...Spell Check-list Unlike the Greek city-states, the Roman republic embarked almost immediately on imperial expansion. Utilizing its citizen armies, the republic gained control of the entire Italian peninsula. Conquered regions were incorporated into the republic or allowed to remain as independent allies. Rome's greatest rival in the western part of the Mediterranean was the former Phoenician colony of Carthage in northern Africa. Between 264 B.C.E. and 146 B.C.E., Rome defeated Carthage in the three Punic Wars. Rome's victory created an empire that extended from Italy to the Iberian peninsula and into northern Africa. The collapse of the Hellenistic successor states of Alexander's empire drew the Romans into the eastern Mediterranean. Greece, Macedonia, the Asian littoral, and Egypt were drawn into Rome's orbit. Rome and its Empire, (1995), Pearson Education, Pearson Longman, Retrieved from; http://wps.ablongman.com/long_stearns_wc_4/17/4390/1123999.cw/index.html The Regal Period. According to tradition, the first King laid the political foundations for the city, by creating the senate, and by dividing the people into curiae. He also extended Roman power by successful wars. Numa Pompilius is the antithesis, in many ways, of Romulus. He organized priesthoods, established religious rites, and sought to develop the religious life of the people. It was the main purpose of Tullus Hostilius, as it had been that of Romulus, to extend the material power of Rome. Ancus Marcius...
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...the student the different stages of metaphorism we would be able to have them actively learn and go to a website that shows these stages. Students learn in different ways. I know the best way I learn is if I actually do the work hands on. I feel it is important that students understand what is happening today and what could happen if nothing is done about it. Right now global warming is happening. Ice is melting which is raising the seas level. Also sense the ice is melt we are becoming a darkening plant. This meaning that because we are darker we don’t reflect as much sunlight and the average temps are going up. Lastly there are some many people in the world that all the CO2 is going into the oceans. Causing an overwhelming amount of salt in our oceans. We need to slow down or figure out a way to stop global warming with science. Please Mr. President coming from Columba and Harvard I know you will understand what I am trying to do here. All I want is a better life for America and that starts with the youth. To do so we need to keep advancing in our technology and found out a way to stop global warming to insure a long and successful life for...
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...Global Warming “Global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. That event was believed to have been caused by a giant asteroid. This time it is not an asteroid colliding with the Earth and wreaking havoc: it is us.” Former Vice President, Al Gore, has continued his ongoing work as an environmental activist even after leaving the White House, and his biggest concern is global warming. Today, global warming is the greatest challenge our planet is facing. Global warming is the increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface air. It is one of the most current and widely discussed factors. It has far-reaching impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet. Several current trends clearly demonstrate that global warming is directly impacting on rising sea levels, the melting of ice caps and significant worldwide climate changes. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all living things on earth. The greenhouse effect and global warming are issues that are talked about by geologists all the time. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the earth at temperatures that are livable. Energy from the sun warms the earth when its heat rays are absorbed by greenhouse gasses and become trapped in the atmosphere. Some of the most common greenhouse gasses...
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...environmentalists suggest answers to these problems. This essay argues that some solutions work more effectively to these focusing on climate change, loss of land and negative impacts on public health. Climate change forms a serious threat to the environment, urban sprawl has resulted in serious emission of greenhouse gases as more cars are used which requires more energy use. Then, more and more global warming gases are released which leads to critical environmental problems. Martin (2007) points out car and land use lead to more greenhouse emissions. And cars and facilities are the main producers of global warming. Thereby, Environmental problems are having become acute in the twenty-first century. Gonzalez (2005) also indicates that expansion the city results in more emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, and more energy use which is also a main factor leading to climate change. In order to solve these problems, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) relying on technology to address global warming cannot solve this problem; although this can limit the emission of carbon dioxide, it also has disadvantage, such as the disposal of new energy which is harmful to environment....
