...Globalization "Globalization" is a term that came into mainstream use in the 1980's to portray the expanded development of individuals, information and thoughts, and merchandise and cash crosswise over national outskirts that has prompted expanded interconnectedness among the world's populaces, monetarily, politically, socially and socially. Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole in the twentieth century (Robertson, 1992: 8). Despite the fact that globalization is regularly considered in monetary terms (i.e., "the worldwide commercial center"), this methodology has numerous social and political ramifications too. A lot of people in nearby groups partner globalization with modernization (i.e., the change of "conventional" social orders into "Western" industrialized ones). At the worldwide level, globalization is considered regarding the difficulties it postures to the part of governments in universal issues and the worldwide economy. There are warmed verbal confrontations about globalization and its sure and negative impacts. "Friedman realized early that to write intelligently about world economics he needed to make himself an expert in six tightly integrated domains that are usually reported separately: financial markets, politics, culture, national security, technology, and the environment" (Brand, 2002, Introduction...
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...PART I: GLOBAL OUTLOOK Part I: Global outlook 15 GLOBALIZATION: A HISTORICAL AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSPECTIVE CHAPTER 1 Chapter 1 Globalization: a historical and multidimensional perspective In the past decade the concept of globalization has been employed widely in academic and political debate, but the meanings attributed to the term are far from consistent. In this document it is used to refer to the growing influence exerted at the local, national and regional levels by financial, economic, environmental, political, social and cultural processes that are global in scope. This definition of the term highlights the multidimensional nature of globalization. Indeed, although the economic facet of globalization is the most commonly referred to, it acts concomitantly with non-economic processes, which have their own momentum and therefore are not determined by economic factors. In addition, the tension that is generated between the different dimensions is a pivotal element of the process. In the economic sphere but also —and especially— in the broadest sense of the term, the current process of globalization is incomplete and asymmetric, and is marked by major shortcomings in the area of governance. The dynamics of the globalization process are shaped, to a large extent, by the fact that the actors involved are on an unequal footing. Developed-country governments, together with transnational corporations, exert the strongest influence, while developing-country governments...
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...their will on the weaker civilizations and claim these territories as part of their own. Analyze and interpret the following quotation: “Worldwide, non-Western cultures faced fundamental challenges to their cultural identities—not so much a recentering of culture but a decentering of culture. The late 19th and early 20th century produced western cultures that inherited modern technology, communication, and a strong military presence. The growth of these western cultures both politically and economically influenced other cultures. As the western cultures continued to strengthen, other cultures began to fear the power the western cultures were gaining. The non-Western cultures did not want to circum to these Western cultures because they had their own values and own way of thinking. The non-Western cultures were not ready for a decentering of their own culture which ultimately would have these cultures losing their identities. (Agatucci, 2010) In the later nineteenth century and early twentieth century, what would a “decentering” of culture have meant for a given cultural group? Globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth century was a key factor of the decentering of non western cultures. The influence of the western cultures...
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...Humanities 332: American Humanities Fall 2015 Professor Kim Codella PhD. Office Phone 916-691-7633 Office SOC #128 Office Hours MW 4:30PM-5:30PM TTH 4-5:30PM, online 11-12 pm Friday. codellk@crc.losrios.edu Required Text. The House made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday. This book is available in the bookstore for you and there is also a copy in the library for your use. In addition there will be weekly online readings in D2L. You must do the required reading to pass the class. Students must attend lectures and take notes. Participation, i.e., your attention is required. Course description: This course examines the arts and ideas taken from the American experience in the 20th century and today. Material covered includes literature, art, music, philosophy and history of the twentieth century. The course draws upon the arts of African American, Native American, Asian American, Anglo and Latino cultures as avenues for understanding issues of ethnicity, class and gender as they intersect with mainstream American values. Course presentation: Lecture, discussion, audio-visual materials and readings from the text, online, and material to be supplied by the instructor. In addition an extra-credit will be offered. Attendance: Required, a student missing more than 5.4 class hours may be dropped from the course (this is four class sessions). Because of the recent budget situation instructors are encouraged to drop students who are not attending class. Basic Rules: Woody...
