...Final Paper “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” (Company – Google. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.google.com/about/company/) Google, which originally was call “BackRub”, was founded by two men, Larry Page and Sergey Brin who both went to Stanford University together in 1995. The Google company itself was founded in 1998. The founders had made a list of “10 things” that they believed were true for their company. Those ten things were: 1. Focus on the user and all else will follow, 2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well, 3. Fast is better than slow, 4. Democracy on the web works, 5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer, 6. You can make money without doing evil, 7. There’s always more information out there, 8. The need for information crosses all borders, 9. You can be serious without a suit, and 10. Great just isn’t good enough. (Google Company). These are the things that Google follows and what has made them the successful company that they are. Google’s culture is very different that what most companies have. “The average Google employee generates more than $1 million in revenue each year” (“Workforce Management”. Business and Company ASAP, 2007. SUNY Empire State College.). There is a reason Google has been #1 on top 100 companies to work for. With having more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the world, Google hires all types of people. Google works to...
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...Google Company Analysis Paper Abstract In this paper, I perform business analysis for Google Inc, the leading internet search engine provider in the world. Google Inc., a technology company, maintains index of Web sites and other online content for users, advertisers, Google network members, and other content providers. Its automated search technology helps users to obtain instant access to relevant information from its online index. The company provides targeted advertising and Internet search solutions, as well as hosted applications (Google profile, 2010). Mission, Goals & Objectives Google, the name of the company, reflects the immense volume of information that exists, and the scope of Google's mission: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful (Google’s corporation information, 2010). Google’s goals and objectives include the following: The company • Wants to have an improved infrastructure to make their engineers more productive. • Wants to be the best in search in the world. • Wants to push their ad system. • Wants to push their communities and content. • Tries to make sure their tools are running everywhere. • Google is always focusing on innovation (Google’s Internal Company Goals, 2010). Overall, Google wants to make the internet searching experience best for its customers and search results more accurate. Overview of the External...
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...1. Company Profile: The purpose of this outline is to analyze the strategies that Google uses to motivate employees to work at the expected level of performance. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford University graduate students, formed Google in 1998. They came up with Google to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful (“Company”). Through innovation and creativity Google has continued its success. As Google continues to grow it tries to retain a small company feel and creative workspace, which helps the company continue to succeed. 2. Company Background and Stats: a. Major Products and Services: Google is one of the largest internet search engines which provides maps, images, news, shopping, social networking, translations, advertising space, and Droid products. b. Number of Employees: 32,467 (Total full time)(“Mergent”). c. Annual Revenue: 37,905,000,000 (“Mergent”) 3. Observable Components of Company Motivation Strategy: d. Component 1: Google’s Compensation Motivation. Google employees receive individually tailored compensation packages. With the custom pay packages, employees receive competitive salaries, and get to choose from a wide variety of benefits to create compensation packages that are tailored to each employee’s personal needs and wants (“Benefits”). This idea behind compensation is good motivation because it makes employees feel that their inputs are worth the outputs they receive...
Words: 1753 - Pages: 8
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Words: 709 - Pages: 3
...How to Write a Paper About Nothing Posted on February 22, 2010 · in How-To Writing classes tell students a lot of things. A great many of these things are true, if you’re one of those outmoded models with a “drive to learn” (it hurts to type it) or are one of the poor souls to major in a topic with the word “literature” attached to it. For the rest of us, a different model of writing is necessary. Specifically, a model of writing that can be applied at 1 AM with a hangover and a dozen different assignments due the following morning. As firm believers in sloth and vigilant guardians against that daemon known as effort, Tiger Mag is here to help. The following is a guide to writing a paper just marginally worth the ink used to print it. Carry it with you in dark places, and even darker deadlines. Step 1: Brainstorming Or rather, a lack thereof. A key element of the Tiger Mag academic writing method is a complete and utter lack of forethought and preparation. If your citations go further than the first ten search results on Google, you’re probably overdoing it. Step 2: The Un-Thesis As you might have guessed, the un-thesis is the antithesis of the thesis. After saying that aloud five times, you might wonder just what exactly that means. But that enigma is the sheer brilliance of the un-thesis: it means nothing. The un-thesis is simply an excuse to ramble for six pages on any related topic that happens to cross your mind as you tap futilely away at your keyboard. The ideal...
