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National Immigration Assistance Organization Case Study

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The name of our organization is the National Immigration Assistance Organization (NIAO).
Our organization is located in New York, New York.
The NIAO’s mission statement is: “The goal of the NIAO is to ensure the safety, well-being, and success of immigrants. We insure that immigrants are on the path to a bright and promising future by giving them access to education, housing, and jobs.”
We believe that:
Immigrants have the right to a fair and equal education.
Immigrants should have access to job opportunities.
Immigrants deserve clean, spacious homes that accommodate their families.
Immigrants should be treated fairly among peers and not suffer from prejudice.
Immigrants should have the right to practice their religious and cultural beliefs,

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...Sample Research Paper on Citizenship Introduction Citizenship is being defined as the relationship between the state and individuals. Historically citizenship is being inevitably linked with the state formation. Originally citizenship was denoting residence of people within protected walls of a city. Thus, whoever belonged to a community residing inside the boundaries was considered a citizen. Later this term has acquired a different meaning and the standards and definitions of citizenship have changed. There were many reasons that have caused such changes: history proceeded with its migrations, wars and annexation and along on its way brought new meanings to citizenship. Such change in definition, for example, can be found in suffrage granted to women and the nonpropertied classes. Paupers, convicts and soldiers are another example of how political and civil rights were once a privilege of certain classes only (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 11). With the introduction of mass democracy and social protection as well as introduction of welfare state a need in the new conception that would look on the relationship on an individual and the state appeared consequently. The norms of citizenship, therefore, have improved with the development of state and citizenship became a multination concept, which implies different things to different nations (Dahrendorf, 1974, p. 12). According to Michael Ignatieff (1995), the introduction of the welfare state can be explained as an attempt to make citizenship...

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