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Gonzale Gonzalez Character Analysis

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Gonzalez is outspoken like the wife of bath from Chaucer's tale. The wife of Bath spoke her mind wherever she went. She was the type to go after exactly what she wanted ,and never let a male undermine her. Just a bold character who believed in sexual liberation of woman and was very vocal about it just as Gonzalez is very vocal about getting some stricter gun control. Gonzalez being as outspoken is she is needed to achieve this goal of strict gun control. To gain supporters it is required to act as the voice of the people. Gonzalez who became active four days after the tragedy at her school wasted no time trying to bring change. She has gone face to face with the NRA spokesperson on TV, interviewed with Ellen DeGeneres, been on Cnn, and given multiple speeches.
Lastly, she remind me of Arjuna from the Bhagavad Gita, he has the trait of listening. As small as being able to listen sounds, it is a crucial skill. Arjuna asked questions and listened to the responses in order to understand and fulfil his duty. …show more content…
When she went on TV with NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch. The crowd got upset with Loesch’s responses and began to “boo” loudly, Emma Gonzalez’s reaction was to ask the crowd to be respectful so she can listen and rebut Loesch’s points. Also, during that same event Gonzalez credited her speeches to her notes from class. Gonzalez is a good listener and that’s part of what it's gonna take to get some stricter gun control in America. Listening has already shaped her but to rid the country of these mass shootings there will be more more listening that has to be

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