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印象派不仅在在法国绘画史中占据着举足轻重的位置,从欧洲绘画史的发展进程看,印象派也是极为重要的组成部分。正是在印象派画家笔下,闪烁的阳光和微妙的阴影被引入画面,绘画由此变得清新明丽而有生机。正如文艺复兴运动使欧洲社会从中世纪摆脱出来一样,“印象派”的出现,标志着艺术家从室内走向了室外,从古典画法的看不见笔触到现在的自由奔放的笔触,从关注宗教题材到表现乡村题材和平凡生活的变化,从客观再现到主观的精神表现等。 而克劳德•莫奈,作为印象派最具代表性的画家之一。他的印象派绘画作品拥有哪些特色,他本人与印象派又有哪些联系,对于推动印象派的发展在哪些方面做过哪些贡献,在他身上有哪些精神值得我们学习。存在着许多类似的问题值得探讨和研究。

1.2研究方法与论文结构 本文的总体研究方法是文献研究法。通过搜集、鉴别、整理文献,并通过对文献的研究,形成对克劳德•莫奈的印象派画作及其对法国印象画派的影响这一研究课题的整体认识。同时还有典型案例分析的方法。以莫奈的各个不同时期的印象派绘画作品为例,对莫奈的绘画技法和特点进行分析,同时来研究莫奈和印象画派的各种联系。 文章分三大部分。第一部分关于印象派大师克劳德•莫奈。首先介绍了莫奈的生平,接着,按时间线通过分析莫奈不同时期的作品来研究他在不同环境和境遇下的的绘画技法和特点。第二部分关于法国印象派绘画。在简单介绍了印象派之后,分析印象派产生的基础,包括哲学基础、技术基础和社会基础;研究印象派的构图、造型、色彩、“写意”、主观精神表现和绘画方式等绘画特征。最后对莫奈对印象派的影响进行各个方面的分析和总结,得出莫奈对印象派的5大影响:“印象派”因他得名、最具有印象派特点的画家、毕生推动“印象派”的发展、冲击了19世纪的官方艺术和艺术追求及精神永存。


2.1莫奈生平简介 克劳德•莫奈是非常著名的印象派大师,1840年生于巴黎,后举家迁至法国诺曼底的港口勒阿弗尔。1859年莫奈来到巴黎,在蒙马尔特区与许多艺术家结识。1862年,他进入巴黎的格莱尔画室学习,和雷诺阿、西斯莱、巴齐耶同学,并结为莫逆之交。这群年轻的画家对格莱尔的学院派教学法深为不满,很快离开这个画室,一起到巴比松附近枫丹白露对景写生。在此期间,莫奈对库尔贝、马奈的艺术发生浓厚的兴趣。在莫奈的早期作品《卡米耶》、《花园中的妇女》中,可以看到马奈的影响。他积极参加了一群青年艺术家在巴黎盖尔波瓦咖啡馆的定期会晤,是这群画家(后来成为印象派社团)中的中心人物。1870年,莫奈访问伦敦,从泰纳的外光表现技巧中得到启示。 不久,莫奈与一群志同道合的人到塞纳河畔的阿让特伊建立流动画室,共同讨论艺术问题,观察大自然景色的千变万化,捕捉阳光空气在自然界物体上的微妙变化。1878年至1883年,莫奈在韦特伊村画风景,还经常到各地旅行写生。1883年定居吉维尼,全力以赴地作风景画。1891年第二次访问伦敦,不久创作《草垛》、《鲁昂教堂》连作。在访问挪威后,他根据自己在吉维尼别墅花园中河塘的景色作系列连作《睡莲》。 莫奈从小就钟爱绘画,并显示出极高的天赋,少年时就受到布丹和马奈等人的影响,虽然生活上几度浮沉,但他依然坚定而执着的追求着他的艺术梦想。他反对陈旧而模式化的传统画法,主张户外写生,以自己敏锐的观察力捕捉和表现自然界瞬间的美妙的东西,打破了卓有束缚的传统的构图和色彩表现法则,重视外光和色彩的表现。

2.2莫奈的绘画技法和特点 莫奈有许多与众不同的绘画技法和特点,比如他经常围绕同一题材作画,以户外风景为主色彩,抛弃幽暗的色彩,改用纯色小点和短线,斑斓的色彩铺满画面,没有结实清晰的形象等等。这些都融入在了他的印象派画中,不能独立于画作来进行描述。因此,本文通过分析莫奈不同时期的作品,来研究莫奈的生平,以及他在不同环境和境遇下的的绘画技法和特点。 莫奈早期的作品主要是以人或与人物相关的事物搭配适当的风景,成为创作的题材,之后逐渐偏向纯粹以大自然为主的作品题材。晚年作品的中心则都以自己建造的睡莲池为主,以接近抽象画的笔法,来表现映射在水面的倒影,这一系列风景画是莫奈最杰出的作品。 不同创作时期及代表作: Les débuts:La naissance de l'impressionisme 1.1 Impression, soleil levant [pic] Impression, soleil levant Claude MONET 1873 Musée Marmottan, Paris 《日出·印象》或许是莫奈最出名的一幅作品,也有可能是印象派最有名的作品。因为印象主义正是由此画得名。这幅《印象•日出》是一个典型的印象主义之作。这幅油画描绘的是透过薄雾观望勒阿弗尔港口日出的景象。它作为一幅海景写生画, 整个画面笼罩在稀薄的灰色调中, 笔触画得非常随意、零乱, 展示了一种雾气交融的景象。日出时, 海上雾气迷朦, 水中反射着天空和太阳的颜色.岸上景色隐隐约约, 模模糊糊看不清, 给人一种瞬间的感受。直接戳点的绘画笔触描绘出晨雾中不清晰的背景,多种色彩赋予了水面无限的光辉,并非准确地描画使那些小船依稀可见。 在由淡紫、微红、蓝灰和橙黄等色组成色调的晨雾中,一轮生机勃勃的红日拖着海水中一缕橙黄色的波光,冉冉生起。海水、天空、景物在轻松的笔调中,交错渗透,浑然一体。太阳从水面上升起,影影绰绰的起重机、烟囱勉强可辨,离前景最近的小船的船上的人仅仅是一抹剪影……灰色、带灰的橙色、浅紫色、黄白色的颜料铺满了画面,将日出东方、朝霞满天、水面上雾气蒸腾的景象以“印象”的手法表达,令“瞬间”浓缩成“永恒”,真实地描绘了法国海港城市日出时的光与色给予画家的视觉印象。

