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Gerald No Last Name Analysis

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In “Gerald no Last Name” by Sandra Cisneros, Marin goes to a party as she usually does on the weekend. At the party, she meets a man by the name of Geraldo which she learns very few about and spends some time with him that night. On his way home, Geraldo was involved in a hit and run accident in which he loses his life because of the lack of medical attention. Marin becomes the last person to see him that night before his sudden death and gets questions by the police. When questioned, Marin seems upset because she didn’t know him prior to the party. “But what difference does it make? He wasn’t anything to her. He wasn’t her boyfriend or anything like that. Just another brazer who didn’t speak English. Just another wet back. You know the kind” (Sandra). At the hospital, police and doctors have no information about him or his family because he had no identification on him and didn’t care. After all, he was just another “wet back” and all his family are back in his country. Life is unexpected and you should treat people with kindness because you don’t know what they might be going through or if that might be the last time anyone ever see them. …show more content…
Marin is a party girl who goes out very often and loves to dance. On the night that she met Geraldo, for her it was just another party she would attend. Meeting Geraldo was nothing out of the ordinary since, at parties meeting new people at every party is common. Marin being the last person to spend time with someone whom she did not know at all and would die that night was not common. After all, it did not seem like she was interested in him at all when she met him at the party. So why would she care about someone she didn’t know

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