...The Gates One million square feet of nylon fabric. Five thousand tons of steel. Sixty miles of vinyl tubing. Lots of nuts and bolts, and a $21 million price tag. How did the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude manage to spend that much money on their tangerine dream? | | "To pose the question out loud smacks of ingratitude, particularly given what is widely viewed as the project's benefit to the city: drawing thousands of foreign tourists and pumping an estimated $254 million into New York's economy. And the artists have paid for the project entirely on their own, using no public or corporate money, and therefore do not need to justify their expenses." (McIntire, 2005) The Gates was an idea conceived by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, and construction on the project began in January 2005. 23 miles of New York's Central Park walkway's were covered in this art project. The couple are known for their large environmental art. Some of their pieces include, Reichstag in Berlin, the Pont-Neuf bridge in Paris, and the 24 mile long artwork called Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin counties in California. On January 3, 2005, work began on the installation of The Gates project. The installation required the use of forklifts, marker signs, and large steel plates for mounting the pillars. There was some controversy with the project. A lot of people enjoyed the art, but there were also a lot of people who did not like it. Christo and Jeanne-Claude did not have a vote,...
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...A young swordsman arrives at the foot of a mountain where he has not been in seven years. There was a path that led up to the mountain starting with a “tightly shut pine gate”. He tried to push the gate open, but was unable to. The gate has never been locked before and it was the only way up the mountain. The swordsman tried everything he could to get through or around the gate, but was unable to. He tried jumping over it, as well as using his sword against it. To the swordsman, it seemed like his master put an impassable spell on it. Seven years earlier was when he left the mountain. The master understood his need to go out into the world to carry out the Way and help people. His master told him everything he needed to know including, “what to seek, what to avoid and what to change.” He also told the swordsman to “remember the standards by which happiness and suffering, liberation and illusion are measured. Without them, you betray the Way and will not help anyone.” The master then gave the swordsman a sword to suppress all evil and a “me ngo glass” to help distinguish the evil from the good. The glass is also called a “Demon Viewer” because it will show you the true forms of demons. The swordsman remembered the first days of journey very well. The sword and the glass were extremely helpful because humanity had many different disguises. First, there was a monk who invited the swordsman back to talk about how they can “join their efforts to help mankind”. When he used...
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...Jennifer Flake Mrs. Kathy Marks English 10 9 February 2010 Narrow is the Gate “If I could only make it through middle school…” I thought to myself as I tossed my book bag onto the couch. The overload of school, boys, and drama made me wonder how I made it from day to day. My sixth grade year had been a catastrophe so far. At lease once a day, I thought about where my parents were. My grandmother showed love for me in place of them. Although there were many people in my life who loved me, the thought of my parents still nagged at the back of my mind. “What could I have done wrong to be left by the people who brought me into this world? Was it my looks or my personality?” These thoughts were always sitting in the back of my conscience. Sometimes, I would lie in bed at night, unable to sleep, and I would feel this overwhelming sense of rejection. On most days, I felt as if the gates of my life were closing rapidly in my face. Growing up, my grandmother was always my role model, but I never imagined I would be living with her. My parents decided to live in sin rather than work towards the gates of Heaven. They were driven by rebellion and deceit every day, and the responsibility of taking care of their only child just wasn’t a priority to either one of them. As I tossed and turned in bed, I wondered what the talk of the lunch table would be the next day. I always seemed to be the center of attention in a negative way. I was often referred to as the “new girl” or the “loner...
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...time. Integrity and ethics are cornerstones of a solid, positive reputation. Integrity and ethics are based on trust, honesty, sincerity and steadfastly adhering to high moral standards and principles. Getting advice When asked whom they go to when they need advice, Buffett replied, “I look in the mirror. The nature of what I do requires that I think independently.” He explained that he ultimately is responsible for his decisions and actions, and that he needs to determine if a decision is consistent with what he believes. Bill Gates noted that his strengths are on the technical side of the business. He said he turns to people who provide him information in areas that are not his strength to cover for his blind spots. He goes to his partner, father and wife. Influential power When asked how people can move up the ranks of management, Gates and Buffett both spoke of hiring the right people, supporting their success and letting them do their jobs. Gates looks for managers who have strategic thinking skills, technical skills and people skills. If they are not good at one of the three, they need to tap others with the skill. Buffett spoke of how the unusual people stand out with their energy, quality of their ideas, and ability to influence those around them. Bringing the best out of...