2. Argenteuil (1872 - 1875) :Vie de famille et Bateaux à Argenteuil 1871年底,普法战争结束,巴黎公社也平息了,莫奈来到巴黎郊外的Argenteuil住了下来。Argenteuil是一个美丽的小镇,塞纳河从这里流过,莫奈在这里一直住到1878年。其实仔细研究一下印象派画家们的作品目录,就能发现,Argenteuil是一个出现频率很高的词。在这个美丽的地方有宽阔的河流,横跨在河上的桥梁,和在河水中行驶的船只。Argenteuil的一草一木、蓝天白云下的河流,围绕着小镇的田园风光,都给了莫奈巨大的创作灵感。还有哪个地方比Argenteuil让这个喜爱描绘外光的画家更感到轻松和享受的呢?除了莫奈之外,这里也吸引了莫奈的朋友们,马奈、雷诺阿、西斯莱他们也经常到访此地。有时,他们对着同一片风景,用他们各自所特有的绘画技巧,留下了一幅幅“淡彩浓抹总相宜”的作品。 2.1 Le bassin d'Argenteuil [pic] "Le bassin d'Argenteuil" Claude MONET 1872 Musée d'Orsay, Paris 在这幅图里中间调子代替了色彩对比,但不是借了色彩的混合,而是通过形成一种光的综合作用的色彩分解或组合。黑色已不再出现于画家的调色板,剩下的只是造成明与暗的光谱色彩,它们形成了形的实体。统一的色彩风格很自然地遍及整个画面:远景和近景,物体、水和天空,把这一切改造成为一种美妙动人的景象,而浑然一片、不分层次的空间透视,则把这远景和近景联成一个整体。紫色和黄色的调子同河水和天空的蔚蓝色交织在一起,这些颜色的调子差别把这些自然现象区分得清清楚楚。而且平静如镜的河面,仿佛就成了天穹的基础。每一种颜色单独看来十分柔和,它们的整体却又是强烈的。出现在我们面前的是天边焰火弥漫,白昼即将消逝的图景,一条大帆船静静地停在一片灰色的半阴影之中。这是一个幻想家的直观,在这烟雾缭绕、夕阳西下、一片忧郁的气氛之中,莫奈仿佛就是那光的生命,直接参与着它的逐渐熄灭。这是莫奈创作中的丰收时期,是他创作了色彩的传奇。

2.2 Les Coquelicots à Argenteuil [pic] "Les Coquelicots à Argenteuil" Claude MONET 1873 Musée d'Orsay, Paris 这幅《野罂粟花田》也是莫奈最有名的作品之一,或许是因为莫奈的妻子Camille和他的儿子Jean都出现在这幅画里,淹没在了美丽的花海中。土堤处还画有一对母子,草原上若有似无的步道,连接前后景的两对人物,让观者的视线往前后景之间游移。不只是相同两组人物的重复登场,画面左侧颜色鲜明的野罂粟花,根据两个人物的动线,而被画在对角线上的两头,表现出由画面之外延伸进来的深度感。此外,这个部分的鲜明色彩与人物所呈现的动态,恰好与右上的静态形成对比。画面放眼望去,就是一片花海、云海。近处的花色和远处的草色营造出画面的纵深感。若隐若现的人物呈现出动感,与树丛掩映下的静态房屋形成有趣的对照。莫奈在户外完成的这幅《野罂粟花田》,虽然是一幅描写自然的小品,但可以看得出构图相当巧妙。

2.3 Le Pont d'Argenteuil [pic] "Le Pont d'Argenteuil" Claude MONET 1874 Musée d'Orsay, Paris 莫奈追求丰富美丽色彩,他喜欢画水,他说:“我的一生都在塞纳河,可以说每天所有的时间都是这样,甚至每个季节,我从没有产生过厌倦,对我来说,它永远在变化着。”他在这幅画中所描绘的阳光下平静的水面,像华丽的织锦一样光灿夺目,色彩缤纷艳丽,天空的云朵,浓密的丛林,大桥与河面上白色帆船的倒影,被微风吹起的波浪搅得若隐若现,粼光灿灿,近处如镜的水面印着倒置的蓝天白云和白色帆船,这是一个蕴含生命跳动的光与色组成的艺术世界。

3. Vétheuil (1879 -1882):Le village et Au bord de l'eau 3.1 Le Jardin de Monet à Vétheuil [pic] "Le Jardin de Monet à Vétheuil" Claude MONET 1881 National Gallery of Art, Washington 1878年8月,莫奈在Vétheuil定居下来。但78年夏季和78-79冬季中糟糕的天气使他的工作受到了阻碍。1880年春天,经过财政上的困难和卡米尔去世的打击后,莫奈再次拿起了画笔。这一片片盛开的自然景观,正是他恢复心情的证据。莫奈对他的花园感到非常自豪,所以经常用画笔画下花园中的景色。花园中盛开的向日葵让他回想起以前在Argenteuil的花园。

4. Ombrelles (1875, 1886-87) 4.1 La Promenade, la femme à l'ombrelle [pic] "La Promenade, la femme à l'ombrelle" Claude MONET 1875 National Gallery of Art, Washington 莫奈曾经画过三幅《撑阳伞的女人》,一幅画于1886年,以第二任妻子爱丽丝·欧希德与前夫所生的女儿苏珊娜为模特儿所创作的。奥赛美术馆里有另一幅方向相反的作品,画中的苏珊娜是望向右方。 而这幅作于1875年,以前妻Camille为模特儿。画面正中偏右站着一位撑阳伞的女人,而画面偏左较远处的就是她的儿子,这是一个晴天的早上,两母子在草地上漫步。整幅画只用了简单的蓝、绿、棕等自然的色彩,给人一种宁静舒适的感觉。很好地捕捉光影和画中的瞬间印象感觉。在印象派中"光才是画面真正的主角"。在这幅画中,采用原色并列、重叠和补色手法,形成新的绘画语言。画中女人面部和上半身都用上较暗的色彩,表明是处于阳伞的阴影之下,而整个阳伞、面部、衣裙和草地上的阴影区,与女人衣裙上向光一面的光影形成对比。用模糊大块的笔触来描绘,是莫奈在绘画技法上的一大特点。这也是印象派不注重所描绘的主题本身而注意光影的需要所产生的必然结果。 从中可以看出,当时莫奈初期作品的风格,他想要突破当时收到束缚的古典主义绘画,把绘画从单纯的照物写实中解放出来,开拓了一条用眼睛捕捉"瞬间美好"的新的绘画流派。为我们后人用瞬间的感官色彩搭建了一座用色彩构成的绚丽的世界。可是,也正因为这样,我们不必纠缠在画面的技法上而能把更多的心思花在画面所传递的,清晨,母亲和孩子散步的惬意及其中的微风,蓝天那种恬静美好当中。

4.2 "Essai de figure en plein air (vers la gauche) [pic] "Essai de figure en plein air (vers la gauche)" Claude MONET 1886 Musée d'Orsay, Paris 将人物置身于大自然中作为绘画的题材,是莫奈喜爱的手法。天上的流云、飞扬的草丛和女子的围巾都充满动感。作于1886年的《撑阳伞的女人》和第一幅画在构图上相差不远,人物在衣着上更是如出一辙。但比起第一幅,画家对人物的面部特征越来越不重视。印象派很少画人物,风景中的色彩变化才是莫奈的永恒主题。所以第二幅《撑阳伞的女人》足以看出莫奈及整个印象派的走向。 在画中莫奈使用了大块的墨绿和棕红色,使色调比起前一幅略显凝重。不再看见早期注意天空光影的纠缠、和光影对人物的影响,换而之,是更大块的颜色铺成。一幅画、甚至连人物本身,都只是画中颜色的一部分。甚至可以说,我们在这副画中感受到的,不再是清晨的微风,而是夕阳落下的晚风。人物身后的云彩在风的作用下急速地飘动,炽热的阳光照在草上,淹没了女人的脚,加上飘扬的纱巾,这所有的一切都给人以强烈的视觉冲击,不再是上一幅作品《撑阳伞的女人》中母亲和孩子惬意散步着的氛围,也没有微风蓝天的那种恬静美好的感觉了。 两副几乎同样的以撑阳伞的女人为主题的作品,但是意境却相差万里。这就是印象派的核心所在——此时此刻的光和影。而光与影永远在变,水中的浮光掠影,空中的色彩万千,地上的花朵妖娆。不变的是对影的捕捉对光的追随。正如莫奈曾经说过的一样:画真正看到的东西,不要画认为应该看大的东西;不要把对象画得好像在试管里似的各个分离,对象是被阳光和大气包围着的,蓝天在阴影部分也有反映。