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...Economics Solve the Problem of Global Warming? The potential negative effects of global warming are very serious. Even by just concentrating on economic factors, global warming has the potential to cause unprecedented costs to the global economy. Yet, despite the forecasted dangers and economic costs, there seems to be a disinterest in implementing necessary policies to avert the consequences of global warming. There are many reasons why it is difficult to deal with the issue of global warming such as the problem of “free rider”, externalities, intergenerational externalities etc. Global warming is by definition a phenomena which affects every country. Pollution may be caused by a small percentage of developed countries and yet those who suffer the most may be pacific islands who contribute nothing to global warming. When it comes to reducing carbon emissions there is a classic free rider problem. Countries can benefit from lower emissions by relying on other countries to make sacrifices and reduce their pollution levels. The problem is that countries can then become reluctant to start reducing emissions until other countries start reducing emissions as well. Why should a tiny country like Sweden make sacrifices in reducing carbon emissions, if the US continues to create a large part of the world's CO2 emissions? Global warming is to a large extent caused by externalities. When you drive an SUV, the contribution to global warming is an external cost which you don't experience...
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...The film “An Inconvenient Truth” is a documentary movie that teaches us about what are the cause and effects of global warming. A man who is very passionate when it comes to climate change, Al Gore, discusses the present and future effects of global warming that would probably be the key to end our natures’ crisis. I was totally impressed in the film because it gives me a broader knowledge and deeper understanding about global warming. It shows the basic process of global warming where the greenhouse gases traps the sun’s heat in the Earth’s atmosphere which makes our planet warmer and thins our ozone layer that causes climate change. He showed graphs and illustrations that prove that carbon dioxide is more abundant than oxygen which is bound to get worse over the years. As what we have notice, through generations many people comes up with new and highly improved inventions that may be one of the cause of environments malfunction. Through this, we experience a lot of natural and disastrous disasters. In March 11, 2011, Japan was hit by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and as an aftershock after a few minutes it was hit by a massive tsunami which causes the 3,000 + deaths, a 10 billion dollars worth of damage, an explosion from the nuclear power plant and the radioactive radiation crisis. At April 18, 2011, China was showered by hailstorms which few people died and injured due to hailstones. And In May 30, 2011, it was reported here in the Philippines that there is a massive number...
Words: 392 - Pages: 2
... • Why should we care? • How sure are scientists? • What next—what can we do? What changes climate? Changes in: – Sun’s output – Earth’s orbit – Drifting continents – Volcanic eruptions – Greenhouse gases Scientists have a good understanding of what has changed earth’s climate in the past: • Incoming solar radiation is the main climate driver. Its energy output increased about 0.1% from 1750 to 1950, increasing temperatures by 0.2°F (0.1°C) in the first part of the 20th century. But since 1979, when we began taking measurements from space, the data show no long-term change in total solar energy, even though Earth has been warming. • Repetitive cycles in Earth’s orbit that occur over tens of thousands of years can influence the angle and timing of sunlight. • In the distant past, drifting continents make a big difference in climate over millions of years by changing ice caps at the poles and by altering ocean currents, which transport heat and cold throughout the ocean depths. • Huge volcanic eruptions can cool Earth by injecting ash and tiny particles into the stratosphere. • Changes in the concentration of...
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...of large portions of the world’s forests, will raise the earth’s average temperature by several degrees in the next century. This in turn will raise the level of the sea and potentially create significant changes in weather patterns on a global scale. As we move into the future, many climatologists expect that most of the United States will warm. What we do not know yet is how to scientifically predict which parts of the nation will become wetter or drier. We do know there is likely to be an overall trend toward increased precipitation and evaporation, and more intense weather systems, in the form of violent rainstorms, blizzards and sun-baked, drier soils. The Facts—What Do We Already Know About Changing Global Conditions (Global Warming)? Global temperatures are rising. Observations collected over the last century suggest that the average land surface temperature has risen 0.45-0.6°C (0.8-1.0°F) in the last century. Precipitation has increased by about 1 percent over the world's continents in the last century, with more rain in high latitudes and less rain in many tropical areas. Sea levels have risen approximately 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) worldwide in the last century, due to melting mountain glaciers and ocean expansion from warmer ocean temperatures. The Future—What Predictions Can We Make About...