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...Melinda was competing with men for a higher position and wanted to be in charge. They both had sociable traits as we see they founded Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and gave millions to charities. Bill proved his acheivements over time by growing a business stronger and solid. Melinda earned a BA and MBA. 2) The effective leaders traits that Bill and Melinda had has the greatest impact were high energy, self-confidence, and dominance. Bill actively participated in the firms activities. Melinda set goals and achieved all the goals set out. Bill was very smart at a young age. He also like to take the lead and take full charge over the team. Melinda was the type that was loving, charming and could win people over. 3) The motivation that was the major need driving the Gates was Achievement. They have high energy, and they are self-confident. 4) Yes they had an LMP. They had the need and want for influence, leader-followers, and they got along with others. 5) They had a positive self-concept. It affects their success by they are bossy, yet let others do the job their way and they expect others to succeed. 6) Yes Bill is ethical in business at Microsoft. Gates is on level 2 in moral development which means he motivate behavior to fulfill duties and obligations. 7) The leadership managerial role the Gates played was the Decisional...
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...Bill Gates Extra Credit Essay By Gordon Parks Bill gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seatle, Washington. His father, William H. Gates II, is a seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher. At 13 he inrolled in the Lakeside School which is an exclusive preparatory school. When he was in 8th grade, he got a Teletype Model 33. He took an instrest in programming the GE System in basic. He was excused from math to do this. He wrote his first computer program on this machine. He had an early intrest in software and so began programming computers at the age of 13. Bill Gates became a student of Harvard University in 1973 where he met Steve Ballmer which is now Microsoft's chief executive officer and while still A Harvard undergraduate, he wrote a version of the programming language BASIC for the MITS Altair microcomputer. In 1975, before his graduation he left Harvard to form Microsoft with his childhood friend Allen. Bill Gates company, Microsoft, became famous for their operating systems and great buisness deals. Gates made a fortune from the liscensing of MS-DOS which is a Microsoft operating system. Microsoft was competing with macintosh but quickly beat them with the introduction of MS-DOS in 1985. Bill's personal life included a wife named Melinda French that he married in January 1, 1994. They have three children : daughters Jennifer Katherine Born 1996 and Phoebe Adele Born 2002 and a son Rory John Born 1999. they live in a earthed...
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...Bill Gates 比尔盖茨 "When I was 19, I caught sight of the future and based my career on what I saw. I turned out to have been right."—Bill Gates “我19岁看到了未来,并将我的所见当作我事业的基点,结果证明我是对的。”──比尔·盖茨 He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. The self-described "hacker" has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernized the whole world in the process. Indeed, his classification into any other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world. 他是当今世上最著名的商人、最有钱的富豪──1997年他的资产预计为400亿美元。毫无疑问,他与托马斯·爱迪生、亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔以及其他改变世界的伟人属于同一行列。这个自称为“黑客”的人主导着个人计算机革命,并在这一过程中使整个世界现代化。的确,将他划入任何其他行列,都可能大大淡化他对世界的影响。 Gates' success stems from his personality: an unbelievable and at times frightening blend of high-voltage brilliance, drive and competitiveness. When the chairman and CEO walks through the corridors of Microsoft, it is like a switch being turned on; everything and everyone around him is charged with 10,000 volts of electricity. Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow. The schedule he keeps is one hint as to what he expects from his employees. It's not unusual for the "dean" of the "Microsoft campus" to put in 16-hour days. 盖茨的成功源自他的人格:他才华横溢、冲劲十足、争强好胜,这些加在一起令人难以置信,有时甚至令人畏惧。当这位董事长兼首席执行官走过微软大楼的走廊时,他身边的人和物就像被打开了电源,充了一万伏电。盖茨树立了榜样,微软的员工紧随其后。他的工作安排暗示着他对员工的期待。这位“微软校园”的“校长”经常每天工作16小时。 ...