Words: 702 - Pages: 3
...Writing research papers have always been a struggle for me. I procrastinate. I read and then I stress about writing. Then under complete stress I sit down and write. Law School is going to be different. I will address my strengths and weakness as they relate to writing a research paper and create a plan of action that will be a different approach then before. This is turn will make my time in law school enjoyable and less stressful. Speed is my weakness. I take my time while writing and constantly edit. What I mean by that is I sit down and as I am typing I think about each sentence as I write. Many times I edit several previous sentences. Instead of sitting down and just typing down ideas I have, I think about each sentence I write and how...
Words: 485 - Pages: 2
...Unit Title: Communications in Business 100 Assessment: Critical Essay Company: Google Essay Title: Corporate Social Responsibility: An examination of the performance of Google Student Name: Fan Yang Student Number: 17597379 Student E-mail: 605711967@qq.com Campus: Bentley Tutor’s Name: Valencia Lo Tutorial Day and Time: Wednesday 4:00pm-6:00pm (Word Count: 1566 words) Corporate Social Responsibility : An examination of the performance of Google With the fast development of Internet and vast spread of digital technology, people begin to usher the era of surplus information. Search engine has become indispensable tool for people to acquire information in social life, achieving its economic value while helping people to find the valuable information needed from the ocean of the information (Yu, 2012). Controlling information makes a search engine have the quality of mass media. Therefore, search engine must take the double responsibilities of an enterprise and a medium. Google is an online search engine which was founded by two Stanford University doctoral students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in September 1998(Gary J, 2009). From its inception, no one can expect such a small company contains much of the market potential. However, after a few years, Google ushered in the great opportunity of Internet information explosion and made brilliant achievements. On August 19, 2004, Google's stock listed on Nasdaq and has become...
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...Is Google making us stupid? Nicholas Carr doesn’t believe so, In his essay Is Google Making Us Stupid? From his article in the Atlantic magazine in 2008, he explains that Google does not make people stupid. Although he does go through and explain how Google has effects on an individual via personal anecdotes, historical references, and current studies. Biggest idea is that Carr wanted to present is that Google hasn’t made humans smarter or dumber, they have just become more dependent on the internet which has consequences. Personal anecdotes helped make Carr’s point relatable to the effects of Google. He went on and told many stories. One in particular to focus on is how his attention span has gotten shorter, “I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin...
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...is the personality of a company and it can’t be faked” (Schawbel, 2013, Cultural research section, para. 1). For the purpose of this paper, I will be investigating the corporate culture of Google Incorporated. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin who met at Stanford University in 1995 (Google Company website). What is Google’s organizational culture? Google’s organizational culture is represented in several ways which include their management structure, and their public transparency, their treatment of employees, etc. Below is an excerpt from an article in Business Insider: Employees are offered free cafeteria food and there’s a flat management structure. They have also made their company’s core values public. The company founders still do busy work, including keeping the cereal fresh in the cafeteria. Google is constantly getting feedback from employees and even has their own tool called Google-O-Meter to gauge the popularity of employee suggestions. In addition, they have “culture clubs”, which are groups of employees who come together to talk about culture issues within their country or office and how to improve things. Google is a special place to work because the way they design their office spaces and groups is that you feel like you’re still working at a startup but within a major company. (Schawbel, 2013, Google section, para. 1) According to DuBrin (2011), “A flat organizational structure acts less bureaucratically for two reasons. First, fewer...
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...Black Abstract This paper will discuss the affiliate program suitable for Kudler Fine Foods and the process to set it up. This paper will also discuss what collaborative website would be used to benefit Kudler and the social tools that are best suitable Affiliate Program for Kudler The affiliate program has four main components. There is the merchant, which is the retailer. The network contains the offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments. Then, there is the publisher and the customer. Affiliate programs are growing so rapidly that there is becoming the need for management agencies and third party vendors. There are many different affiliate programs available for all services and products. Kudler Fine Foods could benefit from using a restaurant affiliate. Restaurant.com is a program affiliate that increases online revenue. Just by adding a link to the program on the Kudler site, they can begin to make money. Every time a customer uses the link, Kudler will get paid. The program will also track the profit made and the number of users. The best way to set up the affiliate program for Kudler would be to use a shopping cart service with a built in affiliate program. Collaborative Website The best collaborative website for Kudler would be Google docs. This allows the organization to upload files and edit anytime and anywhere. Google docs are browser based and will work with any type of device available. Google docs are great for smaller...
