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George R. Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire

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George R. R. Martin, American writer and screenwriter, lauded as “American J. R. R. Tolkien" and "Hemingway of the new century”, is famous for his unique narrative techniques and ravish imagination shown in his breathtaking masterpieces.

During his thirty years devoted to writing career, Martin’s talent was proved by a myriad of international rewards. Six Hugo Awards, two Nebula Awards, thirteen Locus Awards, one Bram Stoker Award and two World Fantasy Awards including World Fantasy Award for life Achievement, all of those are the highest compliments in the realm of science fiction, horror fiction and fantasy, and the milestones of Martin’s unceasing exploration in his fantastic world.

His fantasy epic, A Song of Ice and Fire is deemed as …show more content…
R. Martin), was a book-lover and a dreamer in his early age.

In elementary school, he could earn his allowance by selling his stories to other kids. And in junior high school he won his first reward for fiction.

In 1970 and 1971, Martin got his Bachelor Degree and Master Degree in journalism in Northwestern University with excellent academic performance. This systematic training of journalism enabled him to develop a pithy, vivid style, and acquire writing techniques appealing to readers’ human nature. And in 1971 he published his first novel.

Since then, Martin began his career path as a professional writer, and received the most of his rewards during this time.

After achieving great success in literature, Martin marched into Hollywood to become a screenwriter in 1986. This experience allowed him to further hone his language skill, and meanwhile provided a valuable opportunity for him to have a profound understanding of visual language. Although Martin seldom wrote novels when he was employed in Hollywood, this period of time laid solid foundation for his future …show more content…
Those horrid creatures are blocked out of the Seven Kingdoms by the Wall (a gargantuan fence made of ice), and supposed to be died out thousands year ago. However, as the winter impending, they show up and strengthen force by ruthlessly slaughtering Wildlings (human being living beyond the Wall). The Night’s Watch defends the Wall desperately, while the people in Seven Kingdoms still scramble for power and wealth, knowing nothing about the lurking

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