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Gender Roles In African American Film

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Film is an important medium through which the cultural and social norms of American society are presented, affirmed, and archived. As a cultural product, film is produced through the intersections of race, art, culture, and economic advantage. In African American studies, the scholarship of black gender and sexuality is largely based in the intellectual tradition that grew out of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s, with one of its aims being the critically examination of key issues, assumptions, and debates in contemporary, post-civil rights African American feminist thought. Under academic inquiry of American film, African American studies situates a cultural discourse that works to examine the behaviors, conditions, and attitudes that foster stereotypes of sexual and gender roles based upon class, oppression, sex, and gender identity, as social constructs, and finds them to be historically and inextricably bound together. As a constructed cultural product, African American film studies finds its diverse cultural legacy rooted in the activist culture of the American civil rights movement. …show more content…
Standing in binary opposition, filmic presentations of blackness have historically rendered black sexuality and gender simultaneously invisible, visible, and hyper-visible in dominant discourse. In this environment, viable connections of racism, gender, and sexuality, to African American poverty, violence, hyper-sexuality, and male societal dominance were made. Onscreen, the roles of black actors responded to the resultant iconography by developing intersecting pathologies of sexuality and gender, resulting in alternative film cycles and subversive critical

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