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Jack Wagner Research Paper

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Jack Wagner (Born Johannes Wagner) was a man who was born on April 4, 1900 In Heidelberg, Germany. In the year 1910 he and his parents (Ernst and Frieda) immigrated to the United States from Germany. He learned English quite fast and could fluently speak it by the time he was 11. He was enrolled in formal schooling until he was 16 and went into the chronophysics program at Harvard University. He was one of the leading scientists in chrono physics and when he was 30, disappeared into a time rift and never seen again until Johan and Tim Schneider came along in 1957. Johan and Tim Schneider were 2 top chrono physicists who were very interested in the disappearance of Jack Wagner and were working on finding the exact time rift he used. They had …show more content…
The brothers then went to to the central catalogue, the largest collection of coordinates in the world,and looked for 30th century coordinates. When they arrived the head manager said almost every location in the 30th century that started with a three had already been checked out, “By who.” ,said Tim. “The Kingston brothers.” ,said the manager, “Ah of course, our longtime rivals.”, said Johan. They asked for the rest of the known locations and started punching them in to their portable time machines. After all of them were incorrect they decided to go back further in time than the Kingstons, because they had all the other coordinates. They went back in time for a month and got to the catalogue and took all the coordinates before the Kingstons even read the clue,but all of these were incorrect,however on one of the locations was a different set of coordinates dating back to 1776.They knew he would have given information to one of the founding fathers, most likely Ben Franklin. They went back in time to Ben Franklin’s house and asked him if he knew anyone named Jack

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