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Bohemian Rhapsody

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The British rock band Queen, along side the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, is arguably one of the greatest British rock bands of all time. With huge hits such as We are the Champions, We will Rock You, Another one Bites the Dust and Fat Bottomed Girls to name a few, it is merely impossible to not enjoy and respect such unique and talented musicians. With the combination of acoustic and electric guitars throughout their multi-part songs and incorporating musical techniques, associating them with a spectrum of genres, Queen is nothing less then versatile. The band is composed of four members; Brain May on guitar and vocals, John Deacon on bass guitar, Roger Taylor on drums and vocals, and most famously Freddie Mercury leading vocals …show more content…
“Bohemian Rhapsody’ remains one of rock music’s most famous and beloved songs, on account of its striking and enigmatic lyrics, operatic references, and stylized music video, amongst other features” (Braae, 2015). Upon listening, my initial reaction was clear that an emotional, dramatic and complex story was trying to be portrayed. The contexts and specifics of this story was unclear, but with newly acquired knowledge brought to light by research, I have learned that the multi part song and various shifts in musical styles signifies and amplifies the meaning behind the story.
After completion of listening to Queens, 6 minute, Bohemian Rhapsody I was left feeling confused yet intrigued because it was nothing like I have ever heard before. In order to fully understand and put meaning to the song I decided it would be easier to divide the song into 6 parts; an intro, ballad, guitar solo, opera, rock, and outro respectively. One of the first things I noticed is that the song did not contain a chorus and incorporated multiple different music styles. It is very clear that opera was a huge influence for

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