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...This paper reviews The Road Ahead by Bill Gates. One of the individuals most responsible for the computer revolution that put personal computers into widespread use, Gates is now concerned with the building and establishment of the information highway and its impact on modern society. The Road Ahead is an attempt to predict the new technologies needed to make the highway a fully-realized part of daily life and to show the ways in which these technologies will change business practices and everyday activities. Partly a utopian guessing game, the book also provides interesting insights into the areas in which Gates is focusing his company's research and development activities. When Bill Gates and Paul Allen decided to drop out of school and invest their futures in their belief in the potential market for personal computers, "We set off down a road that was headed in the right direction" (Gates, 1995, p. 18). The two had been fascinated by computers ever since their first encounters with what were then bulky, plodding, expensive machines capable primarily of performing complex calculations and playing rudimentary games. Gates describes the machine for which he wrote his first program as "huge and cumbersome and slow and absolutely compelling" (p. 1). The two created a company, Microsoft, which was instrumental in igniting the computer revolution, creating machines and the accompanying software that have grown dramatically smaller, faster, and cheaper, allowing computers to become...
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...these two things do not happen the gremlin stays sweet almost sacred furry animal. A concept is the emergence myths. These myths have people that travel through worlds until they emerge into one. A person could keep traveling until they become perfect and can continue the work of other Gods (Enotes, 2013). A person in this particular time could be a man that is successful in our world today, such as Bill Gates. A person as successful as Bill Gates is an icon and to some Godly for representing such things that are in the future. A modern day creator, Bill Gates was a technological innovation keen business strategy with aggressive gung ho tactics. He and his partner Paul Allen built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. Bill Gates, born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, he began to show an interest in computer programming at the age of 13 in the process he became one of the richest men in the world. Bill Gates was well-known for his charitable donations and the money he raises for the charities is mind boggling. Bill Gates was found getting out of a...
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...Bill Gates Microsoft's big break came in the early 1980s, when IBM developed its personal computer (PC). IBM approached Gates about developing an operating system for the PC. Gates licensed the rights to a rudimentary system called Q-DOS, modified it, renamed it Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS), then sold it to IBM. Gates shrewdly convinced IBM to divulge the proprietary elements of its PC, paving the way for the production of hundreds of IBM-clones. This created an eager market for MS-DOS, which helped Microsoft build its present fortune. Gates ranks as the second richest person in the United States and among the top twenty richest people in the world. His net worth in 1995 was estimated at more than $10 billion, up from $6.7 billion in 1993 (Elmer-Dewitt 1995; Caminiti 1993). Gates became a billionaire at 31, making him the youngest American to achieve that status. Gates owns about 30 percent of Microsoft and claims that 90 percent of his net worth is in the company--he owns more than 140 million shares (Elmer-Dewitt 1995; Brandt 19940. Much has been written about Gates's multi-million dollar, three-acre estate that he is building in suburban Seattle, complete with 25-foot vaulted ceilings, underground parking, and an elaborate conference room. Gates defends this extravagance by pointing to the estate's simultaneous function as a technology showcase and a meeting place for Microsoft. Gates has been characterized as a workaholic. He is a hands-on executive who is intimately...
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...Microsoft's big break came in the early 1980s, when IBM developed its personal computer (PC). IBM approached Gates about developing an operating system for the PC. Gates licensed the rights to a rudimentary system called Q-DOS, modified it, renamed it Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS), then sold it to IBM. Gates shrewdly convinced IBM to divulge the proprietary elements of its PC, paving the way for the production of hundreds of IBM-clones. This created an eager market for MS-DOS, which helped Microsoft build its present fortune. Gates ranks as the second richest person in the United States and among the top twenty richest people in the world. His net worth in 1995 was estimated at more than $10 billion, up from $6.7 billion in 1993 (Elmer-Dewitt 1995; Caminiti 1993). Gates became a billionaire at 31, making him the youngest American to achieve that status. Gates owns about 30 percent of Microsoft and claims that 90 percent of his net worth is in the company--he owns more than 140 million shares (Elmer-Dewitt 1995; Brandt 19940. Much has been written about Gates's multi-million dollar, three-acre estate that he is building in suburban Seattle, complete with 25-foot vaulted ceilings, underground parking, and an elaborate conference room. Gates defends this extravagance by pointing to the estate's simultaneous function as a technology showcase and a meeting place for Microsoft. Gates has been characterized as a workaholic. He is a hands-on executive who is intimately involved with the daily...
