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Medieval Art Research Paper

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In every aspect in human history advances are made in all fields, such examples include architecture, literature, agriculture, and science. There is one specific field in particular that doesn’t necessarily advance, but varies depending on location and time period: this field of course is art. Art is as old as civilization itself, it doesn't have a best or a worst; only a lack of. Art flourishes periodically in Europe and envelopes distinctive movements that have unique styles that are iconic to that time and region. Three such movements that were influential were the Classical, Gothic, and renaissance.
The classical movement lasted the entirety of the Greek golden age from 500 to 300 B.C. Art In the classical style focused on “the perfect form” and put emphasis on an aesthetically pleasing image. Attention was also put towards physically fit bodies, and a majority of art displayed people with a muscular physique. One notable piece of Greek art that exhibits the typical classical art style is Laocoon and His Sons. This statue shows its characters with bodies that are fit and physically appealing despite some having a …show more content…
Gothic is a style of medieval art that was attentive dark colors and dark suggestive matters. The Earliest works of gothic art came to be because of the black plague. Often depicting death, dark colors were used to emphasize morbidity and gave it a negative connotation. One great example of gothic style art is Crucifixion by Andrea da Firenze. This painting depicted Jesus Christ crucified in front of other religious figure heads. This is a prime example of gothic artwork because it uses a dark colors to show a rather dark subject matter. Another piece of art that shows a classic gothic art style is The Adoration of the Magi by Hans Memling. Like Crucifixion, The Adoration of the Magi use dark colors to put ephesus on emotion and uses lighter colors to show a central

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