...Introduction Genetically modified, by definition, is a term denoting or derived from an organism whose DNA has been altered for the purpose of improvement or correction of defects. (dictionary.com) Genetically modified foods are foods that have been altered to enhance certain traits for the purpose of making them more desirable to consumers. Since the development of this process, modified foods have become more common throughout the years, and with their increase in production there has also been great controversy. History of Genetically Modified Foods In 1994, the first genetically modified food the Food and Drug Administration deemed safe enough for human consumption was a tomato called the “Flavr Savr,” produced in California. The purpose of altering the tomato was for it to be resistant to rotting and decaying as quickly as tomatoes usually do. They were not labeled as being genetically modified and they were between two and five time more expensive than ordinary tomatoes, but consumers still purchased them. However, due to competition, brought on by a tomato made conventionally and with a longer shelf life, the Flavr Savr tomatoes were not profitable. Genetically modified tomatoes were then made into a tomato puree and sold in Europe in the mid-1990s, but a couple years later controversy arose over the concept of genetically modifying food. In 1998, a doctor from Aberdeen, in Scotland, published results from a research study he conducted suggesting that genetically modified...
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...Genetically Modified Foods Linda L. Day SCI207 – Dependence of Man on the Environment Cynthia Collins February 26th, 2012 Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods have increased the total harvest of many cash crops by eradicating the harm done by weeds and insects, and for the most part, this has been the single greatest benefit that GMOs have presented within the last decade. There are benefits being speculated and tested as of now to future speculation on what this science can bring us. There are other ways that GMOs are able to increase the overall bounty of a crops harvest, such as resisting dangerous diseases and being able to sustain the plant with less water or less nutrients. There have also been attempts to create plants resistant to more untamable forces of nature rather than pests, such as the temperature. There have been many speculations that cold-resistant crops, mainly corn and other fruits and vegetable, could be created by taking the DNA of cold-tolerant fish in the Arctic and splicing it with these foods. “An antifreeze gene from cold water fish has been introduced into plants such as tobacco and potato. With this antifreeze gene, these plants are able to tolerate cold temperatures that normally would kill unmodified seedlings,” (Whitman). One benefit in particular that has seemed to have caught the eye of retailers especially adding more nutritional benefits to foods, such as rice with built-in Vitamin A that can help prevent blindness...
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...Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and genetically modified foods (GMF) are foods that have been altered by changing their genetic make-up. Mutating, inserting, and deleting genes do this. An example of this is done when scientist attach genes to a virus and inject this genetic material into a host’s cell nucleus. The host could be bacteria, insects, food, or mammals. Since animals were first domesticated in 12,000 BC, they were being genetically modified (Goldbas, 2014). Biotechnology and genetic engineering is typically used to alter foods and medicines. Foods are chemically altered to give it more nutrients, a better appearance, and a longer shelf life. Further uses are drug production, medical treatments, and biological research (Goldbas, 2014). There are terms used that are needed to understand the discussion of genetically modified foods. First, Certified Organic Foods are foods that are free of growth hormones, most pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and GMO’S. To have this label, a product must be inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA insures specific practices are followed during production, cultivation, storage, and transport. A second term is food additives. They are substances added to food during production, processing, and transportation. These additives affect the characteristics of the food. They are used to retain foods nutritional value, improve appearance, and prevent spoilage...
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...Who knows what people are actually eating nowadays. Foods have become so different and developed, that we can be eating something we didn’t even know we were consuming. Genetically modified food is gaining popularity and notice. GMOs are foods that have been genetically modified by changing and switching around the DNA. Are we using the benefit of GMOs wisely, or may we seem to go far? If we continue this process will it potentially harm us, or benefit us? First of all, in the article Genetically Modified Organisms it mentions, “...genetically modified crops and animals will also be more environmentally friendly because they conserve water, soil, and energy.” She also mentions, “...animals also are expected to have a higher resistance to disease and overall better health, with better natural waste management.” Therefore, our animals are helping our environment, but as well as adapting to beneficial health. Animals will help our environment by conserving necessary needs for any living organism. Also, since the resistance to disease has increased, we will experience a wonderful environment. Since animals are expected to have better health and well-being we can expect “better” milk, eggs, meat, etc. and if we take consideration...