5. Meules (1890 - 1891) 随着印象派的宗旨逐渐为人所知,经常性的展出也渐渐地培养了一批批印象派的爱好者,莫奈等人画作的行情也逐渐上涨。多年辛苦艰辛的生活之后,莫奈到底还是时来运转了。著名的《干草垛》便是画于此时。 [pic] 进入90年代,莫奈创作了若干组作品,即“组画”。所谓的“组画”,就是画家在同一位置上,面对同一物象,在不同时间、不同的光照下,所作的多幅画作。这大概是莫奈晚年作品中的一个特色。比如1890—91年间,对同一干草垛,画家分别对在不同季节的早、午、傍晚的阳光下对,物体所呈现出的不同色彩进行描绘。在不同色调下的同一个景物,因为天气的变化、阳光的变化,时间的变化,还有色彩的变化,它会有丰富的变化。因此,莫奈在同一地点同时展开数张画布,每块画布直在同一时间画上10-15分钟,每天同一时刻在相同的光线下工作,直到完成。这样每一组画就像一个完整的乐章一样构成了一个整体。从1890年到1891年,共画了24幅。

6. Nymphéas et Orangerie Grand Decorations and Triptyches(1897 - 1926) 1883年莫奈来到Giverny定居,他在那里建造了一座小花园,并接按照自己的设计在花园中建造了一个大画室。在花园中莲池也就成了莫奈艺术追求的最后寄托,在池里种满了黄、红、蓝、白和攻瑰色的睡莲。在这片有浓烈的色彩构成的缤纷世界里,睡莲成为色彩的魔幻载体,那些短暂的生命得到了永恒。 [pic] "Nymphéas" "Nymphéas" Claude MONET 1904 Claude MONET 1916 Private collection National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo [pic] "Nymphéas" Claude MONET 1916-19 Musée Marmottan, Paris [pic] "Reflets verts" (panneau de gauche) Claude MONET 1920-26 Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris 他对光色的追求在《睡莲》中达到高峰。莫奈在《睡莲》的画着力描绘水的变化,水倒映着世界上一切可能有的色彩。莫奈笔下展现出;水在光的作用下的魅力,马奈称他是“水的拉斐尔”。与其说他是用色彩表现大自然的水中睡莲,不如说他是用水中睡莲表现大自然的色彩,池内的睡莲更加简练,有的时候天空看不见,水画得很深沉。 看似随意的彩色线条笔触柔美,似乎让水流动起来,又像是捉住了一瞬间水面似真似幻的光和影。使我们仿佛领略到“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日莲花别样红”的唐诗韵味。莫奈的《睡莲》组画有很多副,但每一幅都不尽相同,他的每幅作品运用的色彩和笔法都各具特色,所以说,莫奈的每一幅《睡莲》都具有独一无二的生命力。那一池的浓绿配着在那蓝绿色之上漂浮着的鲜艳的黄色、紫色、红色,迸发出了前所未有的视觉享受和想象的空间。有几幅《睡莲》的画面上甚至出现了一些“怪异”的色彩,有些研究者认为那是莫奈的眼病改变了他的色彩感觉。但我更愿意相信,那是莫奈到了生命的末端,他的精神境界已经完全放开了,已经没有任何世俗的规范和尺度可以束缚住他的手脚。这些不拘成法、汪洋恣肆的色彩和笔法来自于心灵和对阳光的信赖,他一辈子的修炼至此已达到了一定的境界了。 当时的评论家赞美:“我们认为较早的那些组画不能够和这些非凡的池塘景色相比。它们把春天俘获到画廊里。淡兰和深兰的水,金液一般的水,反映着天空和池岸边的变化莫测的水,在倒影之中淡色的睡莲和浓艳的睡莲盛开着。绘画如此近似音乐和诗歌,谁曾见过这些绘画中含有内在的美,精炼、深邃;是戏剧和协奏的美,是造型和理想的美。” 评论家瓦多伊的评价是:“莫奈早期的那些画没有一幅能与这些难以置信的水上风景相提并论的,因为这些画把握了春天,把它留在人间。画面的水呈浅蓝色,有时像金的溶液,在那变化莫测的绿色水面上,反映着天空和池塘岸边以及在这些倒影上盛开着清淡明亮的睡莲。在这些画里存在着一种内在的美,它兼备了造型和理想,使他的画更接近音乐和诗歌。” 尤其是最后一幅。这幅《蓝色睡莲》近乎是夜晚所作,水面与睡莲的色彩融为一体,与构图的无限延展性一起构成一个平面、抽象的世界,使观者似乎身处其中。

3法国印象派绘画 3.1印象派简介 印象派是19世纪后半期诞生于法国的绘画流派,也是西方绘画史上划时代的艺术流派。它是19世纪中叶欧洲艺术从现实主义向现代主义过渡的重要阶段,在19世纪七八十年代达到了它的鼎盛时期,被一些历史学家称之为“现代艺术的开端”。印象派是现代主义的发轫之地,文艺复兴时期的古典主义和浪漫主义风格渐渐离开了舞台,以毕加索为代表的立体派、以康定斯基、蒙特里安等人的现代艺术悄然成长起来。 印象主义基本特点及对绘以光和色作为认识世界的中心。客观再现个人的瞬间视觉印象。强调绘画的审美功能。印象主义是现代绘画的起点,它完成了绘画中色彩造型的变革,将光与色的科学观念引入到绘画中,革新了传统的固有色观念,创立了以光源色和环境色为核心的的现代写生色彩学。印象派同中国传统绘画有着很多相近之处,特别是关于“观察自然,感受自然,自由抒发”,讲求“外师造化,中得心源”。面对大自然,不是照抄照搬,而是注重表现个人新鲜感受和最有生命力的直观感觉。 印象派画家以创新的姿态登上法国画坛,其锋芒针对陈陈相因的古典画派和矫揉造作的浪漫主义。其代表人物有莫奈、马奈、卡米耶·毕沙罗、雷诺阿、 西斯莱、德加、莫里索、巴齐约以及保罗·塞尚等。他们继承了法国现实主义(Realism)前辈画家库尔贝“让艺术面向当代生活”的传统,使自己的创作进一步摆脱了对历史、神话、宗教等题材的依赖,摆脱了讲述故事的传统绘画程式约束。印象派美术运动的影响遍及各国,获得了辉煌的成就。直到今天,他们的作品仍然是人类最受欢迎的艺术珍宝。