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...nowadays we heard of “globalization” more frequently in the daily life. Different countries and the people from different places have more connection and communication with each other than before. This is a human social phenomenon. In this big world stage, more relation not only means more opportunities, but also more competition. To research the advantages and disadvantages of globalization can help to catch the chance and avoid the risk and maintain a momentum of healthy development. I will briefly talk about what is globalization and its effects to different areas at the beginning. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages will be presented to show how these factors influence the developed and developing country respectively. II. What is globalization? The globalization is just a concept which generally means an increase of global connections, the human life based on the global scale and an increase of global consciousness. The politics and economic trade rely on each other. The globalization can be recognized as the integration of the world. Actually, Globalization is not a new phenomenon, which not happened in recent years. In ancient time, China exported tea and silk to Europe. That the west Europe started colonial times can be considered as the beginning of the globalization. It began at the end of the nineteenth century, but it slowed down during the period from the start of the First World War to the third quarter of the twentieth century. However, the paces of...
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...did W. E. B. Du Bois mean by his concept of "the color-line", and how did it come to be defined so strictly over time? The idea of “the color –line” alludes basically to the part of race and prejudice in history and society. Be that as it may, of need, for Du Bois, it requires a multidimensional examination which recognizes and looks to comprehend the convergence of race and class as both methods of mastery and methods of resistance on the national and worldwide level. Du Bois connects with the inquiries of race, racial mastery and racial misuse with the understood recommendation that “the issue of the twentieth century is the issue of the shading line." In 1924, W. E. B. Dubois said this in regards to race relations in the United States. He said, "The issue of the twentieth century will be the issue of the shading line." That is, the overwhelming issue amid the century would be the racial clash in the middle of Blacks and whites. Today, regardless of the advancement our nation has made in race relations, despite everything we have an approaches to go. It was the line that held the best employments in the economy for one gathering of individuals, while denying them to another through both the law and private organizations, for example, organizations and, to its ruin, numerous unions who denied participation and occupations to those on the wrong side of the shading line. Also, it is the same shading line that would reject occupations to those on one side of "citizenship"...
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...During the last years of the nineteenth century, England, France and Germany entered into a keen rivalry (competition, antagonism). The economic and financial rivalry (competition) is decisive and the high stake is the control of existing markets or of new markets as well as raw materials and, in particular, of the colonies’ precious metals. This rivalry, however, promotes a crucial scientific and technical competition. They had to improve the machine tool for a better competitiveness of the industries. They needed to ensure better health conditions for the hardworking population (the labor force) and for soldiers engaged in close or distant conflicts; better travel conditions, quality armaments, etc... The agricultural, industrial and armaments...
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...1 TOPIC it means, globalization is going to happen. The world is going to get more connected, and thus increases communication, transportation and technologies. Arguing against it seems pointless, we all can't go back to being isolationists. The term ‘Globalization' has become skewed from its original meaning. In essence, it means the increasingly global scope of everything from travel to trade. In describing this globalizing trend, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan states that, "Arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity." Annan is claiming that the power to globalize, whether for humanitarian or corporate reasons, is such that no one and nothing can resist the urge to grow and learn. He is, in fact, describing universal and human nature. The universal forces of attraction, or gravity, cause any body with inherent mass to both attract and be attracted by other bodies with inherent mass, with the result that the smaller ones are drawn toward or are engulfed by the larger ones. Annan's comparison of these forces to those of globalization creates a very clear image of regional and national affairs gravitating toward or becoming international ones. He is referring to the corporate takeover of one company by another or the merging of several to become a conglomerate. He is referring to an airplane assembly line using parts made from 57 different companies in as many countries. He is referring to the capacity to engage in overseas warfare...
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...During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s the Western cultures had began to modernize with technology, communication and the military. The growth had given the Western culture political power and economic success in other cultures. As the Western culture reaped accomplishments, other cultures feared the change and the progression. Struggling with the influence of the western cultures the non-western cultures had their own ways and their own values; they were not ready to take on neither change nor modifications, creating a decentering of their own culture, as they began losing their own identities. Due to the globalization of the nineteenth to the twentieth century non western cultures were faced with the influences of the western cultures, causing a decentering of their own culture. During the twentieth century such things as fashion, music, traditions, media, communication, and technology began to change and modernize to the times. Technology and communication has had an overwhelming growth since the nineteenth century. Some cultures such as music and literature has been passed down from generation to generation. There are many cultures that suffered decentering, such as Africa. The impact that the European culture had on Africa was devastating, as families and villages began to fall as men were sold or traded as slaves The African culture had many of their own traditions and their region flourished prior to the Europeans. The African nation lived quietly in...
