Premium Essay

George Lancia Case


Submitted By edmlife
Words 515
Pages 3
Consulting for George Lancia:

1. Problem:
George lacks expertise, and incompetence to run his Businesses’.

Does not have an education and does not know how to handle his finances from an early stage.

George brought all business down financially by reaching overdraft limits and lines of credit.

Constraints: George will need to confront all conflicts while maintaining past relationships.

Solution: George needs to hire Cam as a consultant to help him with the skills he is missing. Cam’s expertise will bring everything under control.

Problem Statement:
George lack of expertise and incompetence is no longer adequate to run his businesses’ as evidenced by financial inefficiencies and George’s difficulty in confronting people, needs to hire a consultant with the expertise and skills he is missing; so, he can handle his financial burdens and continue operating his businesses’ while confronting his conflicts and past relationships.

2. George’s definitely had some technical skills; he had specialized competencies such as owing a couple of businesses’ such as a movie theater, drive in theater, restaurant and sold real estate. George had the capability to invest in several fast food restaurants, retirement home and rental properties.

George was lacking human skills he couldn’t not confront many people in his businesses' or give them direction on how to run the business. In one of his restaurants George was worried about being forced to buy out Jeff an employee if George himself did not address the operating problems at that restaurant. Also, the Vaughan’s, the Ministry of Health and the bank expressed doubt about George being able to run the nursing home successfully- this showed that he was not trustworthy and his decisions were questioned.

Another big skill George was lacking was Conceptual skills! The reason why I

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