3.2印象派产生的基础 印象派的产生打破了从古代希腊到意大利文艺复兴所形成的古典传统,给西方艺术带来了全新的面貌。它的产生具有特定的历史文化背景和条件,并且随着社会、科技以及文化和精神的发展,印象主义又衍生发展,产生了以批又一批杰出的艺术家和艺术杰作,为我们展现了西方艺术史上最绚丽,辉煌的一页。 3.2.1印象主义产生的哲学基础:孔德的实证主义。 绘画中的印象主义是和法国文学中的自然主义流派相对应的。印象主义和自然主义都曾受到哲学上实证主义的影响。作为印象主义产生的哲学基础,孔德的实证主义主要的观点是对自然现象包括人的生命的解释,没有科学的证实是不能被允许的。因此我们的感觉是获得知识的惟一基础。印象主义画家把自己描绘的对象限制在自己面对的时间和空间的内容里面,画的都是眼睛看到的。所以对他们来说,现在就是一个有意识的瞬间。 3.2.2印象派产生的技术基础:光学的发展。 印象主义的发展离不开光学的发展。大概从17世纪开始,牛顿从三棱镜中间看到一柱白色光,实际上它是由青色组成的。到了印象主义时期,色彩就越来越成熟了。光学的发展告诉我们物质不具有自有色,他的色彩取决于照射的光源。有一些比如说两个颜色混合在一起可以产生第三个颜色,这就是补色关系。物质在这样的各色光线的照射下形成了丰富的色彩,这就是印象派技术的基础。印象派利用光学的理论来创作,他们最关心的是光照在自然的物质表面形成的实际反映,并利用这种反映进行自然的绘画。在不同的季节、不同的光线下我们可以看见干草垛的色彩变化。在印象派的画当中,一切都是被光包围的,而且阳光是变化的,色调也是变化的,不仅仅描绘了物象在太阳的照射下在我们的视网膜上留下了鲜明的印象,而且是光线和大气氛围的感觉。所以在他们的绘画当中,很少有非常清晰的物质轮廓,而是画得模模糊糊来表现新鲜的感觉。这种视觉效果给印象派很大的启发。印象派就是画下自己最新鲜的瞬间的印象。 3.2.3印象派产生的社会基础:小资产阶级生活方式在城市中的普及。 经过大革命近百年的发展以后,印象派画家大部分都是来自于中产阶级和小资产阶级阶层。因此,首先他们所表现的题材大部分是小资产阶级的休闲生活,比如说咖啡馆、郊游,在基本的审美趣味上融合了这样层次的需要。在这种需求之下,只需要画家画让人很愉快的主题,印象派画家他们不屑于像宗教和文学那样主题性地再现现实,提出应自然而随意地表现生活与客观物象,注重画家对于现实情境的自我感受和自觉表现,擅长于对现实情景的生命状态和存在形式进行直觉式的客观再现与描绘。换一种说法,就是将绘画从客观的自然再现转向主观的精神表现,以迎合新兴市民阶层审美的需求,来努力反映印象派具有绘画独立性的美学观念。正是基于这样的社会基础,所以今天印象派仍然在拍卖市场上最热的一个项目。

3.3 印象派绘画特征 3.3.1印象派的构图 印象派画家几乎都强调那种“偶然一瞥”的视角,力求从一种全新的角度去审视对象。古典艺术主要关注神话、战争和历史题材,讲究构图的舞台戏剧化效果,场面宏大富有文学性。而印象派的构图突破了旧的固有模式,根据自己的喜好和审美要求对画面构图进行随意剪裁。这种似乎漫不经心的构图与传统的舞台样式的构图相比,要自然生动多了。

3.3.2印象派的造型 由于印象派画家重写生,重实践,他们大多在户外描绘光线和大自然的瞬息变化,因此常常在很短的时间内完成,笔触奔放而果断。他们的画,不论是即兴写生还是记忆创作,都有一种一气呵成和随意的特点,有一种未完成的完整性。为此,在造型特征上有这样一些特点: 1.古典绘画强调造型的厚重、圆浑,而印象派注重平面化的造型。 2.古典绘画强调轮廓线分明,而印象派在处理边线轮廓时非常含蓄,甚至形体与形体之间浑然相连。这在莫奈、毕沙罗、西斯莱、雷诺阿的大量作品中就能够明显地看到。 3.古典绘画里素描造型占据着绝对的主导地位,而印象派更看重色彩,强调发挥色彩独立的表现功能。用色彩造型,这是印象派画家的共同特点。

3.3.3印象派的色彩 从世界美术史的角度来看,如果将整个美术史的绘画作品全部打开,可以明显地发现在印象派绘画这个部分,色彩尤其的鲜艳和斑斓,而之前的绘画几乎是清一色的棕色调子,尽管有些许跳动的色彩,但都没有印象派绘画那么强烈。 在印象派绘画作品中,光和色是基本的绘画语言要素。印象派画家们打破了一成不变的“固有色”[1]的观念,力图捕捉物体在特定时间内瞬息即逝的色彩,特别是那种受一定的环境条件、空间距离和周围其他物体的影响的颜色。莫奈曾反复画不同时间的鲁昂大教堂和草垛,正是为了捕捉瞬间阳光下物象色彩之间互相渗透、互相转化的关系。印象派画家一反古典画风棕色的局限,画出了物体的环境色彩和色彩的相互渗透,他们精确地记录下了大自然里朝晖夕阳的万千气象。

3.3.4印象派的“写”意 印象派的表现技法强调“写”意,有一些类似中国写意笔墨那样的方法。中国传统艺术的精髓就是“书写性”。在书写中,对线的轻重把握和疾涩枯润是通过笔的运转所用的体力、臂力和腕力,通过提、压和拖,诉诸于画面各种痕迹。而印象派画家运用小笔触的排列,时而摆、时而刀刮、时而重叠、时而揉擦、时而横涂纵抹、时而积点成面等多种手法,有些颜色不再在调色板上调配,而是直接放到画面上去感觉和组合,并进行红色和绿色、黄色和紫色、蓝色和橙色的互补对比,使绘画性的形式美达到了一个前所未有的高度。

3.3.5印象派的主观精神表现 在印象派绘画出现之前,法国巴黎乃至整个欧洲画坛,都是以安格尔为代表的所谓新古典主义和学院派占据统治地位。印象派从精神上是对立于古典传统绘画的,强调创新。他们的创新主要在于画法以及对于题材的态度,以自然为师,他们离开画室,采用小尺寸的画框和便于携带的油画布及其他材料。到大自然中去研究转瞬即逝的色彩变化规律,去寻找宣泄自己情感的方式,去发现和创造自己的思想。毕沙罗的《农家女》的纯朴与率真、《牧羊女》的灵动与鲜活等,正反映了“以自然为师”,描绘了“感觉到的第一印象”。德加的《赛马》的投入与动情、《骑马散步》的闲情与潇洒、《舞台上的芭蕾舞者》的欢快与忘我等,正叠加了“记忆”和“想像”,试图“从自然的束缚下解放出来”。

3.3.5绘画方式:“把画架搬到户外” 印象主义画家提倡户外写生,直接描绘在阳光下的物象,并根据画家自己眼睛的观察和直接感受,表现微妙的色彩变化。就是从印象派开始,艺术家的注意力不再局限于它所表现的主题,而开始更关注于眼睛看到的现象,这是一个艺术走向现代化的过程。印象画派让人们重新体悟到了光与自然。作品所散发出的光线、色彩、运动和充沛的活力,取代了以往僵死的构图、以及不敢有丝毫创新的传统主义。这一视野的改变,在过去学院派画中是难以想象的。它不是简单的绘画场所位移,而是绘画方式变革,改变了西方传统绘画方式,是为了在阳光下对景写生,更好地捕捉和描绘物体在阳光照耀下色彩的微妙效果。

