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Egg Drop Egg Research

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For this assignment, I had researched various types of structures that would provide strength, cushion, and lightweight materials to build it. I used wooden dowels since they are lightweight and durable. Styrofoam balls for each vertice so that they can reduce the impact. The elastic bands on each side of the pyramid allowed for a safety net that allowed the large styrofoam ball to bounce around. Moreover, I made a hole in the large styrofoam ball which ensured its safety. Most designs had a similar concept having a cushion with stuffing surrounding the egg reducing impact. Some had crushing zones which absorbs the impact. On the day of the egg drop, it was dropped from a stairwell and hit the stairs and then tumbled to the ground. This made a loud sound and I knew the egg would be safe because the styrofoam balls would absorb the impact, then the elastic bands will toss the egg around and the large ball would protect the egg. Altogether my …show more content…
When the egg is dropped it is in freefall since it is travelling downwards and the only force is gravity.This task uses the first law because the egg will stay in motion unless an external force acts upon it which is the ground causing the egg to stop moving. Velocity is used in Newton's Second Law because the relationship between the forces acting on the object and the object's change in momentum. Moreover, as the force increases the time decreases. Furthermore, the velocity of the egg would be high since it's in freefall so it is necessary to have protection around the egg. Another factor is acceleration because when the egg is dropped from a high height it will have more time to accelerate causing more damage whereas a lower height there is less time accelerate causing less damage. Gravity has a big impact on the egg because once the egg is dropped the gravitational force will pull it towards itself going straight

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