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Giotto's Wit And The Arena Chapel Summary

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Giotto was an artist who was known for not only his new evolution in the artistic style, but also how he portrayed Joseph in his alter paintings. Another joke he would pull is play around with words, and try to get people who saw his artwork to have a good time. The article, “The Legend of Giotto’s Wit and the Arena Chapel” by Andrew Ladis focuses on the idea that Giotto used old Joseph as a model in his drawings. The meat of this article is about Giotto’s unique art style how he was able to pass around the Church regulations to add a bit of his own humor inside his paintings. The first part of the article doesn’t really bring up Giotto’s name for a while as he explains the history surrounding his artist time frame instead. Than dives into his art style and how he changed the entire art world after Byzantine art. …show more content…
Each painting shows him in a variety of poses, each demonstrating the life he now has to struggle through because an angel told him to go follow this path in order for Jesus to be born and raised in this world. Some of the paintings he is falling asleep as his young wife Mary is off doing important duties. Mary look like the opposite of her husband, as she is radiant with personality and importance as in “Adoration of the Magi.” Were they are standing next to each other, however Joseph looks exhausted and uninterested, while Mary as a fully visible face, but even in black and white, almost overpowers him out of the picture. Other examples Ladis uses like “Navity”, and “Dream of Joachim” are wonderful in showing sleeping Joseph and how disinterested he is in being apart of this major biblical event. Giotto’s ability to paint Joseph in such a matter is a surprise. The clergy allowed this new Joseph as a way to invite a more real depiction of how Joseph probably

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