4莫奈对印象派的影响 4.1“印象派”因他得名 克劳德•莫奈(Claude Monet)是印象派最具代表性的画家之一,当时的法国艺评家曾说:“印象主义者这个名词是为莫奈一个人创造的,而且也最适合于他”。虽然话说得有些夸张,但这也从某种程度上体现了莫奈对于法国印象画派的重要性。 早在60年代,有探索和创新精神的莫奈和他的朋友们,就对保守的官方沙龙压制青年的创造精神深感不满。这些画家不定期地在巴黎的盖尔波瓦餐馆和新雅典餐馆,以及在巴齐耶与雷诺阿的共同画室会晤,并到塞纳河畔直接对景写生。经常参加聚会的画家有莫奈、雷诺阿、毕沙罗、巴齐耶、塞尚等,评论家有杜瑞和利维拉,资助这个聚会的有画商杜朗一鲁耶。 1874年4月,为反抗歧视,争取社会认同,他们在巴黎卡普辛大街借用摄影师那达尔(Na—dar)的工作室举办展览,他们自称为“无名的画家、雕塑家和版画家协会”。参加展出的有莫奈、雷诺阿、毕沙罗、西斯莱、德加、塞尚、莫里索、基约曼等人。莫奈将那幅在哈佛港画的朦胧含浑的日出命名为“日出•印象”,在无名艺术家展览会上展出。由于它突破了传统画法的束缚,受到保守的批评家的嘲讽,一时嘲笑、讽刺之声如雾弥漫。“印象•日出”的标题更是被一位保守的记者路易•勒鲁瓦在文章中借用作为嘲讽,称这次展览是“印象主义画家的展览会”,“印象主义”由此而得名。 印象主义因为莫奈的《日出•印象》得了名,并成为19世纪法国重要的艺术流派之一,更在世界绘画历史上占据着承前启后的重要地位。印象主义画展从1874年到1886年共举行了8次。分别在1874、1876、1877、1879、1880、1881、1882和1886年。除了第一、第四和第八次外,均使用“印象主义”一词作为展览名称。莫奈对印象主义原则始终坚持不渝,成为当时印象主义画派赫赫有名的带头人,被人们誉为“印象主义之父”。

4.2最具有印象派特点的画家 同为印象主义大师的马奈,比莫奈年长近十岁,历史上把他称作是印象主义的创始人,而真正把印象主义确立和名扬的当属莫奈。可以说,莫奈是最具有印象派特点的艺术家,他独特的有别于传统绘画的技法和理念为现代艺术的形成指引了方向。 莫奈的印象派特点非常的突出。在所有法国印象派画家中,真正完全实现印象主义理念和技法、并且一以贯之的当推莫奈。他推崇把“光”和“色彩”作为绘画追求的主要目的,倡导走出画室,描绘自然景物,以迅速的手法把握瞬间的印象,使画面呈现出新鲜生动的感觉,可以说,他对色彩给视觉的新鲜感觉的研究到了非常高的程度。莫奈是一位极富创造性的天才,他敏锐的观察力似乎可以洞悉大自然的一切事物,他善于表现变幻莫测的“光”与“色”的美妙关系,敢于突破传统绘画讲求的构图和表现法则,赋予画面前所未有的情感和生命力。 印象主义所追求的是自然界瞬间的光与色的变化、色彩等,重视对现实的观察研究,追求表现瞬间的视觉印象,根据画家的视觉感受作画。莫奈就常对同一画作主题在不同时间中写生描绘,画出不同的光景气氛,显出光与色的高明度及鲜明感,交织成光与色彩的华丽交响诗,创作出印象派的巅峰之作。莫奈从早期就迷恋阳光,他的一生精力主要用在外光的探索上。他用三棱镜来分解阳光,得到原色,用强烈的原色作画。莫奈曾反复画不同时间的鲁昂大教堂和草垛,正是为了捕捉瞬间的光与色。例如《鲁昂大教堂,从正面看到的大门,棕色的和谐》与《鲁昂大教堂,阳光的效果,傍晚时分》便是莫奈为教堂绘制的30余幅油画中的两幅。画这批画时,他曾在给妻子的信中写到,他每天都会有一些头天未曾见到的新发现,于是赶紧将其补上,但同时也会失去一些东西。在《巴黎,卡皮桑纳大街》、《圣拉扎尔车站》、《草垛》、《鲁昂教堂》、《泰晤士河景色》、《白杨树》等系列连作中,他对外光和空气的氛围作了淋漓尽致的描绘。这些风景忽视物象轮廓的写真,侧重用光线和色彩来表现瞬间的印象,追求光和色的独立的美。他对光色的追求在《睡莲》中达到高峰。

4.3毕生推动“印象派”的发展 克劳德•莫奈堪称印象派最伟大的大师。之所以这么说,是因为在这个画家群体中,有的仅在一段时间内迷恋于印象主义画风,后来则另有追求;有的在绘画风格上曾多次变化反复。只有莫奈始终执着于印象派的理想,在他漫长的一生中,始终坚持探索和研究光线的跃动投射在景物上所产生的微妙的变化,以及如何准确地将这种变化绘制成美丽的图画。 19世纪中期以来,印象主义画派是第一个反古扬名的画派,在摄影出现、冲击绘画的关键时刻,莫奈出现了,他富有天才的非凡创造力,敢于从光线与色彩的相互关系中发现前人从未发现的现象。他把全部生命注意力都集中在艺术创新上,利用光、色和互补原理表现风景色彩绘画,把世间物象的形体从传统绘画法则因素中抽象出来,并做到了不可攀登的艺术高度。他的一生,可以说是为了印象派而来。莫奈与同时代的马奈、雷诺阿、西斯莱、塞尚和巴齐尔一起,为使得油画变成“可以触摸到空气”而殚精竭虑。他们对光色的专注远远超越了物体的形象,使得物体在画布上的表现消失在光色之中。在他漫长的艺术生涯中,作品总是以当时所处时代的生活情景为主题,且始终秉持在户外写生的印象派基本理念。1871年底普法战争结束后,莫奈与妻子卡米叶定居在塞纳河畔的阿尔让特伊。六年的时间里,他天天坚持在户外写生,不管刮风下雨、酷暑严寒。当塞纳河冻结时,他便把画架和画凳插入冰面,用一个热水袋暖暖他冻僵了的手指。他还爬到悬崖峭壁上作画,把自己和画架一起捆在岩石上,人们至今仍能在他的一些风景画画布上发现被风吹来的砂粒。莫奈以顽强的意志经受住了各种环境的考验,孜孜不倦的进行着他的艺术之路。 他描绘不同时间不同角度的干草垛,捕捉瞬间的光与色,正是用以说明在不同光线下产生不同的色彩关系,他用事实揭示了光决定色彩的本质,不拘一格的色彩表现形式和完整的印象主义绘画思路。如古典主义传统绘画样式,古板而没有生命力,难以表现出色块和笔法的畅快感,而莫奈所推崇的印象派画法则教会我们对事物的概括和提炼的方法,把光与色作为基本的绘画语言和表现要素,让我们主动研究光与色彩的关系,提升抓大感觉大效果的能力,从而提高我们的色彩写生与创作能力。莫奈对印象派乃至现代派贡献卓越,当今学院教学中风景油画大都遵循的就是印象派的光线和色彩印象法则,印象派绘画风格成为世界风行的绘画主流样式。印象派的理论和实践大部份都有他的推广。

4.4冲击了19世纪的官方艺术 作为印象画派的代表人物,莫奈在革新旧有的学院画派上的努力为人们所熟知。在印象派诞生之前,西方的绘画艺术一直是服从于宗教或者服从于政治,服从于某种说教,到了印象派这个时期才慢慢地脱离出来,同时,艺术越独立跟官方的矛盾也越来越尖锐。法国官方沙龙在3000名的画家的5000幅作品里面刷掉了2000幅作品,这引起了很多画家的不满。 莫奈和他的朋友们所追求的艺术创新与探索,一再被官方沙龙否定和拒绝,他们在学院派的攻击和嘲讽中孤独前行。在当时的巴黎,许多反对印象派的人讽刺印象派的作品“不过是在3/4的画布上涂抹黑色和白色,其他空余处点上一些红色、黄色和蓝色,就算成功了一幅春天的印象”。 然而,任何艺术形式的创新都是这样,不破不立。印象派破了传统绘画严谨的构思,工细的描摹,而专注于追逐、捕捉那些不断变化着的光影、色彩。印象主义不受教条的理论束缚,忽略局部与细节的塑造,体现出一种大效果大情感。莫奈对学院派刻板、教条的教习方式极为排斥,早期,他就与雷诺阿等人到巴比松附近的乡间进行写生练习,研究光线在不同时段、不同物体上的变幻所产生的不同效果与气氛,他的画色彩明艳,阳光灿烂,已带有“印象”的痕迹。是他将毕生精力献给了对西方画界产生了重要影响的印象主义,是以他为首的一批艺术家的不懈努力,突破了此前学院派的保守思想,极大地冲击了19世纪后半叶占据西方画坛统治地位的官方艺术,从而为掀开西方现代绘画史新的一页,为后人留下了宝贵的艺术财富。印象主义的出现犹如横空铺路,它突破了学院派和传统的官方艺术程式,为欧洲美术历史打开了黎明之门,为以后抽象派、立体派、表现主义的形成奠定了基础,为世界油画艺术留下了宝贵的财富。

