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Gibbs Reflection Theory


Submitted By KN35
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Pages 5
Objectives of workplace as a learning environment have been the subject of research all over the world. In Malaysia, it has burgeoned throughout numerous fields of professional practice and education especially in health settings. However even with high formal education and training people received, they’re not ready for a position of responsibilities unless they have the capabilities to learn from the experienced. This is known as reflective practice. Reflective practice is taking critical attention to the practical and theory values which involved in routines by examining practice contemplatively and reflexively which leads to development understanding (Bolton, 2010). One of the famous reflections model in the worlds is Gibbs Model of Reflections (Appendix 1). Observing my workplace as a learning environment with analysing challenges and barriers, I’ve located three areas of improvement using this model.
Being in one of the biggest clinic in Southern Malaysia, the major challenge is to endure high workload either in clinical or non-clinical works. Subsequently many of staff especially juniors which also involved in mentorship programs are unable to define and located their own learning needs. As an improvement, I’ve choose to develop the learning contract. It can be defined as an agreement achieved between learner and mentor to develop shared expectations about what will be learn by the learner and how the learning will be measured (Boak, 1953). In my opinion it’s a dynamic process which can be expanded in time and scope to helps learner with learning and career development. Ghazi and Henshaw (1998) stated that with supporting learners using learning contract, it will enhanced their achievement in assessments and attendance.
Evaluating learning contract as a tool for learning, it will leads learners to be more accountable and motivated for their own learning.

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