...แนวคิดสังคมนิยม การจาแนกแนวคิดสังคมนิยมในสมัยศตวรรษที่ 18 ความหมายของคาว่า สังคมนิยม (Socialism) มีต่างๆ กันดังนี้ คือ มอริสสัน (Morrison) “สังคมนิยมให้ความสาคัญต่อการมุ่งให้ความสนใจใน เรื่องการให้สิ่งจูงใจต่อสาธารณะชน ที่ดินและการเก็บเกี่ยวผลผลิตจะไม่มุ่งเพื่อ กาไรของเอกชน” เบอร์ดรัน (Bertrand Russel) เป็นการสนับสนุนให้มีการค้าที่ดน และทุน ิ เป็นของตัวเองได้ History of Economics Thought Chapter Six : Socialism 1 รูปแบบของสังคมนิยม แบ่งตามวิธีการ แบ่งตามแนวคิด History of Economics Thought Chapter Six : Socialism 2 รูปแบบของสังคมนิยม (ต่อ) แบ่งตามวิธีการ ดูจากวิธีการที่ทาให้เกิดสังคมนิยม แบ่งเป็น สังคมนิยมแบบประชาธิปไตย ประชาชนมีเสรีภาพในการผลิต เพื่อเข้าสู่สังคมนิยม สังคมนิยมแบบบังคับหรือคอมมิวนิสต์ รัฐดาเนินการทุกอย่าง การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางเศรษฐกิจใช้วิธี รุนแรง History of Economics Thought Chapter Six : Socialism 3 รูปแบบของสังคมนิยม (ต่อ) แบ่งตามแนวคิด แนวคิดแบบมาร์กซิสม์ การเปลี่ยนแปลงของสังคมจะเกิดขึ้นโดยมนุษย์กระทาให้เกิดขึ้นโดยการปฏิวัติ แนวคิดแบบนีโอมาร์กซิสม์ การเปลี่ยนสู่สังคมนิยมไปตามกฎเกณฑ์ธรรมชาติ มนุษย์ไม่ต้องปฏิวัติ History of Economics Thought Chapter Six : Socialism 4 นักเศรษฐศาสตร์คนสาคัญของสังคมนิยม คาร์ล มาร์กซ์ (Karl Marx) ค.ศ. 1818 – 1883 โรเบิร์ต โอเวน (Robert Owen) นายแพทย์วิลเลี่ยม คิง (William King) ชาลส์ ฟูริเออร์ (Charies Fourier) History of Economics Thought Chapter Six : Socialism 5 ลักษณะของเศรษฐกิจและสังคมภายหลังการปฏิวัติอุตสาหกรรม การปฏิวัติอุตสาหกรรม ได้แบ่งออกเป็น...
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...Robbie is a goodla dkaldfjlasd asldfjalksdjf sadkfj;alksdj Asd laksjd Asd lasd lasdjlfj as Asdlkj als A dlkajsd a Asdkj laks Sdlkjf asdl Asd lfkjas as;lkdkj Asldkjfaa ‘ asldkjf sdkj ‘aks asldkj f’a alkjad s’lfjk asldkj flajk asdlkfj ‘as a dljka sd lkasd fkjla laskdj ‘as aldjf ‘al alsdjkf aslk aksdjf ‘ alskdjf al adlj fla aldksjf l;a als’dj ‘ alkjd a lkja ‘ adlkj ‘a aj adjf’ alkj a’kdj’ a ljfl’ajs’ alj djflk’ja ‘ alksjd f’ljka kj asdk’j’ asdjf ‘a’ja’ds j laksdjf’j asdkjf ‘lajsd a’skdj f’ajs ‘akjsdf lkjlka jas dflkja a dklja;lsdj adjklfjalsd a’ akjdfkl alk kajsdfja kaljsdflk alksdjf akjdsl klajds;f adjkj aslkd; akds klasjd kljasldfja ; alksdjf klaj aldj alk asdlfkj al;ajds ;lakjd flkj adslkjl akjadslfj lk asdjf j;as dkjf laskdj klajsd lkjas djk akjd aldkjf lja sdkj akjlsdf aksjdf lkja klja dslkj asdkj lkasjd klj as alksjdf aslkdjf la dklfj alksd alksdjf lkajds aldskj asdkjasd flkja sdkfjaldkj aldksjdk dsj kdsj kdjf lajds flkjd flkjsdlkjl ajdslkjs dkajd flkjasd lkajsdfk aklsdjf kasdjf ljasd klasdjf ljasd klajs ajsd kljad kjdj kasdjf ld jd djkdjkdj ljdl kajdla flkjadl fja dfkajd fajdf kjd flakjdf lkdjlakd jfklad jflkjadlskfjalksdjf alkajsd flaksdjflkadjs akldjflkasjdf lajsd lksjd fljas dlkjkdj ljdsl jadsl jdlkj dsj lkdsj klsdjlk jsdfkljsdklfjkldjf kdfjlsd fjdfkj dslkj dkjf lsdj dkjdlf jdlk dfjkldjkdj l jflkd j jdkfj aldksjasdk jaldsfj dkfj asjd lkaj lkajsd kajds flajsd kaj dslfkj aldsj flkj asdlkj alsdkjjsd lkjdasf...
