...Daughters and generals in the politics of the globalized sneaker. In the global industry of sporting merchandise (sneaker), the author gives an example of how universities in the US are connected to Asian factory women who had made said sneakers. She argues that women have shaped globalization, in basically all industries. Cheap labour hides politics. Because of cultural views and the way women saw themselves, it made it easy for companies to manipulate these Korean women to work for cheap even though they knew they were underpaid. This is because they had to help contribute to the family. The author argues that we need to think about women factory worker’s strategies seriously when thinking about globalization because we need to craft a new analytical curiosity that unravels the Gordian knot tying together sneaker design, sneaker company calculations, local regime’s ideologies of femininity, working-class men’s martial expectations, middle-class pro-democracy alliance building efforts and factory women’s complex and evolving strategies. Ultimately, while sneaker companies may celebrate the globalized girl athlete in their own advertisements, they simultaneously rely on regimes to undermine the legitimacy of local feminists challenging critiques with claims that those women activists are mere dupes of western neo-imperialism. Analysis This was an interesting read. I think many people can learn from this article. As a global leader, my views on cheap labour and women in...
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...The Effects of Power and Politics on Goals in General Control Systems Introduction The organization that I am applying my analysis on is General Control System (GCS) Corporation. GCS is a large company specialized in the field of engineering control system services. It supplies many governmental and private organizations with computerized control system and provide technical support and maintenance services. The company has ten departments and around five hundred employees. GCS started as a research center with a manager and a few engineers. It expanded to a professional company that works on governmental engineering control projects. After ten years, it grew up to become a bigger company specialized in advanced control systems. The problematic The most problematic in this organization are the Coercive Power and bad internal politics. Managers with coercive power make things difficult for people. Most of the employees want to avoid making them angry. As a result, they try to get the job done on time without involving into a discussion or any suggestion about it. In addition, management does not allow disagreements out of insecurity or arrogance. There is limited or no leadership performance feedback. Recruitments, selections and promotions are based on internal political agenda, for example hiring friends to guarantee personal loyalty at the expense of other highly performing and more qualified employees. Stock options, bonuses and perks are not fairly linked to performance...
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...Influence in Everyday Politics The Chinese political realm differs vastly from liberal democracies that people in the west are familiar with. The statement “in China today, the general public have no political influence” is complicated by a focus on everyday politics. Chinese citizens do participate in everyday politics, although not in the direct way found in democratic nations. The power of social media in China is allowing internet users to express dissatisfaction with the government, even in the face of censorship. The power of social media and its political influence is illustrated through the 2011 Wenzhou train collision case, which ignited outrage from online communities and led to the exposure of corruption amongst government officials. Typically, when a person thinks about the western concept of political influence, voting in a democratic election comes to mind. For the average citizen, their vote represents their voice in politics. If a person is not satisfied with the government or want to voice their concerns, they are able to freely criticize the state or engage in peaceful protests. They may also participate in politics by joining a political party or even forming a new party. The western concept of political influence centers on free speech and acting directly to affect politics. The concept of political influence by the general public in China is vastly different from western norms. The political system in China is not a liberal democracy, thus many foreigners...
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... Introduction: In our recent time campus violence is a worldwide burning and worrisomeissue. Political instability, student politics, psychological problem and mental instability of students are the most responsible factors to occur this incident frequently. Since globally campus violence is increasing in a concerning rate and general student s are the main sufferer of it, so we have to think about their future and solve this problem right away; otherwise a tremendous shock is waiting for us. And that is why we want to work on this topic. Campus Violence: A Haphazard condition in Educational Institutions What is Campus Violence? According to Oxford Dictionary violence means, “The behaviour involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill somebody” and when the violence occurrs in educational campus, it is called CampusViolence. Violence is always prohibited and when it occurs in educational institutions, it is Obviously distressing and crucial fact. Worldwide educational institutions are faceing this problem frequently. It hampers the regular activities of the institutions. General students are the main victim and they suffer a lot from this vicious type of incident. Campus violence is actually a great quake for Educational sector. It hampers the natural...
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...WOMEN IN POLITICS AND PUBLIC LIFE IN GHANA By Beatrix Allah Mensah AUTHOR: Beatrix Allah-Mensah Department of Political Science University of Ghana, Legon ISBN: 9988-572-87-5 © Copyright Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Accra Published in 2005 Printed & designed by O´Mens Graphix, Accra, Tel.:021-238098 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the contribution of all those who made this project a success. First, I give glory to the Almighty God for bringing me this far in my academic and professional pursuit. Secondly, I express my thanks to all my lecturers in the Department of Political Science, University of Ghana, who have nurtured me onto this path of professional and academic life. Thirdly, I am grateful to all our key informant interviewees from all the institutions/ministries/political parties who gave us their time and valuable information used for this study. Fourthly, I wish to sincerely acknowledge the contribution of my research assistants, Alfred Appiah and Nimingah Beka, national service personnel of the Department of Political Science for their dedicated service during the data collection. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) for commissioning this study and giving me the opportunity to carry it out with financial and institutional support. I would like to state that, except for quotations or references which have been dully acknowledged, this is the result of a research I conducted personally. God Bless all...