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...Globalization and Poverty Introduction Globalization is the process of international cooperation ranging from world views, products, ideas, and national unique cultures, driven by technological innovation in the process of industrialization. Contemporarily, as the technologies of information, transportations, and telecommunications developed, the distance among nations has been getting closer and closer, fading out the existence of countries boundaries. We can travel to the other side of the world overnight, can easily access to other countries culture such as food, songs, dramas, and news, and can contact to those who live in other country though email or telephone whenever we want to. We are able to know affairs happened in other countries immediately and see and talk to diverse countries people by video chatting on online like a neighbor. As consequence of this development, the speed of globalization is being accelerated more and more. Several decades ago, just a few persons would travel to other countries unlike these days, but now, the number of people, who abroad travel to, have dramatically increased. That is, that happening to go abroad is no more special event and it provides a condition that the relation of nations in the world are approaching together and by extension, combined the world as one village. In addition, as Mohr (2013) claimed, “Economic globalization gives governments of developing nations access to foreign lending. When these funds are used on infrastructure...
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...becoming influenced by Western cultures, namely that of America. For instance, in many Asian and African nations McDonalds and other American culture influence like Starbucks and clothing stores are coming to their countries. They are influenced by Western cultures. The non-Western cultures will face challenges to their cultural identities because they have to try and change to get modernized with everyone else. Non-Western cultures face decentering due to the challenges of globalization from the nineteenth century to the twentieth and the present. By the nineteenth and twentieth century, most cultures are trying to get modernized to fit in with all the changes of that time. As the century began, movies, music, and the media had a major influence on fashion and trends in all aspects of life. On contrast to early centuries, one of the most prominent traits of the world during the twentieth century was the drastic growth of technology. More technological advances had been made by the end of the twentieth century. Communications and information technology, transportation technology and medical advances had radically altered daily lives. (www.wvculture.org) As far as the Native Americans and the Europeans, the Native Americans were living a peaceful and fulfilling life living off the land until the Europeans arrived. There three main cultural conquests against the Native Americans. Each style of conquest was responded to in a different way with each containing different impacts...
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...The literacy movement along and the desire to break away from traditional cultural views was continuing to increasing because of the difference of colonization between the different colonies. Globalization and technological advances was allowing the views of colonies to be broadened. It was also allowing the different colonies to interact more with each other. “Science and technology also came to be questioned with a new intensity, both in terms of their intrinsic nature and in terms of their effects on human societies” (The Twentieth Century, 2347). Over the time of the twentieth century science and technology has made several changes. “For cultural imagination, three changes have held particular significance: the shift in public scientific...
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...faced new forms of globalization, new technologies, and new modes of warfare. President Bill Clinton was one of the presidents that had to deal with the challenges facing the post-Cold War world. He incorporated globalization as the key to economic prosperity and showed his eagerness to promote and defend the U.S national security. As globalization impacted the nation by bringing new opportunities and posing additional challenges. It promoted international cooperation and free trade among nations. However, globalization brought many problems like rapid industrialization, water pollution, climate change, and the destruction of primeval forests. Globalization thrust American business outward, bringing a new population of immigrants to the United States. Immigration also made an impact on the American Society since 9/11. Since the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which repealed discriminatory as the country experience a wave of immigration comparable to the turn of...
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...global inequality in wealth and human rights. Power, inequality and conflict are often, but not entirely, bound up with economic power, inequalities in wealth and income and how they affect life chances and shape other spheres of society such as culture and politics. Conflict is often over economic interests or the pursuit of resources or economic gain. Because global inequality taps into core sociological concerns, it would allow other developing countries a blue print. In fact the sociology of development is a sub-field of the discipline that has long been interested in global inequality. Increasing inequality was one of the most important consequences of nineteenth century globalization, and this fact is pregnant with importance for those who seek to understand what the consequences of twentieth century globalization may be. Resistance to global capitalism and attacks on symbols of power are likely to increase, just as they did in the decades following the great expansion of trade and investment in the last decades of the nineteenth...
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...identity is perception of oneself and they group they ma belong to. This can be influenced or inherited. Culture and belief is a big identity in most culture. There are many identities that identify a culture. Some examples of those identities are clothing, music, food, religion, language etc. (http://www.digitrends.com/crossingcultures/iden.htm) Meaning of “decentering” of a Culture Non-western cultures in the late ninetieth, early twentieth century were influenced by western cultures due to globalization. During the twentieth century, such as technology of music, media, traditions, communication progress the culture felt overwhelmed. Technology had begun growing and modernizes to the times. Music and literature has been passed down from generation to generation. Impact of Western or European Cultures Africa is an example that suffered from decentering. The impact that the European culture had on Africa was sad and devastating. Families were torn apart as men were sold and traded for slaves. Non-Western Culture prior to late Nineteenth Century Prior to the Europeans, the African culture had their own religion and traditions. Dance and music were a huge part of the African culture. Part of...
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