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Good Country People And Manley Pointer

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Moreover, two of these stories have protagonists that could be designates as an evil. Each story details the horrific final downfall of both women that leaves them physical and mental damages and destroys their life. In “Good Country People” male creature, Manley Pointer, the Bible Salesman represents himself as a good, Christian, country boy, he said, “I want to devote my life to Chrustian service…” (O’Connor, 489). To get Hugla’s trust, he points that he has a good heart to serve God but in reality he makes a practice of taking advantage of people and hurting them deeply. At the end, he purloins Hugla Hopewell’s fake leg and left her alone in an empty barn. Likewise, in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” another male creature, Misfit murders

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