followers, and communication. Cognitive psychology explains the nature of human intelligence and how people think. Values, attitudes...
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...What is Milton Friedman’s view on the social responsibility of business? Milton Friedman believes that business have a social responsibility to its shareholders, not anyone else, as long as all requirements by law are met. According to Friedman, a business' main goal is to make profit and win. Having an interest in anyone other than the stakeholders translates into stealing from the stakeholders, whom are the only ones with rightful claims and concerns. In the case of Weyco Inc., the company does not follow the social responsibility that Friedman talks about. By implementing the policy, Weyco is trying to dedicate their "social responsibility" to the health of its employees. Although they back it up with saying that the policy helps reduce health care costs, the company may lose valuable human resources due to the right to fire employees who do not wish to follow the policy, therefore, the company may suffer and shareholders could potentially affect the company's success. What are the six groups of stakeholders and what does it mean to say we should take account of the interests of stakeholders in business decisions? The six groups of stakeholders consists of the owners, employees, customers, suppliers, the industry, and the community. In order to take into account the interests of stakeholders in business decisions, a company must first know who are the stakeholders and why they have an interest in the company. Although most theorist such as Carr and Friedman, suggest that...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL GROWTH (BPPG) BERNARD A. LARTEY WALDEN UNIVERSITY JULY 14, 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From the topics of Dynamic Leadership courses the most helpful courses are the contents and assignments of Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, week 5, and week 6 respectively. Week 1 deliberated on the qualities of leaders: Planning, monitoring, controlling, evaluation, performance, policy formulation, decision making, motivation, recruiting, and implementation of decisions. This has helped me to better understand leadership role. Week 2 discussed that leaders and followers must complement each other for a successful business. The two parties combined to balance the mathematical equation of business for profitability and success. This course highlighted the fact in addition to the leadership role must be complimented by good qualities in order to command the following: Intelligence, time consciousness, humility and obedience, skillfulness of communication, competence, motivation, kindness, empathy, fairness, virtue, and mutual respect. These virtues must also reside in the followers. Impact: The leadership role specified in week 1 and the qualities expressed by week 2 have immensely reawakened my consciousness that leaderships is not about academic qualification alone, but demand good character from followers and leaders as well. Besides, I have assimilated good virtues and have since been practicing them, leading by example for my followers to follow. ...
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...Article Summary 2 Catherine White Wong, Francis Kh, Jackie Hk Keung, Newman Ml Lau, Douglas Ks Ng, Joanne Wy Chung, and Daniel Hk Chow. "Effects of Body Mass Index and Full Body Kinematics on Tennis Serve Speed." Journal of Human Kinetics 40 (2014): 21-28. SPORTDiscuss with Full Text. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. Purpose One of the most important shots in tennis is the serve. The importance of the serve lies in its accuracy and speed which directly relates to the outcome of winning tennis matches. This is one of the most difficult strokes in the game to master because it requires the use, and coordination of the trunk, upper and lower extremities all in a kinetic chain movement. Because it is reported as such a hard shot to hit, this study was done to investigate ways for improving the serve. This specific study added to existing data (Gordon and Depena 2006) by bringing in new information about ankle and hip discussion and analysis. There have been many studies to try to find the best way to hit the serve, but this study focuses on the anthropometric factors of the body and the body’s kinematics effect on the speed of the and to improve the training of athlete’s serves. (Wong, Keung, Lau, Chung, Chow, 2014) Methods The author used twelve male elite tennis players with major match play experience from the Hong Kong national tennis team. The players had a mean age of 20.5, 8.3 average years of training and 36.9 average hours of training per month. The BMI was determined by the formula...
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...The Murder of Charles Becker Susi Robinson Brandman University Instructor: Prof Gilbertson 20 October 2012 Abstract Lt Charles Becker was a police officer in New York City during the late 19th century and early 20th century who extorted money from local brothels and gambling houses (“casinos”) located within what is now the New York Times Square. He did so all while working in internal affairs and receiving promotions. The action which led to making Lt Becker’s activities public was when a local gambler and bookmaker, “Beansie” Rosenthal got tired of Lt Becker harassing him and he went to the press and accused Lt Becker of extortion. Two days later, Mr. Rosenthal was killed. Lt Becker was accused of the murder and brought to trial and found guilty of first degree murder. The scandal surrounding him and his other illegal activities, led to his execution in the electric chair in New York’s Sing Sing Prison in 1915. He was the first police officer to be put to death for murder. In addition, the revelation of his activities led to the shock and acknowledgment of the public to the corrupt activities of police. To this day, he is the only New York City police officer put to death for murder. A. Life of Charles Becker Charles Becker was born to a German-American family in the village of Calicoon Center, Sullivan County, New York. He arrived in New York City in 1890 and went to work as a bouncer in a German beer hall...
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...C1. Team Goals Our team met through weekly conference calls and on the first meeting set three goals. The team leader kept the team on topic and also set up all of the conference calls for our group throughout the project. Each team member selected a certain job that they would throughout the project. Our team agreed to the following goals: Goal 1: Group selected soft deadlines to complete tasks and submit to the compiler earlier than the actual class deadlines. This goal was set as one week earlier than the official due date of the class. Goal 2: Team will strive to stay in constant contact with team members as needed for support on the project. Goal 3: Team will try to meet at least once a week through conference call; default meeting of every Wednesday evening at 8 pm. These goals were made with a main goal of completing the group project ahead of schedule or on time. Each week the team would discuss any technical issues, questions, and upcoming due dates for section assignments and review. C1a. Achievement of Goals Our team did exceptionally well getting the sections we chose turned into the compiler on time. We were consistently ahead of schedule throughout the project despite several setbacks for many of the group members. Several group members had issues receiving email, opening files for review, and receiving phone messages. I believe that this allowed us to meet goal 2 in relation to support. All team members have been extremely helpful and supportive to each...
