Effect of Glioblastoma Multiform(GBM)
The effect of glioblastoma multiform is depending on the location of the tumor. If the tumor is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, the patient may have difficulty in decision making and problem solving. They cannot think of every possible solution to that particular problem. Moreover, if the tumor is at the left hemisphere of the brain, it may affect the patient’s language skills or verbal memory and logical thinking while on the right hemisphere will affect the visual-spatial intelligence.
Effects of radiation therapy on children’s cognitions. Children’s cognitions may affect after they underwent the therapy for glioblastoma. Some of the therapies are chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Radiation…show more content… Children who had not received radiation are within the normal range, with a mean IQ of 101, but children who had required radiation not only had lower IQs, but their IQs continued to decline over time. Thus, younger children have the greatest loss of intelligence. Children demonstrated a wide range of dysfunction, including deficits in fine motor like muscles in fingers and eyes, visual-spatial skills and memory difficulties after radiation therapy. Besides, they also demonstrated a fall in a broad scope of achievement scores and an increased need by others, they need extra help in school.(Roger J. Packer, M.D., Leslie N. Sutton, M.D., Thomas E. Atkins, Ph.D., Jerilynn Radcliffe, Ph.D., Greta R. Bunin, Ph.D., Giulio D'Angio, M.D., Kathy R. Siegel, P.A., and Luis Schut, M.D., May 1989). They may need specialist to guide them in their homework.
Auditory attention and concentration skills. These skills of the kids are also slumping. So that the attention and mathematical difficulties in these children need for preventive and remedial…show more content… Younger children have more cognitive loss as the consequence of radiation therapy because their minds are not fully develope. Thus, many pediatric glioblastoma patients receive proton therapy when surgery when chemotherapy has not been successful. Proton therapy is more directed with less damage to surrounding tissue, but don’t yet know definitively. (Munch, June 2013).
Effect on Older Children. Behavioural deficits were more apparent in older children than younger children. These results reveal that clinically relevant neuropsychological changes may occur following cerebellar tumour resection in children. Age at the time of surgery and the site of the cerebellar lesion influence the neurobehavioural outcome. (Lisi Levisohn, Alice Cronin-Golomb, Jeremy D. Schmahmann, 1 May 2000). For example, if the tumour grow at frontal or temporal lobe, the chages of behavior in patient will more significant.
The frontal lobe of the older children had developed more than younger children. Hence, the cognitive effect on them is higher in behavior, controlling and working storage. This is because frontal lobe is responsible for higher cognitive functions which involved large area of neural network in the