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Rural Poverty: The Great Recession, Under-Utilization Summary

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According to the text “Rural Poverty: The Great Recession, Rising Unemployment, and the Under-Utilized” written by Jennifer Sherman cultural norms greatly affect a families capability to deal with and “survive” poverty are influenced by the families cultural norms. The families are also affected by the history of rural communities that are small and have close communities. The history can affect the choices and options a family has available to them. “Structural causes of poverty” are what most “Academic researchers” believe is important. Structural causes of poverty can be the shift of the economy, policies, and “racism and labor markets”. “Neoliberal ideologies” have greatly affected what people understand about cultural causes of poverty in the rural parts of the United States. They have lead to people seeing cultural poverty as an individual issue and blaming the individuals. It has added to the “stigma” to the problems and issues that rural Americans are challenged with (Sherman 524). People who live in poverty suffer the stigma of being “lazy, immoral and dependent upon “entitlements” (Sherman 525). …show more content…
Rural areas tend to have a weak economy and labor market. It is hard to get transportation and there is no public transportation. The educational system is underprivileged and underfunded. Child care is costly and hard to get and “levels of human capital are extremely low”. In some communities, there are “declining resources” and within these communities people have seen the economy and “fortunes” disappear s the recession during the last decade has decreased industrialization. During the last decade, rural America has watched “globalization and deindustrialization” replacing “good jobs” with “bad jobs” (Sherman

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