...Mackenzie Blake 9/20/12 Essay 1 CHARACTER TRAITS OF A GOOD STUDENT There are many character traits of a good student. A few are: study habits, not procrastinating, and taking notes. If a student takes these traits and applies them to his student life they will benefit him and make him a good student. Good study habits are very important in a student’s life. There are a lot of ways a student can study. Making note cards or studying over class notes, taken during the week are very good ways to study for an upcoming test or quiz. Also studying away from the television, computer, cell phone, and other distracting things is a good way to study. Procrastinating is a very serious thing that every student should avoid to become a better student. Going ahead of time and getting assignments done is a good way to avoid procrastinating. Another way to avoided procrastinating is to start on your homework and studying as soon as you get home from school. Also taking advantage of study halls and other short breaks to get ahead on assignments is another great way to avoided procrastinating. Taking good notes is a very important thing to do to become a good student. Listening in class and writing notes off the board is a very good way to get good notes. Making sure your notebook is neat an ordered is another important thing to have done to be able to look back and understand what was said in class. Asking another student for notes missed on an absent day is a very good way to have great notes. ...
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...become successful and have a strong will in their life. Character Trait Research Character traits can easily be observed through actions or responses to a situation or even how a person acts around you or others. It can be defined as strong, Humorous, kind, or else. For this character trait research, I chose strong/strength as a character trait. The definition of strong/strength is that the quality or state of being physically and mentally strong. Person can be strong at the ability to resist being moved or broken by a force or the person can be strong the quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined and effective way. Getting the strong as solid character trait requires a lot of mind control. Usually when people sees the person who has a strong characteristic or trait either physically or mentally, they want this person to be strong all the time or at least believe that they are strong no matter what happens. For example who is strong as mentally, if something urgent situation occurs this person can solve the situation and find the way through out. And people sees this and expect this person to be strong at this type of situation. So staying strong all the time requires mind control saying that I am good at this or I am strong on this so this person can stay positive and strong all the time. I believe this is one of the hardship or negative aspect of keeping the solid character trait because humans have feelings and their own thought and it...
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...William Shakespeare and first performed in 1606. There are many major characters that have a serious impact on the text, but the most likeable of these characters has been Banquo. Banquo is the Thane of Lochaber and a sympathetic character despite his initial ambition, and plays a major role in Macbeth’s descent to a tragic end. He has several traits that make him a likeable character, each played upon by Shakespeare to reach the reader further. Banquo is a sympathetic character in the play because he follows that path that Macbeth strayed from; he refused to aid in the plot to murder the king, and immediately distrusted the witches when he met them. His first good trait is his loyalty. From the very beginning, Banquo likes King Duncan and remains obedient to him; the witch’s prediction in Act 1 sets Banquo...
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...Traits of Character Character Traits; the direction of the libidinous or passionate strivings of a man which makes it possible to describe his character structure uniformly. Character traits (e.g. miserliness, pedantry and intolerance) get together to an orientation and are part of the basic orientation of the character. (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Character+traits) According to Laua King’s The Science of Psychology “trait theories are theoretical views stressing that personality consists of broad, enduring dispositions (traits) that tend to lead to characteristic response. She also defines the “big five factors of personality as the broad traits that are thought to describe the main dimensions of personality.” She gives an acronym; “OCEAN. Openness; imaginative and practical; Conscientiousness; organized or disorganized, Extraversion; energetic or somber, Agreeableness; trusting or suspicious, and Neuroticism; calm or anxious.” As we can see, King’s examples for her acronym are complete opposites of each other. These are the different range of emotions that one can show during each of these stages. I see character traits as being the building blocks of one’s personality. The way one has developed their speech, style, eating habits, peer groups, and core values. I have been told that I am bossy, independent, unorganized, and scatter brained. I obviously have pick up these traits at different points of my life. Yes, most of them I did retain from my mother...
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...theory used to make moral decisions. It does not rely on religion, society or culture. The theory is the view that the foundation of morality is the development of good character traits, or virtues. A person is good, then, if he has virtues and lacks vices. There can be as many as 100 virtuous character traits, which contribute to making someone a “good” person. Examples of some virtues would be Integrity, Kindness, Gratitude, and Forgiveness. There are many more of course. Virtue theory places special emphasis on moral education since virtuous character traits are developed in one's youth; adults, therefore, are responsible for instilling virtues in the young. The failure to properly develop virtuous character traits will result in the child acquiring vices or bad character traits instead. Vices include cowardice, insensibility, injustice, and vanity. Virtue ethics says that it is not only important to do the right thing, but also to have the required dispositions, motivations, and emotions in being good and doing right. We should enjoy doing good, because we are good. It isn't only about action but also about emotions, character, and moral habits. I believe if your parents instilled you with good charatertistics since birth, you will carry them on into adulthood. When you enter adulthood, you have a good understanding how society works and can desifer if something your parents said during childhood was not 100% true. For example, If your parents told you that stealing...
