Yilin Wang
SID: 576276
Bus 103, Section 023
TA: Bruce Zhang
Temporal, P. (2002). Advanced Brand Management. Culture Insight Strategy, P1-78.
• In the early days of mass production, most of marketers failed because they didn’t know what consumers needed and then produce products that they thought the public needed. As time passed, marketers soon learned that they should care more about what customers had in mind; therefore, the whole world has now become brand-conscious. Pg 12
• If we want achieve spectacular financial results from brand, we should created, developed, and managed it well. There is difference between brand value and brand equity in terminology; however, it appears that there is a connection between them. On the other hand, in order to latest profitable in market, marketer should strengthen the relationship of the brand with consumer, and then drive the business forward and build brand value. Pg 14
• Brand management should start with strategy which gives focus and direction to brand management, and provides the platform that enables brand managers to gain consistency in all their brand-related activities. Pg 18
• Consumer insight is the gateway to understanding people’s rational and emotional behaviors, and there is no doubt that brand strategies that are built on emotion. The emotional brand relationship process is: Awareness->Information->Respect->Trust->Loyalty. Probably one of the most successful ways to build and emotional brand strategy is to create a personality for brand, develop an attitude toward life, and establish trust in the brand. Pg 23
• Developing the attributes of speed, agility, and innovation are necessary for companies who wants to build a great brand in today’s society. Pg28
• Positioning is vital to brand management because it takes the basic tangible aspects of the