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Godzilla History

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As time travels forward the image of Godzilla advances as technology becomes enhanced and the original puppet version from 1954’s becomes a third dimensional model of a T-Rex like monster which is crossed with a stegosaurus which is known as the dinosaur with plates on the back with a spiky tail. This creature has evolved from physical material to virtual material which gives him more of a Sci-Fi base due to the extra features which can be generated. The evolution of sound, editing technique and camera angle also was used in the film but was improved to a new level thanks to the newer technology that was developed. The scene that gave a great aspect of sound and camera angles was the part when Godzilla rose up from the sea side of the city …show more content…
Straight after the sound of the monster screeching happens as we go to the view first person view from a random civilian seeing this creature step on the road as it moves towards the city of New York. Boats which were in the harbour get stuck on Godzilla’s back plates and starts to falls as it steps deeper into the city. Cars start crashing into the fallen boats which gives out a crash sound. This is possible thanks to the special effects that can be produced by technology. Later into the scene the creatures giant foot lands on a street in the city this shot is a semi wide shot from underneath the foot than the camera moves to a birds eye view shot of the foot giving the audience and terrifying shock of how large its foot is compared to the road. Soon after the civilians see the giant creature and starts to scream giving the sense of the world is going to end. This also shows the start of destruction and loss of control within the society which gives the audience a little taste of the action leaving them wanting more. Panic and Fear grows within the area as Godzilla moves freely across the city the music dimmers in timbre as the sound of people screaming increases in pitch and …show more content…
The use of this colour is to show that Godzilla is not from around the city. Colour also gives the audience a better graphical view of the different features of Godzilla which made the creature more intimidating. The scene changes from the monster walking through the city as it destroys the area to an calm scene when the mayor of the city is giving the speech of his life as one person in the crowd hears the slight sound of Godzilla’s roar an looks up towards the building. A Birds eye view shot is taken as the one person looks up. The camera angle moves from that person staring up to a long shot of the road than moves down to a street view of a police officer. The camera moves in a panning shot which moves from left to right following the police officer as he walks backwards to the other end of the street while the stress bounces up and down making everything jump which is the cause of the footsteps of Godzilla. The movement of this shot and all other shots adds visual interest to the audience giving them an interesting view of the scene. Later on in the scene Godzilla’s roar is heard in a diegetic sound until the monster breaks down a building which creates a long shot from the police

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