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...talking about the concepts of weakness, courage, and truth that all play with the roles of characters in this story. These roles of the characters change throughout the story line and impact the outcome of the events. Weakness, courage, and truth were the main character traits of the story and those traits affected everything. First in The Crucible, weakness was showed numerous of times in many different characters. A person that showed weakness was Mary Warren. She wanted to stand up for herself and change all the bad things that the girls had done, but her weakness was being afraid of Abigail. When Abigail and the girls made it look like Mary Warren had control of them, Mary Warren wanted to be back on Abigail’s side due to her weakness instead of staying on John Proctor’s...
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...tue ethics is a broad term for theories that emphasize the role of character and virtue in moral philosophy rather than either doing one’s duty or acting in order to bring about good consequences. A virtue ethicist is likely to give you this kind of moral advice: “Act as a virtuous person would act in your situation.” Most virtue ethics theories take their inspiration from Aristotle who declared that a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits. These traits derive from natural internal tendencies, but need to be nurtured; however, once established, they will become stable. For example, a virtuous person is someone who is kind across many situations over a lifetime because that is her character and not because she wants to maximize utility or gain favors or simply do her duty. Unlike deontological and consequentialist theories, theories of virtue ethics do not aim primarily to identify universal principles that can be applied in any moral situation. And virtue ethics theories deal with wider questions—“How should I live?” and “What is the good life?” and “What are proper family and social values?” Since its revival in the twentieth century, virtue ethics has been developed in three main directions: Eudaimonism, agent-based theories, and the ethics of care. Eudaimonism bases virtues in human flourishing, where flourishing is equated with performing one’s distinctive function well. In the case of humans, Aristotle argued that our distinctive function is reasoning...
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...taught basic traits while they were young. It is a new day and age, and you’re required to have these simple, yet important traits in a career. Many companies look for leadership in applicants, because they are strong-minded people. Persistence and responsibility is needed in life, because in the long run it helps you a lot. Students that tend to exceed well in school have basic but strong traits such as leadership, persistence, and responsibility, which all result in success. Leadership is a big trait that many jobs and companies look for in applicants. “Leadership is proactive – problem solving, looking ahead, and not being satisfied with things as they are” (Manktelow 1). A way of being proactive is going above and beyond, and going that one extra...
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...King Arthur – Characters’ Analysis To give a myth, story, or any work of literature the ability to lure the reader in, it’s critical that the writer make the characters relatable. When the reader is able to connect to one or more of the characters, they can transfer many of their own feelings, struggles or life experiences onto the story itself. Even when the characters are portrayed with god-like qualities or traits, they often still exhibit some traits of mortality which tends to give the reader a perceived one on one connection. As a child, and as the eventual King, Arthur’s ideals, morals and overall character change very little. He is always depicted as a feeling, considerate person who uses his abilities, skills, and influence for the betterment of his people. In the story of King Arthur, from our book, Arthur is presented as a larger than life hero and warrior that is pre-ordained to become king through divine intervention. The book’s story also has him battling giants, monsters and sorcerers. However, I felt the movie shown him to be more mortal and susceptible to mortal weaknesses. There wasn’t so much of a divine force influencing the plot and characters, so much as a force of deep loyalty, moral and ethical tones. Arthur shows some traits of immaturity when he is a child, but I believe this is another way the writer attempts to convey to the reader Author’s mortal side and vulnerabilities. His immaturity is short lived and he quickly takes on the characteristics...
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...Several characters in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies show leadership potential in the novel, but, because they had or lacked certain character traits, were no effective as leaders. Jack, a very significant character in the novel, shows leadership potential throughout the whole novel. Ralph, also another significant character in the novel shows leadership potential but not as much as he should be, considering he is the chief. Lastly, Simon a very dynamic character does not show leadership traits but does show certain character traits other characters do not. All these characters either show leadership characters traits or do not but they are all effective as leaders or not as leaders. Firstly Jack shows leadership character traits through his actions towards the group. Jack wants to become the chief of the island but Piggy does not think that’s a good idea. Jack then splits everyone up by who wants to kill and who does not. A quote from the novel says, “’And you shut up! Who are you, anyway? Sitting there – telling people what to do. You can’t hunt, you can sing –‘ ‘I’m chief. I got chosen.’ ‘Why should choosing make any difference? Just giving orders that don’t make any sense –‘” (Golding 98). Jack knows that he should be chief no matter who wants him to be or not. He just wants his way and his way only. Jack made all the other characters act like monsters. The quote states, “At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt onto the beast, screamed, struck...
