... and in areas where it’s typically cold it’s now become warmer. For many year now, people have wondered if global warming is a true topic to be worried about. Throughout the years, the world has encountered people who believe that global warming is natural, and that the temperatures change over time regardless of human interference. On the other hand, there are people who believe that global warming is very serious, and will eventually affect future generations. As of now, scientist may only research the reason behind temperature changes. And for us people, we may decide on our own whether global warming is serious, or is only a natural thing. The controversy of global warming and its effect on temperature has been around for many years. Scientifically, global warming is described as the increasing air temperatures near the Earth’s surface. An increase in temperature can affect many things such as: weather patterns (potentially causing natural disasters) as well as animal adaptations. An example of how global warming affects animals and their adaptations to certain environments is shown by the following: Twenty years before...
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...Earth is being murdered faster than ever. According to NASA.gov, “On Earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century, the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2.” As NASA’s data has proven, Global Warming’s (otherwise known as climate change) biggest supporter is the very object that is attempting to stop it. Humans cause so many harmful gases, such as CO2 and N2O (Dinitrogen Monoxide), to be released into the air and make holes in the “ozone” layer of the atmosphere. This causes sun rays to break through to the Earth’s surface and heat...
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...thing that the world fears as human bean is our ice caps melting in the northern hemisphere. People do not believe global warming is happening in our time or even true facts at all about global warming. Every day chemist and scientist become one step closer to finding out more things mankind can do to prevent this from happening. Some people believe global warming is false information given by the world media or government and is not true at all. This persuasive essay is to convince all readers that global warming is not just an opinion; it is a true fact happening in our time slowly every day, and that the world can do something to prevent this tragic incident...
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...This pack contains tasks for discussion in lectures and tasks for preparation and discussion in tutorials. Please refer to the lecture PowerPoint slides to understand the purpose of these tasks in the lectures. Lecture 2 Task Standing on the shoulders of giants: Summarising and Paraphrasing Sources A researcher is investigating how different universities approach the issue of academic integrity. He has found the following case study on the website of iParadigms, which developed the software package Turnitin for plagiarism detection. He decides he wants to use some of the information in the report. Strengthening Honour Codes through Plagiarism Detection[1] Academic integrity was suffering at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Each of the university’s schools had an ethics committee to investigate charges of academic dishonesty, but there was no uniformity in how standards were applied or enforced. There was also no mechanism for sharing information between schools regarding serial cheaters. And because it was faculty-run, the students had little investment in the system and therefore took it lightly. To address these shortcomings, the University reinvented their approach to honour codes on campus. Instead of faculty-run ethics committees for each school, they established a Student Honor Code Council, serving the entire campus, which was responsible for writing the honor code and evaluating cases of honour code violations. The university administration, faculty...
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...Topics for Critical Thinking Project Instructions: 1. Students gather in groups of four or five. 2. Each group writes an essay of about 1.000 words about the chosen topic. The essay must cite public opinions around the topic and include references. 3. At the end of the essay, there need to be Venn diagrams or truth tables to test the validity of the arguments that are cited or made in your essay. 4. In the oral presentation, the slides must display the arguments and the diagrams to test validity. 1. Sustainable development becomes a challenge because we have conflicting needs. We want fresh, clean air to breathe but we also want to buy cars We want to conserve forests but we need trees to build houses We want to swim in clean waters but we need factories. Factories usually use water from rivers to power machinery or to cool down machinery a. How do we balance conflicting needs? b. What are the important steps that have to be undertaken to achieve the goals of sustainable development? c. What arguments could you present to the country’s leaders? Use good arguments to present your point of view. Use additional tools such as Venn diagram, truth table, chart, graphs to support your arguments. 2. Alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydropower and biomass can be harnessed to meet Vietnam’s rapidly increasing demand for energy. While there has been some early success, deployment...
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...How to Prepare a Persuasive Speech Public Speaking Tips for College Students Aug 19, 2009 Carol Rzadkiewicz When it comes time for students to deliver a persuasive speech, if they follow certain guidelines, they can deliver a speech that is both powerful and effective. Students are required to take public speaking in college as part of any undergraduate program of study; and of all the speeches students will be called upon to deliver, the most difficult and challenging will probably be the persuasive speech. There are steps, however, that students can take to help them prepare an effective, perhaps even outstanding, persuasive speech. Choose a Speech Topic The first step is to select a topic. When it comes to selecting one, though, students should keep two things in mind: • Since they will be expected to conduct research, preparation will be far less tedious if they select a topic in which they are truly interested and about which they would like to know more. • Ideally, they should select a topic that deals with an issue about which they genuinely care, for if they care, their passion will be evident and passion often helps sway an audience to accept a speaker’s opinion or argument. Sample Persuasive Speech Topics Although there are countless possibilities when it comes to topics for persuasive speeches, a few that students might consider include the following: • Should capital punishment be abolished? • Should marijuana be legalized? • Does intelligent...
