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Geography Of Ghana Research Paper

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The country of Ghana also known as the Republic of Ghana is not as well known as others like Egypt, Guinea, Nigeria, and Ethiopia, but still is important and loved by many. Ghana has many ethnic groups which are diverse and have unique traditions. They are blessed with a very large and beautiful coastline which is 335 miles long. They use their coastline to their advantage by fishing and farming.

Location Ghana is shaped like a rectangle and is located in west Africa with an area of 92,098 square miles which is slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Oregon. Ghana has a total land length of 1,301 miles (Gall, Gall, and Gleason, 2012). Accra is Ghana's capital which is also the largest city with Kumasi coming in at second, Tamale is the …show more content…
They cover about one third of Ghana and are very beneficial. They provide wet soil for crops that need that including: Cocoa beans, coffee beans, plantains (a less sweet banana), yams, and coco yams (an edible root that is grown is Africa). Most of central Ghana is taken up by the Volta Basin which has poor soil so it is hard to farm there. Northern Ghana is the driest and has short rainy seasons from September to November and April to June followed by an extremely dry season from December to March in which no rain falls. Ghana's largest river which is the Volta is made up of 3 rivers the Black Volta, the White Volta, and the Oti. There are many other rivers including: the Tano, the Pra, the Ambroya, the Birim. and the Desa. . In the 1960s a dam was built which created lake Volta. Lake Volta is the largest artificial lake in the world. Lake Bosumtwe is the only natural lake in all of Ghana. There are about 3,725 plant types, 249 mammal types, 729 bird types, 135 reptile types, and 72 amphibian types. Around 98.5% of Ghanaians are Africans. There are many ethnic groups here are some of the largest: The Akans and Asante which are part of the Akans which are about 44% of the population of all of Ghana, the Moshi-Dagomba which are about 16% of the population, the Ewe are about 13% of the population, 8% are the Ga, and 19% are other(Gall, Gall, and Gleason …show more content…
Tro-tros are small buses or trucks you must pay to ride them and they only leave when every seat is filled. They do have 38,662 miles of road of which 6,186 miles are paved. They also have 588 miles of railroad and 11 airports 7 of which are paved. Ghana's most important imports petroleum oil, consumer goods, and food(Gall, Gall, Gleason,2012). The largest exports are: coca, mining, aluminum, and wood. Ghana's largest trade partners are: China, Nigeria, United States, France, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and its neighboring country Cote D'Lvoire. People have been immigrating from Burkina Faso and Togo for generations(Gall, Gall, and Gleason,

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