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Google Google World Response

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Summary, Analysis, Response “A Google, Google, Google, Google World”
McCracken, Harry. "A Google, Google, Google, Google World." PC World Communications, Inc. 28.8 (2005): 17-18. Print.

“A Google, Google, Google, Google World” by Harry McCracken, in PC World is an article that touches on the uses of Google as a search engine. McCracken states in his article Google’s slogan "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful”. But he goes on to mention that Google now, more than ever seems to be taking the far-reaching implications of those words quite literally. The article talks about all of the incoming innovations that are being created through Google such as the Picasa Pictures, Gmail, Google Print and …show more content…
Once something is posted there is no taking it back. McCracken makes a statement saying that Google is a great tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. This statement is very true because everything is processed through Google. You can type a name into Google and basically everything about you will be out in the open for people to see including your name, address, and information. I agree with McCracken in the way that Google can be a very great tool to use if used correctly, but it can also be very powerful and over used. Google has made some very impressive new innovations that no other company has thought of, thus making Google a very high power and …show more content…
Technology is one of the biggest distractions around. Google has the answer to everything. Now days you can Google a first and last name to figure out that persons address, phone number, history, and much more. You can Google your homework and get answers, get any fact, definitions, ect. I also believe that Google should not have to take the blame for our stupidity. Google was made as a tool for getting us information. It is just highly abused by people because they get lazy and feel as if they do not need to put forward as much effort. Although it does give you all the information you need right at your fingertips, it makes you forget how to use a library or other sources of

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