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...Andreas Balasis 4/25/15 Mark Zeigler Persuasive Essay 1 “According to news reporters, every year it’s getting warmer, these violent weather patterns, some say it’s just nature’s karma.” These lyrics from Tallahassee’s own, Dead Prez, go to show the immutable fact that “global warming” is applicable terminology for our current state of existence. I believe it is beyond our intellectual capacity to examine whether or not the weather is changing, because any rational person could do the research and understand that it is quite apparent. If Dead Prez isn’t credible enough, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal”. The only thing I can conceivable try to persuade people of, is that we are living within system a being ran by incomprehensibly short sighted and perceivably destructive people. This essay will examine the idiocracy of Republican leaders in Florida, the economic manipulation behind environmental destruction, and simple solutions to a simple problem. “I’m not scientist, man”. These are the words of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) He is also quoted saying, “I do not believe that human activity is causing the dramatic changes to our climate the way scientists are portraying it”. I think that’s pretty hysterical, given the fact that this man, who is not a scientist, was appointed a chair on the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard. Any study of the...
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...America is an empathy-driven society. American politicians, pastors and psychologists consistently preach the importance of empathy in creating a fair society for everyone. In “ The Baby in The Well,” an essay for the May 20, 2013 issue of The New Yorker, Canadian American Psychologist Paul Bloom makes a shocking case against empathy. He begins making his case by defining empathy, and admitting its conventional wisdom. Bloom then presents numerous situations in which empathy can mislead or has misled us. Finally, he wraps up his argument by asserting that while empathy will drive us to empathize only with someone we identify with, reasoning will ensure that we make the right decisions for the better of society and the world. Bloom achieves...
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...RESEARCH TOPIC IDEAS Adopted children should have access to birth records Aggressive driving (road rage) could be reduced by anger management Air bag restraint systems reduce traffic fatalities Animal rights movement can prevent scientific advancement Athletes are good role models Bilingual education deserves support Body decoration is not a health risk Bullying causes school violence Censoring the internet violates free speech Charter schools should receive tax support Children's Internet Protection Act is unconstitutional College athletes and professional sports recruitment Companion animals enhance the lives of disabled individuals Digital Millennium Copyright Act protects intellectual property on the net Eating disorders are a widespread problem Faith based initiatives should be funded by the government Gender equity in sports is essential for female athletic programs to succeed Genetically altered food should have warning labels Good Samaritan laws are necessary to protect citizens Internet 2 (Internet product enhancements) Juvenile boot camps are safe and effective Juvenile criminals should be treated as adults Libraries should not regulate internet access Mandatory sentencing is unfair and should be abolished Parental violence in youth sports should be controlled Prayer in the public schools should be encouraged Prescription drugs cost too much Recycling sewage sludge into compost is a health hazard Student athletes should be tested for ...
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...philosophical lethargy. These traits are exploited by those with an ability to wield power, such as governments and the corporate world. Humans are persuaded by these entities and the herd because it is seemingly the easiest way to avoid social exile; we become admirers of the herd and our enslavers, paradoxically the more profound thinkers will also dislike them. To emphasise the fact that social fulfillment is the most potent, and insatiable persuader, the notion of advertising is entirely based on this human need. However, it must be noted that the core of the ‘social fulfillment’ theory of persuasion has a notable pessimistic bias; humans are not persuaded as much by communal connectivity as they are by the fear of societal death. This essay will explain how social fulfillment and the fear of social death form the basis of human action and submissiveness. From a psychological perspective, the notion of persuasion is emphasised through the Milgram experiment. The ethics of the...
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...11 Position Papers I f you like to argue, you will enjoy writing position papers and argument essays. The purpose of a position paper or argument essay is to explain both sides of a controversy and then argue for one side over the other. This two-sided approach is what makes position papers and argument essays different from commentaries (Chapter 10). A commentary usually only expresses the author’s personal opinion about a current issue or event. A position paper or argument essay explains both sides and discusses why one is stronger or better than the other. Your goal is to fairly explain your side and your opponents’ side of the issue, while highlighting the differences between these opposing views. You need to use solid reasoning and factual evidence to persuade your readers that your view is more valid or advantageous than your opponents’ view. In college, your professors will ask you to write position papers and argument essays to show that you understand both sides of an issue and can support one side or the other. In the workplace, corporate position papers are used to argue for or against business strategies or alternatives. The ability to argue effectively is a useful skill that will help you throughout your life. 221 CHAPTER AT–A–GLANCE Position Papers This diagram shows two basic organizations for a position paper, but other arrangements of these sections will work too. In the pattern on the left, the opponents’ position is described up front with its...