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...earth. Together they had created Heavens Gate. Applewhite, or also known as ‘BO’, believed that the earth was going to be recycled and that it was also a garden to grow souls. Once the souls were developed it was time to exit. To most people the “exit” was suicide, but for members of the cult it was moving on to a more developed kingdom. ‘Do’ had told his members to look for a sign in the night sky. They believed that a spaceship, or UFO, would pick them up and take them to start their new lives. If someone were to stay a member of Heavens Gate, they had to follow many strict rules. They were first cut off from all contact with family and friends. Each member was given a new name. All aspects of life were regulated, such as, what they read, what they watched on TV and even how they shaved. Applewhite and several others underwent castration in Mexico as a means of maintaining the ascetic lifestyle. There was to be no emotion and no gender. Women did not wear dresses and did nothing to bring attention to their body. They even cut their hair. Sex was also “too human” and considered bad. Their purpose in this group was to prepare for what they had called “graduation”. In 1997 Applewhite had said that the commit, Hale Bopp, was the sign that it was time to exit and when it had become brighter in late March of 1997 the members started doing fair-well videos for their family and friends. On March 26th, 1997, Rio Diangelo, a former Heavens Gate member, walked into the San Diego mansion...
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...Heavens Gate 1. Where are they located? California, America (san Diego) 2. Who is the head? Marshal Applewhite 3. Outline the group structure Te members of the group gave up their ‘material’ possessions and lived a highly ascetic life devoid of many indulgences. The group was tightly knit and everything was shared communally. The group funded itself by offering professional website development for paying clients under the name of ‘higher source’. 30 members a class and 1 leader. 4. What are their beliefs? Discouraged to contact the outside world, do not contact family or friends. 5. What are their rules and practices? Planet earth was going to be recycled. The only chance to survive was to leave with them immediately. Several paths to leave earth. One has to hate it strongly. They believe that to be eligible for a membership you will have to surrender all human like characteristics. They believed in the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Referred to the various forms of the concept that UFO’s visited our planet in the distance past. 6. How did they come about? The group began when the leader was recovering form a heart attack in the 1970’s. They began travelling around the United States giving talks about their beliefs system. Before heavens gate was sued and stuck, it was known as human individual metamorphosis. Reinvented and renamed it several times and had a variety of recruitment methods. 7. How are members...
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...Heaven’s Gate Control, brain washed, and mental illness. Those are the first thoughts that come to mind during and after watching this documentary. Heaven’s Gate was founded and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1928–1985).Marshall Applewhite is a disturbing individual, who seems to me he just wants control over these individuals. The most shocking part is that they actually allow him to control every aspect of their lives. According to what we learned and discussed in class, Heaven’s Gate is definitely a cult. Applewhite was a charismatic leader that kept tight control. He regulated who and when they could go outside to the size a pancake could be. He also isolated them from their family and friends (separation). He controlled all of their resources. One former member even stated Applewhite would use “idol threats” to keep them there, as if they were going to miss out on the best part if they left. This destructive cult claimed the lives of 38 members and the leader. The followers in Heaven’s gate believed that Earth was going to be recycled or “renewed” and the only way to survive was to leave Earth immediately. I felt like this group should have sat down and actually read the bible. Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God you are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” With that said a Christian is supposed to have...
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...Bill Gates There are very few individuals who have the ability to change the culture of the world by using their mind. It takes incredibly strong courage and belief in yourself to be able to have such a lasting impact. One individual who was able to do so was a man named, Bill Gates. We all most likely know the name behind one of the most infamous and influential products on the market, Microsoft. It is guaranteed that we take these products and services of Microsoft for granted. Most people use Microsoft office, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, on a regular basis but the story behind Microsoft doesn’t just begin with a “shazam” and then there was Microsoft. There were many ups and downs before Microsoft and Bill Gates hit the open market. The reason that Microsoft became such an empire was because of the man behind the scenes. It was Bill Gate’s leadership that excelled Microsoft past everyone else. Gates’ most prevalent leadership aspect was his innovation, his ability to see what the future needed. Gates was task oriented and diligent. He pushed his employees past their limits. He did so by inspiring confidence in the ones around him. Gates has the belief that there is never a light at the end of the tunnel, there is not an end ever in sight; there are always more challenges waiting, and being persistent is how you achieve your goals. Bill Gates is an incredible person. Gates fell in love with computers at a young age. At the time, computers were not known...
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