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...My opinion of the matter is that girls and boys should be able to to play on the same team. I'm a little biased, as I have played soccer for 11 years now, about 3-4 of those years, girls have been on the same field as us boys. I personally don't think that i'd matter whether or not girls and boys played sports together, as, depending on the skill level the team should be at, each person can have their benefits towards the team, whether they are a girl or boy. Also, I don't know why they can't be on the same team. Everyone has their own interests. A lot of boys think that girls can't play football as it is a "sport for men", and some boys will make fun of others for being in gymnastics, cheer, etc. My last reason everyone likes certain things, and so they should be able to play whatever sport they want, whether or not it is "only for girls" or "only for boys"....
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...ENGL 103.G35 Cultural Analysis Cover Girl has always been a popular make-up company, and since they sell make-up, their main target is undoubtedly woman. In the new Cover Girl Nature Luxe commercial, they target women, especially in their teens, in multiple ways. They use a celebrity that is popular for that age group; she is wearing glamorous, sparkly dresses, she’s dancing nonstop and having fun, and they try to make the audience “join the movement.” Figure 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 Figure 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 The advertisement starts out right away with the popular music artist Taylor Swift as the only person in the entire commercial. The company makes a big emphasis on this and even puts her name in the commercial underneath the company name, seen in Figure 1, as if to highlight the fact that she’s in the commercial and wearing their product, even though it’s very clear who it is to the majority of the population. Cover Girl chose Taylor Swift to be the star of their commercial for a few reasons. They are targeting teenage girls, and Taylor is in that age range herself. She’s also extremely successful in her career and is an attractive young woman that a lot of girls wish they could look like or just be. By using Taylor Swift when she has all these qualities, it sends out a message to the watchers that if you use their product, you’ll be able to be like Taylor Swift. Figure 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 ...
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...For Girls. It’s Be Yourself, and Be Perfect, Too: Pressure on Young Women For young women today there seems to be enormous pressure to be beyond perfect. Why as a society do we place these kinds of pressures on our children? A good example is the story “For Girls, It’s Be Yourself, and Be Perfect, Too” by Sara Rimer. It focuses on two amazing teen girls Esther and Colby who have to face many issues that many young women today have to confront now as well as the stress it entails. Esther and Colby learn right from the start that they have to be perfect during every waking hour and not waste anytime. The girl’s lives are influenced by their parent’s desires and the opinions of their peers. They don’t even think of themselves. Today’s amazing girls are facing pressure from their parents, as well as images they see on T.V., in magazines, as well as everywhere they look. Society pressures young women to be smart, sexy, and athletic. Sara Rimer writes; “If you are free to be everything, you are also expected to be everything” (page 2). At one time young women were viewed as the lesser sex; and were expected to become obedient wives and good mothers. They weren’t expected to go to or even complete their schooling. It was viewed as a waste of time. As time passed women started to become able to receive an education, vote, and have a job outside of the home. Society then started expecting more out of young women. The young women today have to become the amazing girl’s...
