...strategy * MontGras became a successful story only through their marketing strategy. It took a determined path of exporting to the top rated wine importers in the world. * Through heavily exporting to U.K and U.S, MontGras segmented and exposed to some of the top wine consumers in the world * MontGras has been exporting 50% of their wines to U.K, which is strategically a worth move according to the rate of Chilean wines that are being exported to different countries. It’s worth noting that U.K is not in the top ten lists of wine production in the world but they are in number one in importing wine. * U.S is a strategic market for wine consumption and importation but U.S also produce large amount of wine followed by France and European countries. Moreover, it expensive to distribute wines in the U.S market. Therefore, MontGras decision of exporting 4% volume of wine to U.S is economically a fair deal. * In terms of marketing budget, MontGras had spend high price for marketing in Ireland but it only sold 42,000 cases but in U.K they spend $5000 lesser than Ireland but sold almost 117,000 cases, which is 75,000 more cases sold. * Therefore, MontGras marketing strategy is flawlessly a well suitable strategy to reach, segment and brand to the main wine consumers. B. MontGras Actually positioned in an attractive segment * They have been working towards reaching consumers under their own label and achieved during 2000. * MontGras set their...
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...(a) To what extent can MontGras control its own market position, as opposed to being dominated 7by the country-of-origin effect, and be perceived as a “Chilean Wine”? Changing the overall image of its companies wines are added to its market positioning strategy. Even though the branding as a Chilean Wine is easily applied onto MontGras, there are many factors in its control which can make sure that the company dominates the market by having a bigger share as it wants to. MontGras though being smaller than some Chilean wineries, it has been able to stand out due to its interest in high quality wines. The company wants to establish itself as the ‘low price yet high quality’ provider of wines. This is directly related to the seeds, the soil and the production methods. The company was able to affirm that its resources are on par with other high class wineries in one way or the other. Fortunately, studies also show an increase in the number of consumers for the higher quality wines (Reserva) and a minor decline in the demand for the lesser quality (Varietal) wines. The marketing has to be different for every region. Most people with very little information about wines conveniently relate price with quality. Chilean wines thereby being priced lower than other brands were inevitably being considered not so superior in quality. Since that is not the case, MontGras is trying to change its current reputation. It wants to emphasise on its higher end wines such as the Reservas and the...
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...NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Stern School of Business – Undergraduate Division International Study Project (Spring 2007) Latin American Division http://sternclasses.nyu.edu Instructors (jointly teaching all four sections) |Name |Sunder Narayanan |V. Srivatsan | |Office |901 Tisch |KMC 8-85 | |Phone |(212) 998-0541 |(212) 998-0427 | |Stern E-mail |snarayan |vsrivats | |Office hours |By appointment |By appointment | Course Information |Section |C50.0011.04 |C50.0011.05 |C50.0011.12 |C50.0011.13 | |Meeting Time |MW 11:00-12:15 |MW 2:00-3:15 |TR 2:00-3:15 |TR 3:30-4:45 | |Classroom |KMC 4-90 |Tisch UC-63 |Tisch UC-63 |Tisch UC-63 | |Company | ...
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