Free Essay

Go Hell


Submitted By dotheduy
Words 390
Pages 2

start perform housekeeping( ) while bothDone = “N” perform mainLoop( ) finishUp( ) stop housekeeping( ) declare variables char hanName char hanAdd char hanCity char hanState num hanZip char lakeName char lakeAdd char lakeCity char lakeState num lakeZip open files perform readHanover( ) perform readLakewood( ) if lakeZip = 99999 then if handZip = 99999 then bothDone = “Y” endif( ) endif( ) return readLakewood( ) read lakewoorRec if eof then lakeZip = 99999 endif( ) return readHanover( ) read hanoverRec if eof then hanZip = 99999 endif( ) mainLoop( ) if hanZip > lakeZip then write hanName, hanAdd, hanCity, hanState, hanZip perform readHanover( ) else write lakeName, lakeAdd, lakeCity, lakeState, lakeZip perform readLakewood( ) endif( ) if handZip = 99999 then if lakeZip = 99999 then bothDone = “Y” endif( ) endif( ) return finishUp( ) close file return Flowchart readHanover( ) readHanover( )

start start bothDone = “N” bothDone = “N” mainLoop( ) mainLoop( ) finishUp( ) finishUp( ) stop stop housekeeping( ) housekeeping( ) read hanRec read hanRec

eof ? eof ?

No Yes No

hanZip = 99999 hanZip = 99999

return return Yes

readLakewood( ) readLakewood( )

housekeeping( ) housekeeping( )

read lakeRec read lakeRec declare variables hanRec char hanName char hanAdd char hanCity char hanState num hanZip lakeRec char lakeName char lakeAdd char lakeCity char lakeState num lakeZip declare variables hanRec char hanName char hanAdd char hanCity char hanState num hanZip lakeRec char lakeName char lakeAdd char lakeCity char lakeState num lakeZip

return return bothDone = “Y” bothDone = “Y” lakeZip = 99999? lakeZip = 99999? hanZip = 99999 ? hanZip = 99999 ? readLakewood( ) readLakewood( ) readHanover( ) readHanover( ) open files open files

eof ? eof ?

No Yes

lakeZip = 99999 lakeZip = 99999

return return No Yes

No Yes

mainLoop( ) mainLoop( )

hanZip > lakeZip ? hanZip > lakeZip ?

No Yes

write hanName hanAdd hanCity hanState hanZip write hanName hanAdd hanCity hanState hanZip write lakeName lakeAdd lakeCity lakeState lakeZip write lakeName lakeAdd lakeCity lakeState lakeZip readLakewood( ) readLakewood( ) readHanover( ) readHanover( )

hanZip = 9999 ? hanZip = 9999 ?

No Yes

lakeZip = 9999 ? lakeZip = 9999 ?

No Yes

bothDone = “Y” bothDone = “Y”

return return finishUp( )

finishUp( )

Close files
Close files

return return Hierarchy Chart

housekeeping( ) housekeeping( ) main program main program mainLoop( ) mainLoop( ) finishUp( ) finishUp( )

Data Dictionary

Variable Name Description Type hanName Hanover student’s name string hanAdd Hanover student’s address string hanCity Hanover student’s city string hanState Hanover student’s state string hanZip Hanover student’s zipcode numeric lakeName Lakewood student’s name string lakeAdd Lakewood student’s address string lakeCity Lakewood student’s city string lakeState Lakewood student’s state string lakeZip Lakewood student’s zipcode numeric readLakewood read Lakewood’s file string readHanover read Hanover’s file string readHanRec read Hanover’s record string readLakeRec read Lakewood’s record string

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