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...21, 2013 Trent McDowell Genetically Modified Foods According to The World Health Organization, “genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally through the introduction of a gene from a different organism” (WHO, 2013). These foods are made possible by infusing genes of a different specimen with their DNA. This kind of adjustment is used in both animals and plants, but it is more commonly seen in the latter. There are a host of reasons why such foods have been developed. Some foods are adjusted genetically to prevent allergies that may occur after being eaten, while others are adjusted to improve their life on the shelf (Kartha, 2012). There is still a lot that is unknown about the effects foods that are genetically modified will have on bodies of humans in the long run. Many believe that consuming genetically adjusted foods can cause the growth of illnesses that antibiotics cannot help (Kartha, 2012). In addition to causing diseases, people who eat genetically altered foods have high risks of getting cancer (Kartha, 2012). These altered foods are new inventions so to speak and not a lot is understood about the long-term effects on the human species. Due to the unknown effects, many decide to steer clear of genetically modified foods. Some argue that genetically modified foods are very beneficial. They feel that the modified foods will aid in the feeding of an ever...
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... Genetically Modified Food The field of biotechnology and genetic engineering has been gradually improved, and the bioengineer could make a huge difference in our life by modifying the crops that we need. Genetically modified food could solve many problems to humans such as, cultivating new crops with new characteristics that could help humans. Also genetic engineering could help some countries to cultivate new crops they couldn’t cultivate it before for many reasons such as weather, soil type, and cultivating seasons. However, recently genetically modified food could make a big influence to human’s life, and it helped them to cultivate new crops, they wouldn’t be able to cultivate it without it. About 200 years ago Thomas Malthus predicted that according to that big increase in the humans’ population which is currently up to six billions, “the number of mouths that need to feed is increased. The numbers of cultivated crops is stable since Thomas Malthus has made his prediction; this has been the result of amazing technological advances in agricultural sciences with advent of biotechnology and genetic engineering, which have served to increase the average yield of various farm products’’ (Nayak et.al 112). Most of the countries started to cultivate genetically modified crops to feed their needs, and they could increase their crops number quickly. Global cultivation of genetically modified food in 1996 was three million hectares...
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...provided, and write an academic essay in which you discuss the effects of genetically modified food on South Africans and the economy Name of lecturer : Ms Lutasha Ndesi Name of tutor : Gaynor Godlo Due Date : 6 May 2015 | Marking Criteria | Mark Allocation | Mark Achieved | 1 | Presentation | 2 | | 2 | Introduction and Conclusion | 5 | | 3 | Structure ( Paragraph development: Topic, Supporting and Concluding sentences) | 8 | | 4 | Language | 20 | | 5 | Content | 50 | | 6 | Quotations | 10 | | 7 | Reference List | 5 | | | Total Mark | 100 | | Declaration 1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend it is one’s own work. 2. Each contribution to, and quotation in this work that I have taken from the work of other people has been attributed and has been cited and referenced. 3. This submission is my own work. 4. I have not allowed, and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as their own work. Signed: …………………………………………… Date: 6 May 2015 1. Introduction Genetically modified food is a widespread problem all over the world. Many years genetically modified foods have been used to help overcome poverty. Although genetically modified foods are inexpensive,...
