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Glaucoma Research Paper

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Glaucoma is characterised as a group of diseases that causes the optic nerve damage and can result in vision loss and even blindness. The major features of these different diseases that grouped together make up glaucoma include: cupping and atrophy of the optic nerve head, loss of visual field, and increased intraocular pressure (Thylefors). The discovery and symptoms of Glaucoma date back to the 17th century (Facts about Glaucoma). Glaucoma has been known for it’s characteristic of blindness since the 19th century.
The first description of glaucoma was given by the French Dr Antoine-Pierre Demours in 1818. Dr G.J Guthrie later recognizes hardening of the eye as a common characteristic of the disease he named Glaucoma. Dr William McKenzie …show more content…
The primary cause of Glaucoma is the buildup of pressure that affects the optic nerve in the eye. Glaucoma is the number two leading cause of blindness in the world. Prevalence of glaucoma is high as it is an autosomal disease and anyone can get it. Autosomal means that it is located on or within the twenty three pairs of chromosomes and not on the single pair of sex chromosomes. Glaucoma is extremely prevalent in African Americans, people of Chinese or Japanese descent and if it is in your medical history. Glaucoma is an irreversible disease and once the eye has been damaged there is nothing that can be done to revert the sight back. There are five different types of glaucoma. They are Primary open-angle glaucoma, Primary Congenital Glaucoma, Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma, Exfoliation Glaucoma, and Normal Tension Glaucoma. There is no determined cure for glaucoma but there are several procedures, eyedrops, and oral medications one can take. The procedures that can be executed are Filtering surgery, Laser therapy, Drainage tubes, Electrocautery. These procedures and medications are strictly to reduce the pressure on the optic nerve to deter further deterioration of the eye. It is not a cure for

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