4.5艺术追求及精神永存 莫奈被称作“印象主义之父”。是因为他的作品效果和技法特点,实践、放大了“印象”两字的外在面目和内在精神。他从不向官方和主流学派低头、妥协,他甘愿忍饥受贫卖不出一张画而坚持自己的艺术探索,他用一生坚持户外写生,为捕捉一晃即逝的光色气氛和瞬间印象。他认识到了艺术形式的独特审美价值,在形式上进行了大胆的探索,为现代艺术的产生奠定了基础。 1890年后,莫奈写生创作了大量的“组画”作品。虽然这时的莫奈已经开始步入老年,但他仍然“凿壁偷光”,从不间断他的艺术写生活动。莫奈每天都在与阳光赛跑,面对同一角度的同一事物,创造出不同时间和不同光照下的色彩作品,对光线和色彩变化的研究纯熟而深刻。对同一个干草垛,他可以进行多达15次的描绘和探索。他还如此创作过“池中睡莲”、“白杨”、“伦敦风光”、“鲁昂大教堂”等系列组画。为了寻找不同光线和色彩下的新表现事物,他拉着成车的画布,租过房子、饿过肚子、迷过路;为了抓住光线的变化,他每隔两个小时换一幅画,摆设起来活像一段电影胶片画面,尤其是《睡莲》,有20多幅,和谐的色彩和富含情感的笔触充盈着这些犹如美诗的画面。虽然在创作《睡莲》时,他已年迈体弱、视力衰退,但仍以极大的毅力从事这组规模宏大的室内的装饰嵌板画。《睡莲》技巧纯练、成熟,笔法纵横不羁,油彩涂抹厚薄自由,构图极为奔放,含有浓郁的诗意和音乐感,是油画中的大写意之作。1922年,法国政府想购买他的《睡莲》,莫奈也表示愿意奉送。根据他的愿望,法国政府在巴黎土伊勒里宫的桔园椭圆厅中永久陈列他的作品。 莫奈成功了,他令人折服的作品和成熟理性的印象主义观念,震惊了诸派很多艺术家,他的色彩表现语言的创造对西方现代绘画艺术产生了巨大的影响。大批的人学习莫奈,学习他的印象主义艺术,学习他的人生。如果说莫奈的光是艺术渴求者的生命之光,那么莫奈的色彩是艺术家勤奋创作的具有永恒生命力的色彩。

5.结论 印象主义画派作为法国19世纪的一个重要的艺术流派,在世界美术史上写下了辉煌的一页。最为现代绘画的前驱,印象派在西方美术发展的链条中处于承前启后的位置,并对许多国家的绘画产生了重大而深远的影响。 挣脱明暗对绘画的束缚,以光色反映自然,再现自然到以光色表达画家的主观感受伴随了莫奈整个艺术人生。对光与色的狂热追求,是贯穿莫奈艺术生涯的一根主线。莫奈,最为19世纪60年代晚期至70年代早期印象派的创立者之一,终其一生都在坚持印象派的原则和目标,也是唯一在生前赢得大家认可的印象派画家。 印象派和莫奈对法国文化的重要性由此可见一斑。因此,通过克劳德•莫奈的印象派画作及其对法国印象画派的影响这个课题的研究,希望能一方面能针对莫奈和印象派的联系和对印象派的影响做更为细致的分析和总结。并一方面,能借此机会全面的了解自己所喜欢的法国印象派绘画和印象派中最喜欢的画家莫奈,并从中得出一些新的启示和认识。莫奈伟大的意义在于,他不仅以杰作的揭示了人类精神生活的丰富性,而且在于他通过作品让我们意识到原来我们可以换一种新的方式来观察这个世界,让我们对习以为常的世界产生新的认识。

参考文献 1. 鲁仲连. 《浪漫主义的先声:法国博物馆之旅》. 广西师范大学出版社,出版时间:2003年10月 2. 李行远. 《印象派画传》. 花山文艺出版社,出版时间:2004年 3. 高天民. 《法国美术史话》. 人民美术出版社,出版日期:1998年12月 4. 孟昌明. 《群星闪烁的法兰西》. 上海三联书店,出版日期:2005年04月 5. (法)西尔维·帕坦著.张容译.莫奈:捕捉光与色彩的瞬间(发现之旅).上海译文出版社,出版日期:2004年5月 6. (英)保罗•史密斯著.张广龙译.印象主义.中国建筑工业出版社,出版日期:2004年7月 7. 美圻.莫奈的花园.IT经理世界,2009年7期 8. 董玲.莫奈色彩观念之探索.艺术教育,2007年12期 9. 张林.莫奈与草垛.剧影月报,2008年4期 10. 维基百科.印象派 11. Wikipedia.Claude 12. Eileen Romano . The Impressionists: Their Lives and Worlds. Studio, 1 edition (Jan,1998) 13. Edward Leffingwell . An Objet d'Art Book: Monet Cathedrals(An Objet D'art Book). Sterling/Joost Elffers, Nov,2007 14. Claude Monet Grafton . Monet Paintings and Drawings CD-ROM and Book(Dover Electronic Clip Art) . Dover Publications Inc, Feb,2008

[1] 固有色简单说就是“物体本来的颜色”

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...Spin Master Toys Case Study Final Exam IS 8100 Renu Ramnani Q1. What is the history of Spin Master toys? In April 1994, Spin Master business was founded by three university friends, Anton Rabie, Ronen Harary and Ben Varadi, who were graduated from the University of Western Ontario. These three friends decided to find out an opportunity in the corporate world and made Early Bird, and in just six months company sold 1.5 million of them, which was a great hit during that time period. Early Bird was a nylon stocking filled with sawdust and grass seed mounded into head, and after its immersion in water, the grass seed was sprouted which gave a head a crop of grass hair. In 1995, the company launched Spin Master Devil Sticks, which was made up of two hand-held sticks and was used to control the third one. This product was also a great success for the company and later on, the company was named after it, that is Spin Master Toys. By this time, the company covered the major retail segments in North America and also believed that the reason behind their success was avant-garde, grass root marketing savvy and a two tier distribution network. Also, for the following three years, the company produced products for the Canadian market with the use of very low technology and high margin toys. Spin Master never reached to the same success ratio as the Earth Buddy's sales. Later on, Spin Master mainly focused to build relationships with their retailers and investors and create research...

