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Zanzibar Research Paper

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Zanzibar is a beautiful series of islands located in the Indian Ocean off the Coast of Tanzania in Africa. It consist of two main Islands, Pemba and Unguja, and 34 smaller islands and islets. Traveling to Zanzibar can be a rewarding and memorable experience and there is heap of information available that allows one to learn prior to traveling there! In this paper I will delve into everything from this land’s rich culture and history to its unique medical needs.
Unguja is the local name for what is internationally known as Zanzibar Island. The Unguja and Pemba Islands are a huge tourist attractions thanks to their beautiful sandy beaches, plethora of wildlife, and historian loved destinations.
Zanzibar is home to many unique and interesting creatures. It hosts 23 species of bats, which although at times terrifying, are responsible for the pollination of the gorgeous fruit trees found among the islands. The tropical weather of the islands has allowed for it’s local species to grow larger than …show more content…
Most lodging businesses in Zanzibar accept United States dollars as payment. It is advised to not bring traveler’s checks because they are widely rejected for change even by major banks such as Barclays or Eximbank. It is also advised to have your own cash reserve with you because automated teller machines experience breakdowns and malfunctions due to power cuts. Also, if using an automated teller machine, it is recommended that you draw out your money while you are in Zanzibar Town, located on Unguja Island, because it is the only location in Zanzibar with a variance of ATMs. Tanzanian shillings are not allowed to be taken in or out of the country but there is a money exchange at the airport. Be aware though because some exchangers take advantage of tired tourist and shortchange them. Experts suggest carrying anti-theft bags and dummy wallets to prevent your important personal property from being stolen while you

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