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...Question 9 Micropolitics is simply efforts by individuals, companies, and communities to ensure government action. Those with more resources are more likely to become more affect by micropolitics. An example of micropolitics is how congress enacts private legislation every year, an insurance company seeking a favorable tax code comes up more often than not. The more bill passed, the more complex the government programs get. Resulting in more benefits, in addition to more restrictions and mandates. A lot of time the general population is unaware of new micropolitical policy. Subsystems, or the Iron Triangle, is comprised of the relationship between agencies, interest groups, and congressional committees. By aligning yourself with a sub-government committee, we can directly affect political outcomes. Interest groups have the power to influence congress thru voting and re-election favors. While congress seeks to uphold constitutional law while striving for electoral support. Most of these congress member support bills that pertain to their special-interest groups. The third part of the Iron Triangle is agencies, these agencies are pressured just as much as congress to make decision that favor their special interest party members, to ensure a vote....
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...with the problem of corruption and stupendous wastage of scarce resources. All attempts by successive regimes to nip the problem in the bud have failed. With the benefit of hindsight, virtually all the Nigerian leaders who have come in as physicians have left office as patients. What factors precipitate political corruption and why has corruption become endemic and intractable in Nigeria? The paper interrogates corruption in Nigeria through the prisms of Clientelism, Prebendalism, Patrimonialism, Neopatrimonialism, Soft State thesis and the theory of Two Publics. The article contends that these theories for a very long time have not only provided credible theoretical frameworks for the understanding of the development tragedy in Africa in general but also of the pandemic and seemingly insoluble problem of political corruption in Nigeria in particular. However, as a point of departure, the paper argues that rather than fattening the primordial public, the ‘robberies’ that have taken place at the civic public have further pauperized the primordial public, if fattening in this sense is taken to mean social and economic development. The paper further provides some...
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...WHAT IS POLITICS? Why do we have to be interested in politics? If you’re not, others will influence the decisions that govern your lives. For example, who decides to declare war, to fix taxes….Ignorant is manipulated. Aristotle, the founder of the discipline, called politics the “master science”: he meant that almost everything happens in a political context. For example, politics is connected to economics: suppose a hurricane or earthquake strikes a country, in this case it is the political system that decides for example which victims to aid. The disaster is natural, but its impact on society is controlled by politics. Politics may be immoral: we have a misuse of power, corruption…. But even if we don’t like these features, we have to understand how things go on: how A gets B to do what A wants. This is what Political Science tries to explain. Political Science is related to the other social sciences: - History: it’s an important source of data for political scientists (if we analyze the Cold War (1947-1989), we have to know the events so history). But the data are handled differently: political scientists look for generalizations, historians for details. - Geography: physical and human (ethnic areas, regions …….) - Economics: many political quarrels are economic. A good economic development may be the basis for democracy, only few poor countries are democratic. - Sociology: Political Science starts by looking at society to see “who thinks what”about politics. For example...
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...Edexcel AS Politics Edexcel AS Politics ExamBuster 2009 Introduction to Unit 1- People and Politics Understanding the Examination and Exam Technique Choosing your questions In this unit you are presented with four questions. They are of equal value and each question covers one of the four sections of the specification. These are: Democracy and political participation Party policies and ideas Elections Pressure groups There is no significance to the order in which questions appear. Each question is divided into three sections (a), (b) and (c). When choosing which questions to do, the following principles are recommended: It is almost certain that you will be better off choosing your strongest question to do first. You should choose questions on the basis of how well you can answer the section (c) part. The (c) part carries 25 of the 40 marks available for the whole answer. Do not choose a question simply because you can do part (a) especially well. The (a) question is only worth 5 marks. It would be illogical to choose your strongest (a) part if you cannot do well on section (c). If you cannot decide between several (c) parts, i.e. you can do more than one equally well, make your choice on the basis of part (b) which carries 10 marks. But remember, it is the (c) parts that will determine most what your overall mark will be. So, when you first look at the exam paper, look at the (c) sections first. Assessment Objectives Each question is divided into three sections,...
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...5 mark questions practice What is politics? Politics, in its broadest sense, is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live. Although politics is also an academic subject (sometimes indicated by the use of ‘Politics’ with a capital P), it is then clearly the study of this activity. Politics is thus inextricably linked to the phenomena of conflict and cooperation. On the one hand, the existence of rival opinions, different wants, competing needs and opposing interests guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live. On the other hand, people recognize that, in order to influence these rules or ensure that they are upheld, they must work with others – hence Hannah Arendt’s definition of political power as ‘acting in concert’. This is why the heart of politics is often portrayed as a process of conflict resolution, in which rival views or competing interests are reconciled with one another. However, politics in this broad sense is better thought of as a search for conflict resolution than as its achievement, as not all conflicts are, or can be, resolved. What is the difference between power and authority? Power is the ability of an individual or institution to force people to do things, whether they wish to or not. There are various forms of power, the strongest of which is coercion – the use of physical force. The most extreme cases of coercion are seen under totalitarian regimes, where execution, torture...