Words: 2156 - Pages: 9

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Master Track Licence

...MASTER TRACK LICENSE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this day of , 20 by and between (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee") and (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor"). It is the desire of Licensee to use that certain master recording (hereinafter referred to as the "Master") embodying the performance of (hereinafter referred to as the "Artist") of the musical composition " " (hereinafter referred to as the "Composition") in episodes of a (hereinafter referred to as the "Program"). 1. In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee, its successors in interest, assigns and licensees the non-exclusive, irrevocable right to record, dub and synchronize the Master in whole or in part into and with the Program, advertisements and trailers thereof, and to exhibit distribute, exploit, market and perform each Master embodied within the Program, to be used in connection with audio-visual contrivances such as video cassettes, video tapes, video records and similar compact audio-visual devices whether now known or hereafter developed (hereinafter referred to as "Videograms"). Such rights pursuant to this paragraph l (b), include: (i) the right to utilize such Videograms for any of the purposes, uses and performances hereinabove set forth; (ii) the right to sell, lease, license or otherwise make such Videograms available to the public as a device intended primarily...

Words: 1420 - Pages: 6

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Paradox in Master and Margarita

...In Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov utilizes opposing forces to drive the major themes of the novel-- Good versus evil, spiritual life versus material life, and justice versus injustice. These contrasting ideas are dependent upon each other to embody the messages of the novel. Woland, the devil, is the main arbitrator of justice and evil, but also creates the main paradox in the novel. Unlike the devil of traditional Christian teachings, Woland is capable of good and benevolence. This paradox plays an important role in both the story in Moscow and Jerusalem. Woland causes the characters, and the reader, to question life by encouraging awareness of the interdependency of Good and Evil in the proper functioning of life. In the novel, all evil is necessary in order to obtain a greater good. However, we see this end goal lost in the stories of Caesar and Stalin. They no longer have are able to recognize the difference between constructive evil and destructive power. However, evil seems to play as a nameless character in the novel, and in turn, in Stalinist times. Stalin does not directly kill any individuals, and neither does Caeser, but people still live in fear of him. People are surrounded by this terror, and only those who are self-aware and willing to call reality into question are able to create meaning for themselves. Bulgakov uses characters to possess this ability to display how meaning can be attained even when surrounded by terror and repression. People...

Words: 1441 - Pages: 6

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Spin Master Toys

...Spin Master Toys (A): Finding a Manufacturer for E-Chargers 1. What is your assessment of the process that Spin Masters has used to get to this point? 2. As Alex Perez, which of the two potential suppliers would you choose? Why? 3. Discuss an implementation plan for your decision.  Summary Spin Master Toys of Toronto, Ontario, a company who had been successful in creating fad items was about to roll out a new line of airplanes that were going to be powered by electricity called E-Chargers. With a delivery date to the retailers of December 7, 1999, they were now trying to decide from which supplier to purchase the design and production of this rollout. They had investigated a number of suppliers and managed to narrowed it down to two, Wah Shing and Wai Lung. They had to make a choice quickly. Analysis Evolution Anton Rabie, Ronnen Harary and Ben Varadi all graduated from The University of Western Ontario. Varadi and Rabie from the Ivey Business School and Harary from political Science. They all chose not to go into the corporate world and pursued their own dreams by creating successful fad items. Some of those items were Grow-Things, Earth Buddy, Radical Reptiles and many more. In 1996 Spin Master rolled out its Air Hogs line of compressed-air-powered planes which they manufactured in China. Before they decided to do it, it took them time to digest the idea, they thought it was too ambitious. After their success with Air Hogs, they rolled...

Words: 1203 - Pages: 5

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Old Masters, New World

...In the Gilded Age, newly wealthy Americans began to compete for Europe’s extraordinary Old Master pictures, causing a major migration of art across the world. Old Masters, New World is a look at the cutthroat competition, financial aspect, intrigue, and double-dealing often involved in these paintings. It is also about the power of the amazing paintings that drove these collectors such as financier J. Pierpont Morgan, sugar king H. O. Havemeyer, Boston aesthete Isabella Stewart Gardner, and industrialist Henry Clay Frick. It is a great book about the arrival of the artwork of the Old Masters such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and El Greco in the United States. On one hand, it was definitely about the acquisition of Old Masters paintings from Europe by Americans. However, this book was not about artwork at all; instead, it was much more about the people who bought the art. The movement began when these extremely wealthy people bought very expensive and exquisite paintings. They bought these works of art for people to admire their wealth and taste. Old Masters New World is about the Americans of the late 19th century who found themselves interested in bringing the art of the Old Masters across the ocean. Saltzman does her best to give each of these people a voice and personality, to bring them to life for the reader. You will get to know each of these people and their histories. While there is definitely a discussion of art, the book is much more about the world of art dealing...

Words: 579 - Pages: 3

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Master Limited Partnerships

...Equity Research Report Sector: Master Limited Partnerships (MPLs) Stock: MarkWest Energy L.P. (NYSE: MWE) The sector that this research report will cover is Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and the stock within this sector is MarkWest Energy Partners, L.P. (MWE). Master Limited Partnerships is a business that has the tax structure of a partnership, but the ownership equity of the business trades on an exchange. In the MLPs sector, a unitholder is someone who owns stock in the company, making them part owner of the business. MLPs have two different kinds of partners, general partners and limited partners. General partners manage the daily operations of the business and own a small stake in the company. The group that has a larger stake in the company is the limited partners, who have no role in management, but they provide capital to the company and receive regular cash distributions in the form of dividends. The majority of MLPs are oil and gas midstream and downstream activities such as gathering, processing, transportation, storage and refining of oil or natural gas. The structure of how MLPs are set up allows them to avoid corporate income tax. Instead, MLPs flow income and losses through to the limited partners, which is the equity stake of the company. With this structure, unitholders pay taxes on their own individual tax returns, which provides MLPs the flexibility and opportunity to raise capital directly from the stock market by issuing new shares. In...

Words: 2235 - Pages: 9

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Masters of Business Administration

...DISSERTATION/PROJECT CORPORATE FINANCE INVESTMENT THEORY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Activities Fees Total Cr. 12 Grand Total MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (1 YEAR) 17 BRAC Bank Ltd. Collection Booth SEU Campus # 2 (GF) Spring Name ID# Summer FIROZ AHMED 2 0 1 Fall 4 SL# Course Code 1 2 3 4 BUS8101(4) FIN6150(2) FIN6161(1) MGT5199(1) Prev Grade Credit Hour Criteria Amount (TK) 3 3 3 3 Regular 10800 Regular 10800 Regular 10800 Regular 10800 1000 44200 Signature of Student Date: Academic Advisor/ Registration Officer Date: Chairman/Coordinator Date: Received by Program Office Date: Southeast University Course Registration Form (Credit Voucher) Year : Program 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Batch MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (1 YEAR) 17 BRAC Bank Ltd. Collection Booth SEU Campus # 2 (GF) Spring Name ID# Summer FIROZ AHMED 2 0 1 Fall 4 *** Amount paid as 1st Installment @ 40% of total fees - 17680 Signature of Student Date: BRAC Bank Ltd. Date: Southeast University Course Registration Form (Student's Copy) [ Preserve this document for future reference.] Spring Name ID# Summer FIROZ AHMED 2 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Fall Program Batch Course Title DISSERTATION/PROJECT CORPORATE FINANCE INVESTMENT THEORY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Activities Fees Total Cr. 12 Grand Total 17680 *** Amount paid as 1st Installment @ 40% of total fees Year : MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (1 YEAR) 17 Prev Grade Credit Hour Criteria Amount (TK) 3 3 3 3 Regular 10800...

