Premium Essay

Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18

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Driving is not mandatory, but it is a preferred method of transportation by a majority of people. It is a fast way to travel to get to distances that are around the area and there are no scheduled times in place that determine when a person is not allowed to use a car. However, rules are placed to keep people safe and have the system working more methodically. Currently, for the state of Virginia, the earliest that a person can receive their driver’s license is at the age of 16 and 3 months old. Yet, since their are so many people on the road, it can become hectic and sometimes unsafe. People wonder if being 16 is too young for people to be on the road, and would rather it be changed to 18. Seeing how frequent car crashes take place for people around that age, it is understandable why someone would want the minimum age to be changed. The driving age should be raised to 18 years old because younger drivers are expected to be more mature at that age and it will ultimately lower the amount of injuries, fatalities, and deaths …show more content…
At that age, you are prepared for most of the legal rights and responsibilities that adulthood has to offer. During a teenager’s early years, and especially around the ages of 15-16, it is found that since the teenage mind is still in development, and teens tend to be more risky and irrational in certain situations. There could be choices that are made without thinking of all the consequences that could follow suit, which could fall into the performance of how the vehicle is driven. Other people mention that gaining practice and experience earlier on is a crucial part to learning a skill more efficiently. However, the teenage mind is still learning, so sometimes reckless decisions are made while on the road. Whether it be from speeding through a red light or stop sign or making a turn too early or late, a mistake can lead to a potential car

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