Should the legal driving age be raised to 18?
The age at which you can legally drive varies from country to country, but in many places it is lower than 18, but the states are determined to change this. The driving age should not be increased to a minimum of 18. The driving age should stay where it currently is (between the ages 16 and 17) because it would allow young adults to gain independence and responsibility, it provides an early start for becoming better drivers, and allows young adults to have jobs and participate in after school activities such as sports, clubs, and community service.
Keeping the driving age to where it is currently set would benefit both young adults and their parents. It gives young adults the chance to gain independence and responsibility by taking care of a car…show more content… Parents are benefited from the current driving age because they wouldn't have to worry about shuttling their teens from place to place. Keeping the driving age between 16 and 17 provides young adults an early start to becoming a better driver. An early start is a good one when it comes to driving because the earlier they drive the better driver they’ll become when they do get their license. Young adults in school have more available hours to drive compared to 18 year olds who are busy working part and full time. provided by Allstate Company quotes that “New drivers, particularly young drivers, have higher insurance rates for 2 reasons: inexperience behind the wheel and immaturity.” Although, allowing young adults to practice driving at an age