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...intend to influence his audience /readers? People are conditioned by a lifetime of learning. Chris Mooney, author of “The Science of Why We Don’t Believe in Science”, explores how difficult it would be for people to accept new information. When a person is confronted with facts that challenge a long-held belief, the result is a strong defense to their position, a process called “motivated-reasoning” in which people may instead be ‘rationalizing’. Rationalizing can help explain how, as a society; we can remain bias over issues for which there are loads of evidence and information. This article is important based on the various perspectives of the learning process such as the president vaccine wars, science on climate changes, and global warming issues. Mooney uses these perspectives to his advantage to persuade his audience on the independence of beliefs and how it affects our thoughts. The theory behind “motivated reasoning” is that pre-existing beliefs, far more than any new facts brought to peoples’ attention tend to skew our thinking processes. These pre-existing thoughts color people’s most passionate and seemingly logical conclusions and beliefs. Mooney states, “‘Motivated-reasoning’ helps explain why we find groups so polarized over matters where the evidence is so unequivocal.”(pg.2) Mooney takes the time to not only cite organizations, in which participants do not formally have political affiliations, but he uses experimental studies to demonstrate his point. For example...
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...carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint. The Greenhouse Effect on Global Warming By: Crystol Woodfin Pollution in our [Use "we," "us," or "our" to mean yourself and coauthors, not general humanity (or yourself and the reader)] world is leading to increased Global Warming. This Global Warming is a problem that if it doesn't effect us, it will effect [Check spelling--"effect" is a noun, the result of some action (The effect of the weather can be mood changes); "affect" is a verb--it acts on something (Weather is affecting human moods)] all future generations to come. Global Warming is a problem that all of us can solve, and it should be solved through the work of our community. The Global Warming Problem is a big problem, with such an easy solution . [do not leave a space before a period] Global [Attach the period to the last word of the sentence, not the first] Warming is caused by the Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse effect causes the sun's rays to come in the earth's atmosphere, and when it bounces back, more and more [in academic writing, if this is a series, place a comma before the final conjunction (and)] [Writing suggestion: doubling a word like this can be effective in speech but is less intensive...
Words: 664 - Pages: 3
...it is improving their economy and so improving the quality of living for their population. The good things about the Amazon being cut down is that it improves the economy of Brazil by increasing the amount of available jobs and by improving their trade with other countries, it also benefits us due to us being able to get cheaper imported wood. Also it increases the area that people can live in due to their being more space for houses and families so that their standard of life can be improved. The bad things about the Amazon being cut down is that there are less trees to absorb carbon dioxide because each year it absorbs about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide which if it can’t be absorbed then it will massively contribute to global warming. Also it is causing many species that thrived inside the trees to become endangered and some have even become extinct due to the lost of habitat. A possible solution...
Words: 321 - Pages: 2
...References 1. Aitken, D. (2000). Global Warming and Local Economic Perspective. Available at www.daylighting.org/pubs/global_climate.pdf 2. Avery, D. (n.d.). Three Big Hurricanes In A Row: Is It Global Warming? Available at: http://www.cgfi.org/materials/articles/2004/sept_17_04.htm 3. Bailey, R. (2002). Global Warming and Other Eco Myths: How the Environmental Movement Uses False Science to Scare Us to Death. Prima Lifestyles. 4. Briggs, H. (2005). Global 'Warming link' to big hurricanes. Available at:http://www.independentmedia.tv/item.cfm?fmedia_id=11963&fcategory_desc=Global%20Warming%20/%20 Climate%20Change 5. BENCHMARKING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AT AUTOMOBILE ASSEMBLY PLANTS. (2005). Available at http://www.managementfirst.com/quality/articles/automobile.php 6. Carter, A. (2005). Global Warming and Storm Chasing. Available at: http://www.firstscience.com/SITE/ARTICLES/carter.asp 7. Global Warming: A Perspective from Earth History. (N.d.) Available at: http://ebulletin.le.ac.uk/features/2000-2009/2004/12/nparticle-vkt-hgf-t4c 8. French, I. (2004). Carbon Sequestration - Bridging the Gap between Kyoto and a Viable Global Carbon Management Programme? Available at: http://www.energypulse.net/centers/article/article_print.cfm?a_id=633 9. Greens Call New Oil Drilling a Global Warming Risk, (2005). Urge Congressmembers to Do Everything Possible to Thwart ANWR and All New Drilling. http://www.commondreams.org/news2005/0322-16.htm 910...