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...Genetically-modified food are food in which its genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. This allows certain desired genes to pass to its “offspring” and also allows cross between those that are not from the same species. Researchers from the Food Policy Institute at Rutgers’ Cook College found that only 52% of Americans realized that genetically modified foods are sold in grocery stores and only 26% believed that they have ever eaten genetically modified foods. (WebMD) Genetically-modified are being developed because of the perceived advantages they are being portrayed to the producers and consumers of the food. Initially the purpose of genetically-modified was to improve the crops protection versus insects and insecticides as well from plant diseases. According to Scientists and U.S. government regulators genetically engineered crops are safe and can provided much needed food in starving nations. But if you talk to biotechnology critics and other scientists though they would disagree with believing that there are not enough testing and regulation on genetically-modified food that we do not know if it’s safe or not. In the European Union they dislike genetically-modified food and prefer the healthier organic food. They believe that only the biotech companies that are creating the product are benefiting and that there are no health and environment gains from genetically-modified food. There is quite a few foods in the US food market that...
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...A great deal of controversy has arisen over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Genetically Modified Food, especially surrounding the production, sale, and consumption of genetically modified foods. Many people are concerned that the consumption of GMO foods may pose serious health risks. The concern is centered around the notion that there could potentially be various different unforeseen consequences due to the consumption of GMO foods. Even though there is a large controversy over GMOs not many people know what and how dangerous GMO’s are. GMO’s are organisms produced from crops whose genetic makeup has been altered through a process called recombinant DNA, or gene splicing, to give the crop a desirable trait (Bren). Genetic engineering is also defined as the copying of a gene from one plant or animal and adding it to another plant or animal. Monsanto is one of the large producers of GMO seeds. Monsanto offers farmers a wide range of GMO corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum and sugar cane seeds. Theses seeds have been genetically altered to produce a pesticide, yields more per seed, and withstand harsher weather conditions. Some of these plants are now, what is called, roundup ready (Monsanto). Roundup ready plants can be sprayed with roundup and not be effected by it. Due to the use of Roundup ready plants farmers are not having to be as careful when spraying these plants and more often then not they spray more roundup on them then needed. Roundup...
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...Genetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. We have been “genetically modifying” foods for decades. They have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. These techniques have allowed for the introduction of new crop traits as well as a far greater control over a food's genetic structure than previously afforded by methods as breeding and mutation breeding. In 1994, genetically modified tomatoes hit the market in the US as the first commercially available genetically modified crop. To date, most genetic modification of foods have primarily focused on crops in high demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cottonseed oil. These may have been engineered for faster growth or any other beneficial purpose for the farmers. Genetically modified food livestock have also been experimentally developed, but as of September 2013 none are currently on the market. We debate whether producing genetically modified foods have any harm toward the human body. But there is no scientific conclusion that genetically modified foods are harmful. Genetically modified foods pose no more harm toward our body than conventional foods. However, critics have objected to genetically modified foods on several grounds, including safety issues. The advantages of genetically modified foods are...
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...Genetically Modified Foods June 4, 2012 SCI 220 Although not widely publicized, genetically modified foods have been in our food supply for decades. Genetically modified foods are engineered to benefit and protect the food supply by providing an abundant supply of crops that may repel insects without the need for pesticides and less expensive crops that maintain freshness for longer. There are also disadvantages in using genetically modified foods because the genetically modified version of the food may differ from the original food, losing its nutritional value or creating an allergen. The continuous study and regulation of genetically modified foods will protect the food supply and the people who consume it. Since the onslaught of pesticide use and environmental concerns, genetically modified foods have made its way into grocery stores and supermarkets. The “Bionet” (n.d.) website states, “Genetically modified food products are plants that have had their genetic characteristics altered. Scientists change the plants' characteristics by putting new genetic material into them, genes for example from a bacterium which can withstand pesticides.” Without knowing, Americans consume GM foods daily. Most people are unaware of the modifications in their food because the United States, unlike Australia, does not require a GM food label to identify whether or not the food is modified or not (Berry, 2012). According to Berry (2012), “Determining...