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...St Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves When humans live in a new and different culture, they will forget their old culture. In “St Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves,” by Karen Russell, the three girls are changing their wolf identity to human identification. In stage three the girls are adapting to human identification but Mirabella in not. Mirabella was not forgetting her old lifestyle because she thought that wolf identity is more superior than human identification. The nuns were worried because the other girls were able to follow directions and behave, “Mirabella, battling a racon under the dinner table while the rest of us took dainty bites of peas and borscht. Mirabella, doing belly flops into the compost” (Karen, 244). Claudette's...
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...self-esteem is a major component in the proper development of teenagers, especially females during the adolescent years. Without a good measure of self-esteem, young girls may grow up lacking basic skills needed to succeed in life; athletic involvement beginning at a young age is a good way to begin developing necessary social skills that will lead to greater self-esteem later in life. Although participation in sports can have a negative effect on teenage girls, the positive impact the sport has on them greatly outweighs the negative. Research has found that the most common negative effect of athletics on females is over training. Over training occurs when the body is pushed beyond its limits both physically and emotionally. The more females participate in sports, the higher the risk she has of obtaining a sports-related injury (Sabo, 1997, p. 38). The more competitive the sport is, the more training is needed in order to be successful, and this training can become risky to girls’ bodies. Girls tend to over-train under pressure, which in turn, leads to unnecessary injuries. Some of the most common injuries girls sustain due to overuse are stress fractures, kneecap disorders, and compartment syndromes (Storm & Jenkins, 2002, p. 164). According to Go Girl! Raising Healthy, Confident and Successful Girls Through Sports, a book written by Hannah Storm about girls participation in sports, “Stress fractures are a series of tiny cracks that don’t heal because of the frequency or intensity...
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...Every little girl wants to feel beautiful. She dresses up in sparkly costumes and stumbles around in her mother’s high heels because this is what has been ingrained in her mind as beautiful from her favorite Disney movies. From infancy to adulthood, we cherish the princess movies that we feel connected to. We all wanted to be part of Ariel’s world or be rescued from Maleficent’s evil grasp. However, we never question the value of these Disney Princesses influence on young girls. Are these princesses setting a good example for the aspirations of today’s children? The grasp of Disney Princesses reaches incredible lengths. They’re international symbols that are recognizable all over the world, but perhaps they are not the best role models to idolize. Disney Princesses do not represent positive icons for young girls because they glamorize unrealistic concepts of beauty and promote naïve life choices. Disney released its first Disney princess film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, in 1937. Since its release, Disney has created twenty-three other animated Disney films that could be considered princesses. These princesses bring in billions of dollars of revenue through Disneyworld merchandise, attractions, characters, and movies (Disney...
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...The dowry system is an age old system and a peculiar phenomenon of the Indian society. It is, as today, a curse to the society. Dowry is the name given to all that, the parents of a girl give to her when she gets married. At the face of it, the system seems quite appropriate, healthy and logical, for, in this simple way, the parents of the girl help her in setting a new home. So far, so good and, originally also the purpose of dowry was very justified and understandable. Let us now analyze how and why this system took birth at all? In the earlier times of Indian society, the daughter had no share in the father's property so, by way of dowry the girl would get at least some portion of her share. Besides this, in those days, the girls were not educated so, this dowry could serve the girl as a back up support system in case of any emergency after her marriage. Seeing this as the ground reality and the reason for the system for having taken birth, no right thinking people would call the system wrong or unjustified. However, with the passage of time this same fine system has taken the ugly shape of begging for dowry, bargaining for dowry, auctioning the boy to the highest bidder and finally suicides. This is because, taking advantage of the system, the parents of the boys, have started demanding dowry. This was never done in the original shape of the system. The girl's parents would give whatever they could and, there would be NO - yes, NO demands from the boy's side. Besides...