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...Ethics What is Ethics? Ethics is the study of what is morally right or wrong, good or bad. Views on ethics can very from person to person, based on individual belief. There are several ethical theories, which include virtue, utilitarianism, and deontology. Each of these theories are very different, yet are similar in some parts. These theories can be used to explain the differences in how they relate to virtue, value, and moral judgment. What is virtue theory? In order to understand virtue theory first, one must understand what defines a person’s character. A person’s character can de defined as all of his traits put together. Character traits can be good, bad, or somewhere in between good and bad. Virtue theory emphasizes on the character traits, and the evaluation of ethical behavior. Virtue theory stresses character over actions, duty, rights, or consequences. A person derives his virtues from his culture and environment. A virtuous person would simply strive to be the best person that he can be morally, using common character traits such as courage. The deontological theory of ethics is the opposite of virtue ethics. Deontological ethics is different from virtue ethics because deontology focuses on the act or duty itself, rather then if it was right or wrong. The focal point of deontological ethics is in the right actions justifying the duty itself. Deontology judges’ morality based on the examination of the actions rather...
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...person but also a bit nonchalant. Not lazy though. But let's say this question was ask right after I learned that I lost my job. Now I see myself as a failure. Which would make me have a character trait of being negative. Same question after some positive news like I got the job! Now my answer will be happy, a feeling of accomplishment. My character trait is now positive on myself. We all have good and bad days. I believe that each day could pose a different answer to that very same question. I also believe my wife and kids could answer that question for me as well because they see the good and the bad of me every day. They would pretty much say my character traits are the same. A good friend may only see the good side or only see the bad side of me. A friend may have the wrong impression of me. My character trait, as seen through their eyes, would be different. An employer will see me in a different light. My parents would see my traits differently. Who really has the right answer? There are other influences that can change how I see myself. The weather for instance. I hate hot weather. I don't like to sweat. I would see myself as irritable and cranky. Not very nice traits to have. When it's raining I feel down and depressed. I hate to see myself with those traits. I also get mad when it snows because I hate to shovel. How do I see myself?...
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...In Greek tragedies, a tragic hero embodies someone of an important social position that achieves a recognition of fate, destiny, or will of the gods. The tragic hero also has a desire to do good deeds, exhibits virtues, and displays character traits or morals “better” than the other characters. In the play, Antigone, written by Sophocles, Antigone embodies the tragic hero because she achieves recognition of the will of the gods, she displays better character traits and morals than the other characters, and she has a desire to do good for her family. Throughout the play, Antigone achieves recognition of the will of the gods regarding the death and burial of her brother, Polyneices. Antigone strongly believes that the fulfillment of the will of the gods is much more important than obeying an order from Creon, a mortal king. For example, Antigone retorts to Creon, “Nor did I think your orders were so strong that you, a mortal man, could over-run the gods’ unwritten and unfailing laws” (Sophocles 14). Antigone explicitly states that she will not obey Creon’s orders since they infringe on her duty to the gods. This statement reveals Antigone’s tenacity and passion for fulfilling this duty. When Antigone states “unwritten and unfailing laws” it shows how she believes...
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...a very honest way of depicting how society feels about the gender roles of men and women. Firstly, of the main characters, two out of the three are in fact males. The interesting thing about this balance is that despite there being a higher number of males in the film, they are both shown to be at least partially villainous. Throughout the entirety of the film, the only two characters, main or otherwise, who truly embody and possess typically masculine characteristics (chivalry, a wish to fight to protect women, strength etc) are both depicted as being wrong, evil, and negative. The first of these two men is Gaston. Gaston is by all accounts, the villain of the piece. His great crime? He believes that he has a duty to woo Belle, something which in context is not such a bad act. He believes, according to the long espoused value of men being the ones to make the first move, of men being the ones who are forced to take the rejection when it comes and of men being the ones who are forced to make themselves entirely powerless in the relationship, that he should try to make Belle love him. This value is not a misogynistic value, and is in fact a value that has been endorsed throughout the entirety of time, as it places women on a pedestal as special and deserving of extra privilege. Gaston's other crime, as far as watchers of the film (and in fact Belle, the only character in the piece who is really deserving of positive reactions in full by the audience) is that he sees a giant, monstrous...
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...company's bottom lines "Leadership is influencing people to get things done to a standard and quality above their norm and doing it willingly." As an element in social interaction, leadership is a complex activity involving: 1. a process of influence 2. actors who are both leaders and followers 3. a range of possible outcomes – the achievement of goals, but also the commitment of individuals to such goals, the enhancement of group cohesion and the reinforcement of change of organizational culture | Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience . This guide will help you through that process. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Before we get started, lets define...
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