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Transportation In New York

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One of New York’s boroughs is Manhattan, that is densely populated and among one of the world’s major commercial, financial, and cultural centers. So many things to learn, see, and appreciate are found in this beautiful city. One place I would visit is New york, NY, because of its transportation, Manhattan, and places to acquire goods.
First, New York’s transportation is truly admirable, due to its efforts, and well organization. A form of transportation in New York is the famous Subway trains, due to the majority of New Yorkers that use this form of transportation. These subway trains are various, leading to every direction. The connections, the information, everything is well planned so you know exactly when to pick up certain train, and where to get off of the underground form of transportation. The public transport of buses is on the streets, not underground like the subway trains. Buses are often used as connectors to the trains, due to some people needing to get to a train that is blocks away, or if the route of a train does not allow you to get close enough to your destination, then buses will take you there. It is perfectly timed that you are able to calmly leave the subway station, and get to your bus that will take you anywhere. Then the private transportation, as I love to call it, is what in New York are taxis, ubers, and …show more content…
Because of the traffic and expenses a car needs, people rather take the subway, but taxis are always useful when in a part of the city the underground vehicle can not access to the area. Because of

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