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...What up man… I gotta tell you about this stuff they have for us to use at school. Theres this one called center for writing excellence. One part of it is this writepoint. It lets u kno when ur not using the right grammar. It puts comments on the paper where you messed up. And its in blue so its ez to tell where you messed up. I mean it really helps you write your paper. And the digital library is huge. And its soo ez to use, it even has a search. Kinda like Google. So there is really no reason to be stressed about where to find info. And to make sure ur work is urs. There is a plagiarism checker, just to make sure that you do all your work. All of this stuff together makes this college thing way 2 ez man. I’ll see you at the University! The University of Phoenix has many resources available to students. Located under the library tab is the Center for Writing Excellence. Here you will be able to submit papers to check for plagiarism and proper grammar. You will also find the center for mathematics excellence. This resource is centered on helping you feel confident in entering into math again. It is focused on helping you refresh math skills, get over the math anxiety, and provide some study, and test tips. The university library is constructed of simple easy to use search bar and an advanced search criteria. Here you can find things from general resources to test guides. From encyclopedias to theses. If you need information on a subject, you will find it here...
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...Organizing Paper; Google MGT/330 Management Theory, Practice, and Application Preface Google is one of largest search engine organizations in the world. What began as a small search engine within Stanford University grew into the multi-million dollar company Google. The company began as the brainchild of two Stanford Computer Science student, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Originally, the search engine was named Backrub (Google, 2011). After graduating, the pair changed the company name to Google. In 1998 the first Google website went live. Aside from the relatively quick rise of the company, the organizational structure of the company is impressive. Google is number four on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” in 2010 (CNN, 2010). Two areas in which Google’s leadership has succeeded are technology and human resources. The following is an in-depth look at how Google has organized the human resources aspect and how this organization has affected the company’s culture and employees. In addition, the company’s use of technology is analyzed and how this use has contributed to the success of the organization. Organizing People There are four functions of management: Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Bateman and Snell, 2009). The way an organization organizes the people it employs and how the company’s human resource department deals with the employees is a huge portion of the organizing function of management. Without people there would likely not be a company...
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...Android by 2012 A study on present and future of Google's Android Dot Com Infoway - Position Paper- www.dotcominfoway.com Android by 2012 A study on present and future of Google's Android S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contents Executive Summary The Android Tale Why Google Android Android: Breaking the 'Walled Gardens' What's so different in Android Advantages of Dalvik Virtual machines Android: A promising haven for app developers and OEMs? Market Predictions Final Comments About Dot Com Infoway Sources Interesting Android links Glossary Dot Com Infoway - Position Paper- www.dotcominfoway.com Executive Summary: This paper attempts to study the present conditions of Android OS and unveils the predicted future market possibilities for Android, based on results from several research firms, using current market statistics and popularity among developers and end-users. All the flimflams and excitement about the costlier iphones and Blackberrys are vanishing, after the arrival of the most anticipated, open source mobile operating system, the Google Android, which is fated to turn the industry upside down. Despite the growth and popularity for iPhones and Blackberrys, it is predicted that, Android will make a history in sales and on acquiring the market share, slicing down the markets of both Symbians and iPhones. This paper will elaborately examine the predictions about the future of Android phones, considering the present facts and reasons. The Android Tale:...
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...digital text rather than printed text is in the way it effects our critical thinking. The ways we use technologies develop habits of mind. Now days we seem to skim to quickly to find the information we need. While before we used to be able to read deep, intellectual books without any problem. While reading the text we multitask while on a screen. We are bombarded by colorful and exciting ads on every website makes it hard to concentrate.Our concentration starts to drift while reading books after two or three pages. “My mind isn’t going—so far as I can tell—but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy.” (Carr, “ Is google making us stupid?”, theatlantic.com, July/August 2008 Issue) Carr talks about how over the past couple of years for him like someone or something has been “tinkering” with his brain, remapping and reprogramming it. As if he isn't losing it but its changed. How he once would...
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...HRM 531 Week 5 Determining Who and Why Paper https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-5-determining-paper-2 HRM 531 Week 5 Determining Who and Why Paper Determining Who and Why When recruiting for a position Google uses several areas to for posting the job description. One is their company website; another is using social media sites like LinkedIn selections (Global Communications and Public Affairs Manager, Google.org – Mountain View, 2011). Google wants to put their job descriptions in places where professional, creative people will be looking. Google’s recruiting and selection method are important and quite a process as their many steps takes time from beginning to end. To make sure Google takes full advantage of many areas there are to find qualified candidates they can use a concept map, to develop the best approach from creating the job description all the way down to rating the employee’s performance. Recruitment and Selection Google has developed innovative recruiting and selection methods. Over the years, Google has grown from a small entity to a massive recruiting organization in the modern technology industry. Google attracts millions of candidates through the following methods. First, employment branding has given Google the ability to develop a culture of employee experiences offering desirability. Second, retention through Google has become a valid selection method. “Because Google can create such a unique experience for every employee...
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