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Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy Essay

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Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
The mitochondrion is a very important part of the human cell. Despite being so small, in size, its significance is such that our dependence as a species is on the mitochondria. Its main purpose is the generation if energy in the form of ATP. Despite the value of the mitochondria being so great, it can be the cause of many inheritable diseases due to the fact that the mitochondrion contains its own set of DNA. Examples of such diseases includes Alpers disease which can affect the brain and liver (1), Leigh syndrome which can disrupt the ability to generate ATP and many more.
There is no cure for inherited mitochondria-related diseases, however via the mitochondrial replacement therapy, we can prevent mothers who may possess faulty mitochondrial DNA from passing it on to her offspring. One of the major features of mitochondria inherited diseases are that …show more content…
There are many different techniques of mitochondrial replacement therapy, an example would be pronuclear transfer. This method entails the egg of the mother and donor egg being fertilized, using the father’s sperm in vitro, producing two zygotes. Both zygotes are left to develop until a very early zygotic stage where the pronuclei are still visible. At this point the zygote formed, from the donor egg, will have its nuclear material discarded as a karyoplast and the nuclear material from the parents’ zygote is transferred into the enucleated zygote. The aim of pronuclear transfer is to obtain a zygote that has all of its DNA from the mother and father apart from the mitochondria DNA.(3) Although, the risk of mitochondrial disease being inherited is reduced greatly it is important to note that some of the mutated mitochondrial DNA can be carried over from the mother’s karyotype to the donor cytoplasm. However, compared to normal conception the mitochondrial DNA carryover is greatly reduced, to under 2%.

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