Words: 348 - Pages: 2

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Masters of Social Work

...The MSU Masters of Social Work Program I had the opportunity to spend some time with an Missouri State University official learning some information on their Masters of Social Work Program. The MSW is currently offered at two locations: one is Joplin and the other is Springfield. I spent time at the Joplin location taking a look at the MSW. The MSW offered by Missouri State is available from two tracks. The first track is the Regular Program. This is a track for people that have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than social work. Students can attend on a part time or full time basis. The part time classes would require four years to obtain your MSW. The full time student could obtain the MSW in 2 years. The second track available is for Advanced Standing students. These are students that have a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. For this track a student is only required to take 34 credit hours. A full time student can complete this track in one year. A part time student will require two years to obtain the MSW. The MSW program at MSU has an emphasis of Family Health Perspective. The Family Health Perspective is one that is a key foundation for social workers on a micro or macro level. It focuses on using family health and stability as an overall key to assisting the family in achieving holistic wellness. It looks at all aspects of the family environment and uses the seven domains of family wellness in assessment and intervention: physical, mental, emotional...

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Master-Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon Views

...Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Master slave relationship and dialectic Fanon - Black Skin White Masks Black Skin and Hegel Self Consciousness “In this experience self-consciousness learns that life is essential to it as pure self-consciousness. One (self-consciousness) is self-sufficient; for it, its essence is being-for-itself. The other is non-self-sufficient, for it, life, that is, being for an other, is the essence. The former is the master, the latter is the servant” (Hegel 189). Hegel suggests in the dialectic that there is coherence between subject and object, concrete and abstract, part and whole, and for the purpose of dialectic, master and slave. Hegel believes that “master” is a “consciousness.” The consciousness defines itself in mutual relations to what is referred to as slave’s consciousness. This occurs in a process of mutual interdependence and mediation. Hegel uses his Phenomenology of Spirit to provide his understanding and exposition of master slave dialectic as an account of both the need of recognition and emergence of self-consciousness. Hegel’s line of thought and work plays a crucial role in Fanon’s exposition of the colonization by the Western. Fanon exposition focuses more on violence and race. Violence adds urgency, complicates and is driven by the need for recognition. An optimistic and promising moment lurks in Fanon’s Black Skin White Masks. The promising moment in Fanon’s work is articulated in a humanity characterization...

Words: 3820 - Pages: 16

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Why I Want a Masters of Business Administration

...Why I want a Master’s of Business Administration Brian Simpson Management MGT/521 05 February 2010 Dr. Robert Larkin Why I want a Master’s of Business Administration There are a myriad of reasons one would pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree or better known as MBA. It takes a high level of mental stamina and drive to accomplish the goal notwithstanding they are working a full-time job. I have been working toward accomplishing the MBA for enhancing my career and to establish precedence within my family. This paper will enlighten the reader of why the degree of an MBA. Enhancing My Career Recently, I was offered a job and have since accepted the position as an electronic quality assurance representative to monitor the Department of Defense contracts of private companies in the Reno/Sparks area. I chose this position because of the experience that I gained via the military. I chose this field because I want to do my part to ensure the Department of Defense continues to be provided with a quality product. I have 11 years experience performing analytical research and inspections of several types of avionics systems. I have the technical experience to perform the job however; I do not have an inkling of how the inner workings of a private business work. I believe a MBA would assist me to have an understanding of my job and the company that has the contract that I would be overseeing. Jungian Personality Assessment Recently, I had partaken...

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This Is My Essay

...This is my essay. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My essay is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My essay, without me, it’s useless. Without my essay, I am useless. I must write my essay true. I must write better than my enemy, who is trying to copy me. I must copy him before he copies me. I will… My essay and I know that what counts in this class is not the essays we write, the length of the paper, nor the sources we cite. We know that it is the grades that count. We will pass… My essay is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its paragraphs, its intro and its conclusion. I will keep my essay clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will… Before God, I swear this creed. My essay and I are the defenders of my grade. We are the masters of our class. We are the saviors of my GPA. So be it, until graduation is mine, and there is no homework, but vacation! This is my essay. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My essay is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My essay, without me, it’s useless. Without my essay, I am useless. I must write my essay true. I must write better than my enemy, who is trying to copy me. I must copy him before he copies me. I will… My essay and I know that what counts in this class is not the essays we...

Words: 1091 - Pages: 5

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...Marketing Management (AMN442) Assignment Introduction Masters Home Improvement is the trading name of an Australian Home Improvement chain, operated by a joint venture between Australian Retailer Woolworths Limited and Mooresville, North Carolina (United States) based hardware chain, Lowe's.[2] Masters was created as a way for Woolworths Limited to crack into the hardware retail space, which has been historically dominated by Bunnings Warehouse, which is owned by arch rival Wesfarmers. The two companies already compete with each other with groceries and general merchandise. The brand name was announced on 2 May 2011,[3] coinciding with the launch of a website at[4] Hans Hulsbosch, who has designed brand identities for Woolworths & Qantas designed the Masters brand and logo.[5] The first outlet, located in Braybrook, Victoria, opened to tradesmen on 31 August 2011, and the general public on 1 September 2011.[6] In the Sydney Morning Herald, CEO Don Stallings is attributed as saying that staff will be trained for at least 100 hours, and the stores will offer over 35,000 products.[7] Ways in which Masters will differentiate from its competitors include stores which are more brightly lit, more colourful with polished concrete, large colour signage and store displays, it aims to place more emphases on attracting female shoppers, buzzers scattered around the store which when pressed, will send a nearby staff member to that location to help out a customer,...

Words: 2133 - Pages: 9

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Night John Family Structure

...mother and father as she learned that her mother was sold from her at four years of age.She could never figure out her history due to the purposeful disconnection put into act by the master.¨I was just a little thing taken away from my mother and father just when I needed them the most ¨ Mingo Whiteś Narrative. This occurrence of broken families took a toll on many slaves as they grew up to be curious of who they were. If they wanted to know anything about them they were harshly restricted from learning so they couldn't read. According to Frederick Douglass's Narrative ¨Frequently, before the child has reached its twelfth month, it mother is taken from it¨.This purposeful displacement of the parents and the child hindered the affection between elders with the child. It was completely designed to destroy the bond of the mother and child to prevent teaming up and cleverness being built in the relationship. This broken family structure was heavily touched on to convey the impact it had on many slaves and how they became clever enough to start learning how to read and learn names and numbers in their...

Words: 1047 - Pages: 5

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Black Thunder

...Henrico Country, Virginia, occurred” (Aptheker 219). The book Black Thunder: Gabriel’s Revolt written by Arna Bontemps is a historical novel that takes place in Virginia in 1800. It shows what the slaves at this time were experiencing and it is in their point of view, rather than the view from the slave masters, like many other novels are. The title, Black Thunder, has a double meaning to it. The very literal meaning of it is a night thunderstorm. The thunderstorm is a climactic turning point in the novel. It is what causes the rivers to flood and the slaves to bail on the revolt. They see the storm as a bad sign and do not want to move onward. The other meaning of the title is the sound of African drums. The titles of the five books, “Jacobins”, “Hand Me Down My Silver Trumpet”, “Mad Dogs”, “A Breathing Of The Common Wind”, and “Pale Evening…A Tall Slim Tree”, in the novel are also very significant. For example, Jacobins, which is the title of book one, were French men who were members of a radical political group who supported an egalitarian democracy. This first book involves many judgments, so I feel it is an appropriate title. The third book refers to what the masters and white people of power saw the slaves as, mad dogs. The last book title has to do with execution and this is the chapter where Gabriel and other slaves get hung. There are many important characters in this novel, but a few particularly stand out, Gabriel, Bundy, and Old Ben. Bundy and Old Ben could...

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