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...Nicole Guilbault English 1100 Writing Project 2 October 6, 2015 Girl Power? “Girls rule boys drool.” “Girls go to college to get more knowledge and boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.” These are just a few of the sayings used by adolescent females to flaunt their gender pride, but could they possibly be true? Barbara Ehrenreich compares the work ethics and social habits of males and females in her essay “Guys Just Want to Have Fun.” Ehrenreich believes girls are the achievers in today’s world while boys sit back and play, this causes her to conclude that one day soon females will rule the world. This may in fact have some truths to it, but gender is not the issue at hand. We’re all aware one does not need to drown himself in a pool of textbooks and obsessively strive for perfect grades. Also there is nothing wrong with having a little fun while being on your way to a college education. The fact of the matter is test scores and good grades truly mean nothing without a good personality and communication skills to back it up. It simply comes down to this; a person, male or female, who sits at home secluded from society with their noses buried in books will have no advantage over someone who receives average grades and enjoys a highly active social lifestyle. As time goes on and technology and social standards change, so do the skills necessary to hold a place in the workforce. The U.S. Department of Labor and education formed the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving...
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...Why is it that when a girl reaches puberty, her self-confidence begins to plummet? It is known that this happens in most girls and the cause behind it is mostly due to stereotypes. Always, a company for feminine hygiene products, created an advertisement that not only conveys a positive message but also helped empower girls/women ages 10-24. They use both male and females of two different age groups to raise awareness and spread a positive image about why the phrase “like a girl” should not be seen as a negative connotation. Females, all throughout time, have always been seen as inferior and weaker than men and this commercial teaches women that they need to rise up and take charge. This commercial, which went viral through social media and...
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...Should Girls Ask Boys Out? Outline Thesis: Although boys have always asked girls out, why can't girls return the favor; society today has changed and girls are asking boys out. I. Almost everybody is taught that tradition has always been that the boy has to ask the girl out, because this shows that he can be a man and take charge. a. This tradition goes back far as the eighteenth century. b. Most boys who took interest in a girl they liked or were attracted to, nine times out of ten wanted to get to know her and in doing so by asking her out. c. A girl will never understand how much pressure and sense of masculine it puts on a boy to ask a girl out. II. Nowadays, people live in a civilized society with a continuous development. d. Women are stronger and more confident about themselves and certain situations than women in the past. e. Boys do not know how to handle rejection or failure, so they think that they can avoid rejection or failure by not asking a girl out all together. f. Boys would sometimes prefer for a girl to ask them out. III. For those who agree with the idea or for those who do not, there are however pros and cons to asking a boy out. g. It seems sensible to go after what you want and take initiative. h. If he feels like you are extremely interested he might not be that interested. i. As one becomes more skilled, one’s chances of finding, appreciating, and deserving a more satisfying...
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...Perfectly Imperfect You know those girls in your school who think they are better than everybody else, and act like school is a Vogue photo-shoot? If you answered yes, then you know exactly how Kaylee Roberts, and Mia Anderson will act through this story. If you answered no, well then, you will figure out the seventeen year olds personalities, with no trouble on your own. Kaylee Roberts is a tall, lighter complexion, thin girl, with green eyes, and long black shiny hair that falls right above her butt. She is one of the top students for her junior class, and is extremely bright and athletic. Mia Anderson on the other hand, has shorter blonde hair the hits her shoulders, a more golden tan complexion, with big blue eyes and a beautiful smile...
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...You are always there to guide me, You made my wishes come into reality. Mother I never thought living in this place, but for her, I am their cute received grace. In God, she always prays, to have a child a little bit same as her face. She never got tired of telling me, the person she wanted me to be. She never gave up on me, even if I am a brat dummy. She wants us to be together, sharing thoughts with each other. I will never find another, Cause she's the only person I can "Mother". Moving On It's really hard to say goodbye, to my one and only guy. It's really hard to tell a lie, when my friends will ask me why. My tears came running down, it can even make the people drown. And sadly I didn't have the crown, to be the girl he'll be proud of in our town. Time is running fast, but my love for him didn't last. All I remember is our past, but forgetting him is a must. Moving on is what I will do,...
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...“You ____ like a girl.” Many times females are told that the actions they perform, are performed “like a girl”. On June 26, 2014, “Always” published a commercial titled “Always #LikeAGirl”. It starts off asking “What does it mean to do something “like a girl”?” They are 5 people participating in this commercial, 3 females and 2 males. The first action asked to perform is “show what it looks like to run like a girl.” As you can imagine, all 5 people perform the first action by flailing their arms and legs out and complaining about their hair being in the way. They are then asked to “show what it looks like to fight like a girl,” when the participants perform this task, they all start to perform the stereotypical actions of a catfight, they start hitting their hands...
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