Words: 260 - Pages: 2
...Global Warming, A Battle to Be Won Rebecca O’Connell SCI 207 Dependence of Man on The Environment Prof. Houtan Noushmehr May 28, 2012 Global Warming, Who is to Blame? The choices we make on a daily on basis not only affect ourselves but the planet we live on. Global warming has become more serious every day, more and more pullulates are put into the air killing the ozone layer causing the Earths temperatures to rise in places that are not normal. Humans play a role in rapid speed that global warming is taking place, not all of this is Mother Nature alone. With the increase of deforestation, more factories, chemicals used the list goes on and on of the pullulates we all use on a daily basis. The rapid changes in climate affect the species that live in the area, causing species to die or migrate, intense storms destroying land and taking lives. We will face several intense affects if global warming is not brought under control. Are the choices humans have made to blame for global warming, is there time to heal the damage that has been done. Is global warming a battle that can be won? Global warming has taken place for many years it has not been until just recently that it has become more known to scientist of just how severe things really are. Scientist is discovering from the temperature changes of the Earth that this not a natural change, the “greenhouse effect” is real “the global warming of our atmosphere caused by the presence of carbon dioxide and other...
Words: 1447 - Pages: 6
...Global Warming Essay: Facts about Global Warming Spread Environmental Awareness and Encourage Fight against Global Warming Through Your Global Warming Essay The definition of Global warming is, “The observed and projected increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans”. Human actions, primarily the release of green house gases from smokestacks, vehicles, and burning forests, are perhaps the chief power causing this situation. CO2 (Carbon dioxide) emissions belong to the most important causes of global warming. In a Global Warming Essay the writer can mention: * Causes of Global Warming: * Global warming has increased extensively since the Industrial Revolution. These changes occur due to increased burning of fossil fuels and other human activities. The discharge of green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc. into nature (Also see Nature Essay) is another reason for rising temperature of earth. * Buildings, both commercial and residential represent a larger source of global warming pollution than cars and trucks because they require a lot of fuel to be burnt which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide. * Effects of Global Warming: * Increase of temperature on the earth: * Changes in temperature increase the frequency and intensity of some severe weather events, like floods, droughts and tornadoes. * Lower agricultural yields and species extinctions are caused by Global Warming. ...
Words: 255 - Pages: 2
...The essay will discuss the concepts and the importance of logistics in our global word. It will then move to the recent climate change and its impact on our world with particular reference to logistics and GHG emissions relationship. The write up will follow up with the EPA and other agencies reactions and discuss the impact and the changes in the logistics management by the companies around the world. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply Chain Management refers to the flows of processes though which the goods are moved from the customer order to the acquisition of raw materials, supply, production, and distribution of the goods to the relevant customer. It basically refers to the management of the activities for the collections of raw materials to the production at the factories to the distribution of these goods. The manager must coordinate with all of these pieces in a cordial manner for the effective management of the supply chain (Mentzer, 2001). LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Logistics Management is widely known concept in the global world. All companies rely on the logistics for the efficient flow of the goods and services. For Example: Industrial manufactures rely heavily on these logistics for the transportation of the mass-produced items. At the same time, the consumer goods manufactures want their goods to be delivered to the outlets and warehouses before the customer calls for it. Therefore, Logistics management has now evolved into one of the most important links in the...
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