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Persuasive Global Warming

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Climate change is the single biggest negative environmental change in our time. One thing that the world fears as human bean is our ice caps melting in the northern hemisphere. People do not believe global warming is happening in our time or even true facts at all about global warming. Every day chemist and scientist become one step closer to finding out more things mankind can do to prevent this from happening. Some people believe global warming is false information given by the world media or government and is not true at all.

This persuasive essay is to convince all readers that global warming is not just an opinion; it is a true fact happening in our time slowly every day, and that the world can do something to prevent this tragic incident …show more content…
For millions of years since mankind could remember, our climate change has remained the same a climate change for the world would make a huge difference on our planet earth. For example, there would be less rainfall yearly.

This could cause dry crop and less vegetation. Less vegetation and rainfall could end up leading us to higher prices in our stock market for goods, food and any other product. Global warming has everything to do with our climate including our differences in today’s weather.

Climate is earth’s weather over a long period of time or a specific period of time. When talking about weather, it is only within twenty four hours to a week at the most. Global warming also affects the animals and other species in its region. For example, polar bears, coyotes, and many other species in our northern hemisphere are going extinct over our ice caps melting. Our sun rays are another thing causing our ice caps to melt overtime. Although we cannot do anything about our harmful sun rays but we can do something about our natural resources that the world uses that cause these problems. Global warming remains a debate with politics and society …show more content…
This would be called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect on how we live today if earth’s climate were to change. Politics believes this would take decades for this catastrophe to happen. Atmospheric concentration on carbon dioxide has increased 30% since the United States of America Industrial boom. It is a proven fact that temperature would increase by 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the highest rate it has increased within the last 500,000 years. There are images taken by hikers, geologist, chemist, and Native American explorers of many lakes up north that have dried up within the last couple of decades from our suns radiation. Our sun rays however are harmful to animals in the northern hemisphere.The earth's climate could also affect the way animals migrate around the world. The information given by politics on Global warming and the worlds climate change is in fact true by many photos and other evidence researchers has come up with within the last couple of decades. There are things mankind could do to slow the heat down being caught in our atmosphere and causing Global Warming. Global warming is in fact true.”People tend to focus on the here and now. The problem is that, once global warming is something that most people can feel in the course of their daily lives, it will be too late to prevent much larger, potentially

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