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...INTRODUCTION The role of women in politics and public affairs is one of the current governance issues because of the perceived and acknowledged potential and contribution of women to governance processes. Participating effectively and meaningfully in order to have an impact is a process of empowerment that enhances self-worth of individuals and groups at the political level. There is no disputing the fact the number of women is seeing a steady growth from local government level in particular especially in the number of contestants and actual elected women. At the national level, particularly in the legislature, the picture has not seen much significant change since 1996. This reflects strongly in the composition of the membership of standing committees and selected committees of parliament where real debate on legislative issues takes place. Certainly, this affects the contribution of women to the policy making process. At the political party level , although all the parties selected for the study which are the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the People’s National Convention (PNC), the Convention People’s Party (CPP) except for the Great Consolidated People’s Party (GCPP), make claims in their manifestoes to their commitment to gender issues in general and women’s concerns in particular, it is not very evident even in their party leadership structure and in their own internal organization. Some party leaders corroborated this by stating...
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...the issues in American society as part of the Reconstruction, particularly in the political and work-related aspects. Specifically, the advocating Progressives had sought out to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment, to improve the government’s general responsiveness and attention to the needs and political requests of the public, and to establish various regulations which would ensure workers’ safety and qualities of life, due to vastly superior working conditions. While some of their ventures had clearly been more successful than had others, combined, the measures taken as part of the Progressive Movement had effected great change in American society, to the point where politics and working conditions alike had transformed from unstable and dangerous to well-supported and sustainable....
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...Process? It is often said that young people lack interest and concern in politics, showing indifference to the modern political process. This claim will be explored in the context of contemporary Britain, acknowledging possible explanations for this apathy and analysing how recent trends may be affecting the level of political interest amongst the youth culture. The difference between old and modern politics will also be discussed, examining how this fits in with youth culture. To begin to acknoweldge why young people may be apathetic towards the modern political process, it is crucial to understand how the youth view politics and how these views have been acquired. For some it would seem that there is a definite lack of education in what politics is, rather than a complete lack of interest. The National Curriculum consists of 4 key stages and it is not until Citizenship lessons at key stage 3 (11 - 14 years old) that British children are taught "knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens" (National Curriculum Online: nc.uk.net) which includes topics on politics. Because of the legal obligations to schools to abide by the National Curriculum many find it difficult or impossible to offer content outside of its scope - the result being that only National Curriculum material is covered. In terms of political education, this means that many children have had no educational of politics since the introduction of the National Curriculum in 1989. Hence large numbers...
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...Writing Assignments i n World Politics Courses Thomas 0. Schlesinger Walking out of Rounds Hall with me after class, Benny, a sophomore in one of my international relations courses, asked for, and received, some pointers on the required paper. “You’ve just told me to write exactly as I’ve been taught not to write,” said he. “And who, pray tell, taught you?” asked I. He gave an over-the-shouldernod across the street, toward Ellen Reed House--the English Department. "Hmmm. . . fine--I'mnot surprised to hear they tell you something different,” I told him. “The English profs teach you to write in a generic way, say, fiction, or generically expository stuff. I want you to write a social science paper.” With some ”Hmmm-ing” of his own, Benny shuffled off, wearing a mildly annoyed and not altogether convinced frown. How dare they teach different ways to write in different departments at the same college! Benny did make an effort to heed my suggestions, but it took persistence. For example, the introduction to his first draft, included a vague Writing Across the Curriculum, Vol. 11, August 1990 35 36 Writing Across The Curriculum (August 1990) statement like: ”Conflict between Arabs and Black Africans in the Sudan is a serious problem and should be examined in greater detail. . . including its history, causes, and future.” The purpose statement I eventually settled for read more like this: ”This paper will examine social, economic, and political aspects...
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...personalor collective interests on the policies of governments and the outcomeof conflicts, and we hear of and sometimes witness the contribution of individuals either to the prosperity or ruin of a particular state orcountry. Such evolutions and variations, past and present, in the ideasand practices behind the organisation and administration of humansocieties are the proper subjects of Political Science. Definition and Scope of Political Science. 1. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, political science refers tothat branch of knowledge concerned with political activity andbehaviour. Considering the very wide varieties of political activities andbehaviours, and the constant changes that they undergo, thisdefinition is still a general statement that informs the reader of little of the nature and scope of this discipline. The name of political science,itself, tells practically nothing...
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