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Goal Setting


Submitted By cziajor
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Goal Setting and Time Management Worksheet

Using the information from the Goal Setting and Motivation and the Time Management interactive presentations, respond to the following three questions:

1. Describe your time management plan to complete weekly assignments and participation goals. What specific days have you set aside for these activities? Your response must be between 50 and 75 words. I have chosen to log in daily to keep on top of things. That way if in the event I am unable to log in then I will not be short days. Also, I try to work on my assignmens daily. I have found this to work better for me. I do not like to wait until the last minute to complete anything. If I start on an assignement early then I have all week to work on it a little at a time. This gives me plenty of time to go over the assignement and to check for errors. Which works best for me and my schedule.

2. What is your time management plan to balance your academic, personal, and professional responsibilities? Your response must be between 50 and 75 words. My time management plan that I have put in place for myself is to work on school during lunch and when all work is complete at work. I will finish assignments. Weekends are normally busy around my house so I try to get everything completed before Friday. With having a son that is in school, I find it hard at times to do my work in evenings as well. If I do school assignments at home I try and wait until my son is asleep. This allows me to focus more on my task. Which is why it is so important to manage my time the best that I possibly can.

3. In the following chart, choose one of your weekly academic goals, such as completing weekly readings or meeting your participation requirements, and apply the SMART goal setting criteria to that goal.

Question Answer
What goal have you chosen? I have chosen to meet

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