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...Genetically modified food is made by applying different genetic engineering technologies to raise the best in fruits, crops and vegetables etc. these techniques involve the cross breeding of different species of plants and even animals to produce the off-springs of specific traits. This is done such that the species with the best quality traits are cross bred. Although this methodology would seem beneficial but it is actually against the natural and normal breeding because GM involves interbreeding among different species and that is not natural or normal. Over time it has affected people from different parts of the world resulting into allergies, infections and even new kind of diseases. These effects are irreversible. In the U.S 5% of the children and 2% adults get affected by GM food because they may get allergies or high toxicity, decreased nutritional value and also antibiotic resistance. Even though genetically engineered food products are being used worldwide but their safety has not been verified yet. It is like we are the rats for their test regarding the safety of GM food. Its effects on human health are not clearly known. These genetically engineered products can even cause cancer. The genetically engineered material, when released in nature may contaminate food and water thus causing malignant tumors leading to cancer. The GM food is also expensive and cannot be consumed by poor people even if the GM food is good or not. Also the people who have a restricted...
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...Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are foods from genetically modified organisms, such as genetically modified crops, plants and other foods. It is widely scientifical argue that food form GM crops through genetic engineering is methods. However, opponents have objected to GM foods including food safety issues and customers’ economics concerns. This essay will discuss the extent to which GM foods influence how people and what types of GM food exist in daily food. Ever now, some developing countries still have famine and malnutrition. One of the most significant problems facing poor countries currently is the rapid climb in population. In the last two decades, the population of the world is doubled. As the population of the world is increased, which becoming a global issue, the most important problem is that the shortage of food. Most worryingly, over 800 million people still have too much poverty to eat. Meanwhile, there is a slowly increased in yield-enhancing crop (Lipton, 2001). According to Bouis (2007), the authors suggest, ‘one way that biotechnology can help to improve the nutrition and health of consumers in developing countries is by increasing the vitamin and mineral content and their bioavailability in staple foods’. Bouis suggested that the supply of food adapted to the population, and the only way to solve this problem is that biotechnology can grow the crops’ output and adaptive capacity, which it through genetic engineering to change hereditary character of...
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...Genetically Modified Foods According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) are "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally."1 This technology is also referred to as "genetic engineering", "biotechnology" or "recombinant DNA technology" and consists of randomly inserting genetic fragments of DNA from one organism to another, usually from a different species. For example, an artificial combination of genes that includes a gene to produce the pesticide Cry1Ab protein (commonly known as Bt toxin), originally found in Bacillus thuringiensis, is inserted in to the DNA of corn randomly. Both the location of the transferred gene sequence in the corn DNA and the consequences of the insertion differ with each insertion. The plant cells that have taken up the inserted gene are then grown in a lab using tissue culture and/or nutrient medium that allows them to develop into plants that are used to grow GM food crops.2 Natural breeding processes have been safely utilized for the past several thousand years. In contrast, "GE crop technology abrogates natural reproductive processes, selection occurs at the single cell level, the procedure is highly mutagenic and routinely breeches genera barriers, and the technique has only been used commercially for 10 years."3 Despite these differences, safety assessment of GM foods has been based on the idea of "substantial equivalence" such that "if a...
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...Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? Shana Kritzer Lourdes University 23 April 2013 Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? In the spring of 1998, a riot broke out, just outside of Norfolk, England. The cause was not labor disputes or race relations, but a crop of genetically modified food. What began as a peaceful demonstration of anti-genetic modification Greenpeace protesters evolved into a riotous crowd of about 150, who after trampling security guards, marched onto the field and began uprooting and destroying a plot of genetically modified (GM) corn. Protesters used bare hands, trimming shears, and a mowing machine to destroy over 4 acres of the 6 acre plot. Farm workers tried to drive protesters away with a mechanical digger and shovels, while the farm manager disabled the mowing machine by ramming it with his tractor, but the protesters continued to demolish the crop field. After fifteen minutes police arrived and managed to break up the riot. The protest led to 30 arrests and 26 injuries (6 police officers, 12 farm workers, 8 protesters) (“GM Protesters”). After 12 more incidents like this one, numerous raids and attacks on food stores and labs selling or producing genetically modified products, the controversy and upset in England has still not reached an end. Around the world the debate on genetically modified food continues. Products containing genetically modified ingredients dominate the grocery shelves, with at least seventy-five percent of processed...
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