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...": U.S. Show/Hide Brasil BR Canada CA Deutschland DE España ES France FR Ελλάδα (Greece) GR India IN Italia IT 日本 (Japan) JP 한국 (Korea) KR Maghreb MG United Kingdom UK United States US Newsletters Top of Form Get EntertainmentNewsletters Email address Enter Email Address Bottom of Form Huffington Post Search Top of Form Search The Huffington Post Enter Search Terms Submit Search Bottom of Form iOS app Android app More Desktop Alerts Log in Create Account $USERNAME Desktop Notifications Profile Settings Logout FRONT PAGE Politics The Levy Breaks: Democrats Rage Against Obama Over Wall Street Giveaway 0 The Speech That Could Make Elizabeth Warren the Next President of the United States 0 Lawsuit Settled Involving Ferguson Officer Who Allegedly Choked, Hog-Tied A 12-Year-Old 424 GOP Senator Mansplains Democracy To Elizabeth Warren 0 Obama's New Triangulation Strategy Has Democrats On Edge 654 Go to Politics More in Politics Pollster Politics Blog Off The Bus Election Maps Pollster You Might Also Like WorldPost Green Black Voices Latino Voices Gay Voices Business Black-White Wealth Gap Has Reached A 24-Year High 58 RadioShack Planning More Store Closures, Layoffs To Avoid Collapse 28 'Eat More Kale' Guy Beats Chick-fil-A 28 Hurry Up! Big Obamacare Deadline Coming Monday 134 For 'The Interview,' Even Negative Publicity (Like A Massive Sony Hack) Is Good Publicity 11 Go to Business More...
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...Introduction (5-15 seconds) (Attention Getter) Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher, once said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” None of us know when our time is up on this earth. This is why we must live each day to the fullest. (Preview) Today I'm going to share with you some things things I would like to do before my time is up on Earth. Body (2-3 min.) I. Plan a trip to Chicago A. Tourists Attractions Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo B. Go see a Chicago Cubs game Grew up loving Baseball and the Cubs C. Go see a Chicago Blackhawks game (Transition: The second thing I would like to do is to travel to Scotland.) II. Travel to Scotland with my family A. Play golf at St. Andrews with my dad Love to play golf, this is known as the home of Golf B. Tourists Attractions Castles, Loch Ness C. Restaurants to visit (Transition: And last, I'd like to go to all 4 Major Golf Tournaments on the PGA Tour.) III. Go to all 4 PGA Tour Majors A. The Masters with dad Augusta, GA, tournament played here every year B. U.S. Open Our national Championship for Golf C. The OPEN Championship (Europe) D. PGA Championship Conclusion (5-10 seconds) In closing, it's hard coming up with the exact things you want to do before you leave this planet. With that being said, I've shared with you today some things that I would love to...
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...The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer portrays the execution of Gary Gilmore and the events leading up to it. Mailer is found to notable for his portrayal of Gilmore in The Executioner’s Song through the way he tells the storyline behind the murders Gilmore had committed. The Executioner’s Song was primarily made to represent the national debate over the death sentence. Mailer romanticizes Gilmore life, decisions and death by using several rhetorical strategies to apply Gilmore's story to the audience. Mailer novelized the story of Gary Gilmore as the first person to be legally executed in the United States following the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Gilmores execution occurred in Utah which is centered...
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...Have you ever been lost in the Canadian Wilderness because your pilot had heart attack so he died, so you had to take over and crashed your Cessna 406 Bush Plane into to an “L” shaped lake? The answer is probably going to be no but you might have been lost in the wilderness before? The character from the book, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, Brian Robeson has experienced the first experience and the second experience except more of the first experience. He was trapped in the woods for 54 days with originally only starting with himself and his hatchet. Brian was able to do this with certain things called Aha Moments. These moments were when he realized what he needed to do, what his mistake was, and/or how to do something. Overall, I believe this is what allowed him to live so long without dying....
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...The story Hatchet by Gary Paulsen and the movie A Cry in the Wild are about a resourceful boy Brian Robeson whose parents are divorced. He has to take a private plane to go see his dad. While he is on the plane, the pilot has a heart attack and dies suddenly. Brian overcomes the trauma of flying the plane on his own and even landing it because the plane runs out of gas, and he has to land the plane in the wilderness by force. While he is in the woods he has to survive after many animal encounters and the struggle of finding food and shelter. He also has to stay positive, as he was his best asset. The novel Hatchet and the movie A Cry in the Wild are remarkably different due to the depiction of Brian’s character in the novel versus the movie. Brian's prodigious best friend Terry was in almost every one of his flashback/memories. In the movie, fascinating Terry was not in one of them; Brian did not even mention him. He also had a flashback about the secret of when he saw his mom and another man in the woods about to kiss, but then he interrupted and she stopped to see who was there and saw him. In the novel, he had the...
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