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...Communication Skills for Social Care Practice Contextualised materials for Essential Skills Communication November 2012 Published by: Northern Ireland Social Care Council 7th Floor, Millennium House 19-25 Great Victoria Street Belfast BT2 7AQ Tel: 028 9041 7600 Website: www.niscc.info Email: info@niscc.hscni.net This resource is free to download as a PDF file from the NISCC website www.niscc.info Material within this resource may be reproduced for training and learning purposes only. Copies can be made available in a range of different formats by contacting the Communications Team at the above address. November 2012 1 Guidance for use of this Resource These vocationally contextualised materials are designed to support Essential Skills tutors and trainers who are delivering Essential Skills Communication to Health / Social Care workers and students. They are not intended to be used as a set programme, rather as a resource for tutors, to support the planning and delivery of programmes suited to the needs of their own particular groups of learners. This resource should not be the sole source of task materials, since part of the ethos of essential skills is that the learner should have some choice in their materials for reading, writing and speaking/listening. Tutors can adapt the materials to suit the specific needs of their groups. The resource is suitable for use up to Level 2 Essential Skills Communication. Appendix 1 contains some information...
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...these nutrients decompose in the water, they use up oxygen which can harm all the organisms living in the environment. Fish and other organisms living in water need oxygen just as much as humans need it. Since all aquatic organisms depend on oxygen in the water, without a sufficient supply they will not be able to survive. This would be a very dangerous thing. Anything that can decrease the amount of oxygen in water can seriously damage the fish supply, since fish also depend on oxygen. A solution for this problem would be to test the water quality testing to see exactly how much oxygen is in the water to find out where the major problems areas are, then not dump any more wastes in water with low amounts of oxygen. We can write a custom essay on Water Pollution for you!...
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...Presents MINI-RESEARCH STRATEGIES & MODELS Mini-Research Activities Increase Student Achievement Support the Mission of the 21st Century Librarian INCLUDES: LM_Net commentary on preventing of plagiarism vs. detection and punishment strategies The challenge to librarians of the Pew and N2H2 Study of student Internet use Doug Johnson strategies for Low Probability of Plagiarism (LPP) Mini-Research models and strategies curb plagiarism and develop writing and critical thinking Scientific-based research (SBR) supports the use of mini-research activities to increase student achievement © ProQuest LLC – May be reproduced for Educational Purposes September 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Section Selected LM_Net Librarian Comments about Positive Strategies for Preventing Plagiarism Strategies for Creating Low Probability of Plagiarism Research Activities—Doug Johnson Bloom‘s Taxonomy of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Mini-Research ProQuest Mini-Research Strategies Correlated to HOTS -- (Bloom‘s Taxonomy) Mini-Research Formal Model—Integrate Technology and Prevent Plagiarism Mini-Research Draft Summary Model Integrates Technology Methods and Skills Mini-Research Informal Model—Integrate Technology and Prevent Plagiarism Flexible Rubrics Model for Teacher Evaluation of Mini-Research Reports APPENDIX ProQuest Mini-Research Process vs. Traditional Research Renewed Emphasis on the Importance of Writing and Mini-Research Activities Scientific-based Research (SBR),...
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...WORKBOOK ANSWERS AQA A2 Economics Unit 3 Business Economics and the Distribution of Income This Answers book provides answers for the questions asked in the workbook. They are intended as a guide to give teachers and students feedback. The candidate responses supplied here for the longer essay-style questions are intended to give some idea about how the exam questions might be answered. The examiner commentaries (underlined text) have been added to give you some sense of what is rewarded in the exam and which areas can be developed. Again, these are not the only ways to answer such questions but they can be treated as one way of approaching questions of these types. Topic 1 The firm: objectives, costs and revenues 1 Both private and public companies are privately owned capitalist business enterprises. The difference stems from their ownership. Private companies are owned by private shareholders who can choose the buyer of their shares. Public company shares are listed on the stock market, which means that they have to comply with the rules of the stock market and any member of the public can buy shares in the company. 2 An excess of sales receipts over the spending of a business during a period of time, which can be calculated using the formula: profit = revenue – costs. 3 At any level of output, revenue is calculated by multiplying output by the price at which each unit of output is sold. In perfect competition, because it is always possible to increase...
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